Critique the NuGuy


New member
Critique the NuGuy UPDATED

24yr old, 195, approx. 8-10%. Just finished 12 week bulk at 4000 + cal/day, Next 6-8 weeks will be 3500cal, dropping carbs from 600-400/day, training for 5 years. All criticism is constructive to me.
(btw, I would like to do my 1st comp. in the next 2 years, any suggestions for preparation. thanks)
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looks great! good calves, quads and abs! maybe a back shot too? from the front it appears that you might need to widen it out more, but i'd have to see it to be sure...great job!
Thanks for the comps... I'd def. agree, my bi's have always lagged, genetically I do not have enough peak, and having a extremely small bone structure doesnt help with the width of my arms... oh yea rest of my stats.

Height: 5' 10"
Chest: 45.25
Arms: 16.5
Neck: 17
Waist: 33
Legs: 25
Calves: 15.25

Here are a few more, from BEFORE the bulk, not sure about before measurements unfortunently, sorry no before calves, they don't even deserve to be in here :laugh3:
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1BdMfkr said:
Thanks for the comps... I'd def. agree, my bi's have always lagged, genetically I do not have enough peak, and having a extremely small bone structure doesnt help with the width of my arms... oh yea rest of my stats.

Height: 5' 10"
Chest: 45.25
Arms: 16.5
Neck: 17
Waist: 33
Legs: 25
Calves: 15.25

Here are a few more, from BEFORE the bulk, not sure about before measurements unfortunently, sorry no before calves, they don't even deserve to be in here :laugh3:

Bro, I would say your bulk was a success. What was your weight before the bulk? I'd say either your holding some water or you're about 9-10% BF. More likely water though. Definitley added mass to your overall physique. The wheels benefitted alot. Only thing left to do is bring out the abs...
Legs and back need thickness, chest is rather high genetically just try and fill it in more arms look good .

Try using compound movements .
you bulked up real good bro. Your legs gained lots. What did yuo routine look like durring the bulk. Did yuo use any gear>?
Thanks for the compliments and replys.. Everything you guys said, I have thought already, lets me know I'm on track with what is to come.

Biggerthanlavar: yea I'm def. holding some waterweight, probably 5 lbs or so. I am steady at 194 - 196. I began at 178 natural weight. I ate ALOT of cals and food, very few supps, except for during and after workout, ABB carbo force during and ABB mass recovery directly after, other than that all solid foods, It is very hard to get over 4000 cal from just food, but deff. doable. I am going to cut for 6-8 weeks now (dietwise) and see if i can't hold everything but the water and fat, so wish me luck, I'll post pics in a couple months or so. Gonna cut cals to 3500 and up Protein, drop carbs etc, what works for ME, I have played around with a lot of different combos, so i have a pretty good idea where i stand.

Vander: I agree, Any suggestions on how to thicken my legs back etc.. My leg routines are pretty intense and my Sleep and Diet are in check too.. I think alot of it is genetics, maybe not.. anyone's suggestions will help.

Mister69: (my hands hurt from typing so this will be short) My Leg routine in particular was split into two days, Mon: Quads calves... Quads 12-14 sets, Something like this, then again switch it every 3 weeks... 4 Sets Squats/Hack Squats, 4 Sets Leg Press/low footing to emphasize quads, 4 sets of Lunges, 2-4 sets Extentions/heavy weight and failure on everyset... Thurs: Hams/calves, 4 Sets Deads, 4 Sets Leg Press/High footing, 4 Sets Good Mornings, 2-4 Sets Leg Curls... Calves=10-12 Sets can not walk for 10 mins after, have to sit down(sums is up) seated, standing, donkey

My suggestions is keep changing your routine frequently and Eat,Train,Sleep like you know you should and You will def gain. I was not blessed with great genetics and it works for me.

This is getting ridiculously long sorry, Thanks to all for comps and suggestions
keep em coming
1BdMfkr said:
Thanks for the compliments and replys.. Everything you guys said, I have thought already, lets me know I'm on track with what is to come.

Biggerthanlavar: yea I'm def. holding some waterweight, probably 5 lbs or so. I am steady at 194 - 196. I began at 178 natural weight. I ate ALOT of cals and food, very few supps, except for during and after workout, ABB carbo force during and ABB mass recovery directly after, other than that all solid foods, It is very hard to get over 4000 cal from just food, but deff. doable. I am going to cut for 6-8 weeks now (dietwise) and see if i can't hold everything but the water and fat, so wish me luck, I'll post pics in a couple months or so. Gonna cut cals to 3500 and up Protein, drop carbs etc, what works for ME, I have played around with a lot of different combos, so i have a pretty good idea where i stand.

Vander: I agree, Any suggestions on how to thicken my legs back etc.. My leg routines are pretty intense and my Sleep and Diet are in check too.. I think alot of it is genetics, maybe not.. anyone's suggestions will help.

Mister69: (my hands hurt from typing so this will be short) My Leg routine in particular was split into two days, Mon: Quads calves... Quads 12-14 sets, Something like this, then again switch it every 3 weeks... 4 Sets Squats/Hack Squats, 4 Sets Leg Press/low footing to emphasize quads, 4 sets of Lunges, 2-4 sets Extentions/heavy weight and failure on everyset... Thurs: Hams/calves, 4 Sets Deads, 4 Sets Leg Press/High footing, 4 Sets Good Mornings, 2-4 Sets Leg Curls... Calves=10-12 Sets can not walk for 10 mins after, have to sit down(sums is up) seated, standing, donkey

My suggestions is keep changing your routine frequently and Eat,Train,Sleep like you know you should and You will def gain. I was not blessed with great genetics and it works for me.

This is getting ridiculously long sorry, Thanks to all for comps and suggestions
keep em coming

Legs routine looks good just be consistent.

As for back stick with Deads or partial Deads , seated rows heavy and Chins with added weight.
thanks for the advice vander, I am working on filling out my back and adding thickness, From what i understand these lifts that you just suggested work great, I have added them in my routine for the past week or two and have been extremely sore the next few days, thanks again

oh yea, legs yesterday because my routine got screwed up last week and squated 405 8 times with a spot, felt strong and that is a new high, so strength is def. improving all around
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hey bud...just a quick question...
I'm doing test E (800mg/week)...Deca 500mg...and I've been training hard...gained maybe...10 lbs in 8 weeks....
I guess my question was your diet...I'm eating as much as I can....have good training routine...but for some hard to pack on mass......any suggestions....what did it for you?
drummer: gimme some stats, age, before after weight height etc.. its hard to say with your reply. This is only my opinion, 800 mg of test is probably more than you need, as well as 500 mg of deca, i would suggest 500 mg of test and 300 mg of deca for 8-12 weeks and pcts. Even more important than your dosages on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is your diet.. You claim you are eating as much as you can, obviously not if you only gained 10 lbs in 8 weeks of almost a gram of test, either you are not eating enough times during the day , say 5-8 times a day is ideal, OR you do not Eat the right foods, or enough carbs. All of these comments are based off of me knowing nothing about you, You see my stat and my before and after, gimme some info about you and Ill try and help. remember everyone is different, what worked for me, may do nothing for you.
5'11' ...205 lbs...I'm 32.
Well, I eat 6 times a day, which includes 3 meal replacements (50 grams of protein and 120 grams of carbs) for food....I eat lot of potatoes, chicken, tuna, beef.
Any suggestions for diet ?
Yea don't rely on meal replacements for your calories. Eat a meal replacement with your meals to gain weight, Not sure what your body fat is.. I don't want to give you bad advice so if you had a picture that would help to see what kind of bone structure, metabolism, etc.. 5' 11" 205 isnt small, a few lbs heavier than me but I'm two inches shorter. I'm guessing you have a few weeks at most left on your cycle so take advantage of this and try getting more calories each day. Also you didn't mention if you get much if any unsat. fat, that is a vital part of your diet, also eat fruits and vegies to balance out all the meat and everything else your body is trying to process. So many things, this post would be way to long... Hope this helped a little, good luck. Keep me posted on how the end of your cycle goes. btw 10lbs lean is damn good if you can hold it. I'm 3 weeks out and kept everything but 2 lbs of water.
I'm going for 12 week cycle, so I still have another 4 weeks.
Just one thing...a friend of mine told me...when bulking it's good to include lot of beef in diet.
So, I made myself..extra lean burgers with oat meal....and I have 4-5 a day....for past 3-4 days.
I don't know if this is the reason...but I feel like my body is reacting to it.
Did you include beef in your diet ?
drummer, use a photo editor and crop your photo down a little, thats how i got mine on here, Yes i ate beef but didn't over do it. Remember to try and eat clean and healthy even though your trying to bulk. Alot of people on this board may disagree and say eat anything you want, but personally I do not like to gain 20 lbs of fat/water. I probably would not eat it 4-5 times a day, maybe throw in some chicken or turkey to save your chorlestoral a bit. Other than that, if it works then it's only 4 more weeks, so have at it and try to get optimum growth.