Creationism VS Evolution

well i grew up in a Christian home,I believe in God,and i do believe there is a heaven and a hell,i believe what the Bible teaches,one day our Saviour Jesus Christ will come back to judge his people and thier works,thats me though,what i believe in

I also respect what everybody else believes in as well,and i do not judge my friends who dont believe like i do

This :)
While its not a prerequisite if you have ever stepped in a battle field and you have made it back you know there is a God. Bullets do not have names on them, they all tend to be addressed "To whom it may concern."

I have seen the best and worst of society and men. I do know one thing though if not fpr God and my faith in him I would not have made it home or won my deepest battles of depression and consistent thoughts of suicide. There are no athiest in a fox hole and that I have experienced.

God is great and Jesus is Lord.

Now to that as stated we must also respect those who think differently.
I know people who work out hardcore are not usually into these types of debates (I never used to be), but I'd like to know what kind of people are on this board for the sake of pure curiosity.

Simple, SIMPLE question.

Do you believe that jesus walked on water, eve came from adam's rib, moses parted the sea and god made every living thing in it's exact perfect form without it ever changing through time, OR do you believe in evolution?

There is stronger evidence that the Jesus in the bible never existed than there is of his existence. You can use bayesian logic to argue that point.

I believe in god but not any one religion. Religion was created to control the masses. i was raised catholic btw. i believe in evolution but i also believe there is some form of a god that created life. If science is the be all and end all we should be able to trace back to a beginning. No scientist can, there are things that science cant prove. Any child will prove a scientist wrong. Simplified answers are the best, any scientific answer that is questioned with a follow up question of why or how does that reason exist will spell it out. why does life exist all the way down to why do atoms exist.... and the scientists cant answer that so they came up with their own version of a God "the big bang theory" even if that is true Who or what caused the bang? lol

This is the god of the gaps theory and I don't agree with it. Also, just because you have personally spent time talking to people who lack enough understanding of science to placate you doesn't mean sufficient information doesn't exist to sway your opinion. This is just a display of cognitive dissonance.
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