Critique the NuGuy

lemme get out my microscope to see your pic, looks like u are pretty lean, now bulk up, take advantage of this time your on and eat more calories. Trust me, if you eat more than you burn, you have to grow. It's that simple.
I know'''it's simple.....but I'm eating a lot..and there si only little room for improvment and adding more calories...
any suggestions food wise, any specific type of food..that's good mass builder?
It's hard to suggest foods, without seeing what you eat in a typical day. but here are a few big calorie foods I like to eat, (peanutbutter, Milk, pasta, potatoes, macaroni, flax oil) those are just a few I use to bulk. Show me a day of your diet and maybe some of use can make some suggestions.
updated pics

recent pics 6 weeks off. havent lost anything, actually strength has gone up and I've gained back the 4 lbs of water I lost when coming off... my BF is still a little higher than it normally is but I am still trying to bulk.. when I reach 210 I will lean up again. any comments?
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I was diagnosed with possible scoliosis when I was in like 6th grade but the degree of my spine was not bad enough so they never tried to correct it... so YEP, not noticable in person but in photos it shows a little. Is that seriously all you wanted to ask? how does that help critique my symmetry deffinition etc.. just curious?
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1BdMfkr said:
I was diagnosed with possible scoliosis when I was in like 6th grade but the degree of my spine was not bad enough so they never tried to correct it... so YEP, not noticable in person but in photos it shows a little. Is that seriously all you wanted to ask? how does that help critique my symmetry deffinition etc.. just curious?

actually yes that is all i wanted to ask, that is why i only asked that one question.

did not mean to offend you though. my mother is a chiroprator that is why i noticed it right away and it is very noticeable in the pics.

here is my critique:

to me, you look good. obviously if you want to compete you need to add more mass, but you know that. arms need work and so does your back. overall you look nice. i wish i looked as good as you do.
Ross: wasn't mad or upset, just a weird question out of the blue thats all. Appreciate the critique, that's what I was originally looking for. Yes I agree I am a little unproportionate still, like you and others have said back is lagging in thickness, biceps need more size etc.. Gives me a goal to shoot for, thanks.
Workout stats: (i dont do 1 rep max, can't afford an injury and it's really not important to me) Deadlifts 365 for 10 w/wristwraps), Squats 415 for 10 parrallel and 335 for 10 last week past parrellel, Bench Tuesday workout did 275 10 times and 295 for 2 sets of 8. Don't know if that's what you were asking for but there you go.. I'm around 195lbs for the time being.. Shooting for 200 by end of August and 210 by end of the year.
1bd, here's my opinion.......

You have a great looking, fit and healthy looking physique with some good muscle and fairly lean. If you decide to go the competitive bb route you will really need to focus on overall mass. Strong point that I see is your quads. They could become pretty freaky if taken to the extreme....Just my 2p worth

Be proud of your bod and keep going

Lazz :)
IMHO I think you look great, Cant see any major flaws other than the biceps are laggin behind the other parts of your body. But that has already been stated. Nice back and impressive chest. Overall fitness and it looks good. Keep it up bro :)
Looking good man! Im currently 17.3% BF 5'8 202. Im running a clean diet 3k calories and cutting fat. Ive dropped from 26% BF 214 lbs to current and gone from 36 to 32 waist. I still have about 10% to lose but results are nice. Im running 400mg/week denkall test, 300mg/week masteron, 150mg/week test prop, 50mg/day winstrol, 300mg/week EQ. I may throw in 4 weeks of anadrol 50mg/day for the last 4 weeks just for fun. :) Im running 1.5mg letro/fina and 20mg nolva for bloat and gyno control. This pic is about a month old when i was around 20% BF.
lazz: thanks for the comments, any workout routines that focus on improving overall mass besides deadlifts, squats, etc..? thanks

LH: Yea, biceps suck, always have lagged, need implants :)

Gandalf: don't really know what to say, nice cycle, looks like your getting good results, not sure why your running a bulk cycle, yet have cutting agents in your cycle as well. And you have a cutting diet.. are you cutting or are you bulking? T4 and drol, w/ Winstrol (winny) and prop? Should have posted your goals and some of us on here could have helped plan a better cycle.. let us know how the results come out.. good luck
Hi mate,

Hope this helps.......

Hit the basics hard and heavy, don't spend longer than 1 hour in the gym, keep any c.v. work to the minimum you can get away with, hit each body part only once a week(recovery is key!), eat as many nutritious cals as you can without getting too fat, get plenty of sleep.

Sorry haven't got more time to be specific right now but p.m. me if you need to.

Cheers. Lazzman :)
Thanks lazz.. yea I do all of the above, thanks for the advice. I'll post progress pics in a couple months or so.
1BdMfkr said:
24yr old, 195, approx. 8-10%. Just finished 12 week bulk at 4000 + cal/day, Next 6-8 weeks will be 3500cal, dropping carbs from 600-400/day, training for 5 years. All criticism is constructive to me.
(btw, I would like to do my 1st comp. in the next 2 years, any suggestions for preparation. thanks)

I would guess a mix between ecto and meso, like 90 ecto and 10 meso haha.. it is extremely hard for me to gain and very easy for me to lean up.. I eat 4000-5000cal/day and still stay at around 10%.. has its pro's and con's i guess. yea my tri's overshadow my bi's.. Not good for symmetry, but they will even out with time.