Creation or Evolution.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kane_Red_Machine
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Why cant people accept that its likely a combination of the 2?


estray, you ever get the sense that fellow members feel like banging their heads against a wall?

Kane, I said the very same thing that Estray said, but with more eloquence and clarity. It appears that you missed it. Again.
estray, you ever get the sense that fellow members feel like banging their heads against a wall?

Kane, I said the very same thing that Estray said, but with more eloquence and clarity. It appears that you missed it. Again.

No strega... the title is creaton or evolution

all post along you told about creationism or evolution

And it's not the same. at all

BTW you never gave any attention of any arguement i posted...
just pointed your opinion.
Make sure you boys don't insult each other or offend anybody with your debate.

Remember....only nice talk is allowed in this forum.
Make sure you boys don't insult each other or offend anybody with your debate.

Remember....only nice talk is allowed in this forum.

I think that Strega wanted to amuse a little around by trying to harassing me…
but that is Ok…
Since the sense of humour is perceptible, and that mades just some: "LOLz"…
OK, I'll bite...

What is the difference between "creation" and "creationism", "creation science" and or "creation theory"?

I cant wait for this doosey.
Ok creationism is a part of an digression of the genisis book of moses.
creationist do believe than the world was realy made in 7 days of 24hours... but it was a metaphore used by moses to explain the steps of creation... it wasn't litteral.

tehory of creation is to accept the possibility of an iteligent intervention... God or other things...

For example Stephen Hawkin think than is not stupid at all to thing than a technolgycal advenced civilisation brang life on earth... why not...

At this moment Elovution is a scientifique tehory... learn at school..; but start be be controversed, because ther's some lack of eveidences...

So, for me, talking about creation is not a clue of stupidity... is just a point of view.

May be ther's a possibilty than evolution and creation share the root of the life on earth.

But noway creationism is a real philosophy, or even something i think possible.

you are all over the place.

Just answer me this... What is creation?

If you can answer that then we may be able to continue, but so far you are saying that creationism is god caused and creation theory is the aliens did it.

If you say that aliens did it, im done.
creation could be from God... could be... but not in 7 days of 24 hours...

even if it was a fact god... it took million of years.

People of the scientifique communauty, don't exclude the possibility of intervention of aliens, but their not a definitv conclusion.

these are just door they prefer to let open... and during the progress of science, evolution tehory is the official tehory of the root of life on earth.

i admit i'm a lil romantic, and i imagine several times A god making creation...
i've no proof of that... i think it's not impossible after all.
Between us two... is not interesting Strega..; ther's no motivation to argue...

making bla bla bla is onlt boring for everybody...

The subject in undergochange every century... IS a subject of confusion...
a good stimulation of different points of view... scientifique, of science-fixion, religious, phisolophy... but not only to dicuss together as it strated since yesterday...

i have to go in circles, never answer to any question clearly...

what you expect from a debate Strega?

something like a knock knock joke?

-"Knock knock
-who's there?
-Ok ciao!"
Sterga have u ever heard of the star child??? its a skull that researches found that looks like and they believe its half alien half human some believe that the aliens came down here and slept wit the cavewomen and they even have found cave painting to prove this theory
Yep, in all cuclture ther's a kind of legend like that.
Nephilyms, half-god in Egypt, heroes in Greece, Gjyn in Oriental country...

Some storys are very close to storys from alien... hold the word God and replace by Alien, and you have a modern legend.
this is the skull of the star child said to be a hybrid of a human and alien
this is the skull of the star child said to be a hybrid of a human and alien

DO you have a web site or somthing that studyed this skull?
all i seee is a normal skull witht he back a bit deformed "i think".

maybe a link to help explaine whats up with this skull as to mine?

thnx :-)