Creationism VS Evolution

Read this article. Seriously. From Atheist to Creationist: Several Have Made That Journey | Proslogion

I believe in God and always will. He has shown himself to me. Not physically...but through his work.

I remember a book I read by a former atheist (A Scientist, mind you) who turned to Christianity after realizing through his work that it was absolutely, 100% impossible for the universe to be THIS perfect without a creator.

You know, if the Earth was 3-5% closer to the sun the temperatures would be in the hundreds (if not thousands) and Earth would be uninhabitable.

If the earth's axis around the sun ever brought us just a little bit closer or a little bit further...we wouldn't exist. It's perfect.

If earth was 7-9% further away from the sun it would be a frozen solid mass.

The moon, Jupiter, Saturn...perfectly placed to protect Earth from collisions from rocks, asteroids, w/e you want to call them. Look at all the craters on the moon. Look at the gravitational pull of Saturn and Jupiter...they suck anything in that gets close. And all 3 have been hit uncountable times.

Why 70% water and 30% land instead of the other way around? That water is what keeps the earth cool. It keeps the temperatures dropping and rising on about 20-30 degrees. If it was 70% land and 30% water temperatures would fluctuate 100's of degrees a day.

I got the above ^^ from a book written by a former Atheist. Not only he but many, many scientists Christian and not agree that the universe can not be explained and the big bang theory is extremely far fetched. It can only be explained through opinions and theories that will NEVER be fact and never close to the truth. Most agree that the universe is TOO perfect to come from a supernova explosion millions of years ago.

Evolution can co-exist with creationism. Just because God created an animal doesn't mean he didn't give it the ability to change and adapt so that it may survive. He created our bodies and animals with the ability to change over time to become better or more suited so that we can survive.

I am a Christian and I believe in evolution. Evolution is a fact. Look at the finch bird. It can change over time to fit it's habitat. To survive it's environment. Look at dogs. Dogs up north in the cold have thicker coats than in hotter, more humid regions. Evolution is a fact. Animals beaks can get a little longer, hides a little thicker, etc.

But, not everyone is going to give the search for Christ a chance and most people will blow it off without every truly knowing him. Most people who say they are Christians are not Christians, truly anyway. They are just saying that to say they believe in God but they do not live it by example and do not truly serve him. Few people ever will. I fail in leading by example also. So, when you see those hypocrites who drink and smoke and cuss and all that other stuff and call themselves "Christians", please donkey punch them in the face.

I didn't come from a real Christian family at all, btw. Actually growing up...I didn't go to church at all...never read the Bible...none of the above. But I ended up going to a revival one day with a buddy of mine to some church camp..and ended up accepting Christ into my heart. Best feeling I have ever had. Almost like having your eyes opened. You can't explain a feeling inside like that. I have fell away and still to this day have never felt anything more fulfilling than living my life for Christ. Hopefully I can get back on the right path again one day!

Crazy how everyone has so many different beliefs in the world though. I guess that's what makes the world so unique. We all come from different backgrounds, countries, states, cultures, beliefs.

I blame all of the statements above on Golden Muscle for creating this thread!!!

Do not mean no offense at all. Just a little insight into my little head and what I believe in my own little world lol.
Hahahahhaa, The bible is based on creationism. If you believe in the bible, you can't believe in evolution. LOL! They don't go together. OMG...
"Why 70% water and 30% land instead of the other way around? That water is what keeps the earth cool. It keeps the temperatures dropping and rising on about 20-30 degrees. If it was 70% land and 30% water temperatures would fluctuate 100's of degrees a day."

OMG. Okay, if it were the other way around, maybe life wouldn't be as it is today on earth. Maybe it would't be here at all. Life is here because of the perfect conditions for life. HOWEVER, It wasn't made perfect for us. We're here simply because this environment allows life. DUH!!! LOL!!!
Hahahahhaa, The bible is based on creationism. If you believe in the bible, you can't believe in evolution. LOL! They don't go together. OMG...

Not true at all. You can believe in evolution and still be a Christian. Are you saying I have to deny that the finch birds differ due to them magically poofing there being different? No, not at all. Evolution is everywhere. The evolution YOU believe in is that you believe we all came from microorganism from the big bang millions of years ago. The evolution I believe in is that animals can evolve to adapt to their environment....such examples I used were the finch bird and the simple, loving dog. lol.

I believe God created the foundation for us. The perfect universe, world, etc. so that we may live.

We sure got lucky that big bang didn't knock earth's axis around the sun off by 2% or we would be screwed!!

Still waiting on that missing link!
"You know, if the Earth was 3-5% closer to the sun the temperatures would be in the hundreds (if not thousands) and Earth would be uninhabitable."

Again, moronic.

If the sun was too close, we wouldn't be alive. Nobody set the sun there for us. There are many planets with suns too far or too close, and there are many where it is the correct distance to support life. God didn't do this. It's random and life begins wherever life is possible. OMG... The article is fucking rediculous beyond belief. I think it's written by someone with downs syndrome to tell you the truth.
Yes, you can be a christian and believe in evolution, but then you're going against the bible. Wow. You are completely lost.
The article was written by a scientist. A guy who has his Ph. D. What do you have? He was a former atheist. He is now a Christian. But because he is a Christian you discredit everything he says and refuse to listen to reason.

Yes, think about it...hard I know...even hard for think about how PERFECT the universe it is and with physics is literally IMPOSSIBLE down to 99.999999999% impossible that through a big bang that the universe lined up PERFECTLY to the point that the earth is on a perfect axis around the sun and that there is more water than land and that we are in the perfect habitable zone...not too close...and not too far.

Those are just signs (according to the book I read from the former scientist)...that a creator, God, has his hand in it. Otherwise it would have never happened.

Think...a huge explosion...BOOM!...pretty colors...supernova *Champagne Supernova plays in background* flying at the speed of light...they are line up perfectly...form the perfect universe...we someone beat all odds and evolve from microorganisms. Ta-da.

Pretty neat how all that worked out for us. lol.
I have my honours bachelor of commerce in business marketing. 4 years of university. Doctorate/ph D. is 10 years. I'm no fool but thx for asking. :)

Believe it or not, there are scientists who think creationism is completely moronic.

I guess a big BOOM is stupid compared to a god who makes retards and diseases for a living.
Yes, you can be a christian and believe in evolution, but then you're going against the bible. Wow. You are completely lost.

LOL. How am I going against the Bible???? Have you even read it??!??!

Dude, you're not understanding that the Bible doesn't speak of evolution. We're on two different pages here.

I'm saying I believe that animals have the ability to evolve.

I'm NOT saying we came from microorganisms from a big bang...not that far back.

The Bible says nothing about evolution. Evolution is a fact. Humans have gotten taller over the course of thousands of years. Birds have changed. Beaks have gotten longer to suit their habitat. Things of that nature. Bible doesn't say anything about evolution...that I know of anyway.
Georgia, what would you say if I asked to stop discussing this with you? Would you be okay with that?

You're honestly driving me nuts.
I have my honours bachelor of commerce in business marketing. 4 years of university. Doctorate/ph D. is 10 years. I'm no fool but thx for asking. :)

Believe it or not, there are scientists who think creationism is completely moronic.

I guess a big BOOM is stupid compared to a god who makes retards for a living.

Not hard to believe at all. No different than my beliefs from yours. It all comes down to exposure and opinion. I have been exposed to Christianity and have formed my opinion on it and stuck with it. You have been exposed to what you have been and have your beliefs on it and stick with them. Same with scientists.

Same with everybody basically lol. It's extremely hard to change the human mind. It is built to have habits and retain information. Once it has something it will usually never let that go.