Critique the NuGuy

bronx, if you check out my before pics we are pretty similar except the fact that your 4 inches taller which is a disadvantage if your trying to look thicker (IMO).. those were shot 2-3 years ago, so around your age. Seems to me like you need to get your diet in check more and eat more calories and make sure they are good calories. Take is slow and up them 500/week and you will get there.. Just takes time, I am still far from my goal but I realize it is not just around the corner, there are years of training and eating ahead, goodluck
Updated, Taken during the beginning of this month. Progress is slow but steady. Actually dropped weight, but my diet has cleaned up a bit.
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1BdMfkr said:
Updated, Taken during the beginning of this month. Progress is slow but steady. Actually dropped weight, but my diet has cleaned up a bit.

REALLY GOOD IMPROVEMENT :D You Look Great :D Putting on a little bit of mass and then shredding down and you will be able to compete ! :D GOOD WORK.
1BdMfkr said:
Updated, Taken during the beginning of this month. Progress is slow but steady. Actually dropped weight, but my diet has cleaned up a bit.
Look bigger there than the 6 week post cycle pics if you loosing weight must be fat cos you look fuller.Awsome effort bro..These latest pics how long have you been off? or Are you back on?If you are still off how are you feeling libido etc etc?
Looking good congrats. I can see progress from you first pics. You've got very good pecs, tris and delts. Back may be lacking some width and thickness.
I've noticed your deadlift numbers are small compared to your bench and squat. Maybe that's why your back isn't growing that much.
1BdMfr said:
Workout stats: (i dont do 1 rep max, can't afford an injury and it's really not important to me) Deadlifts 365 for 10 w/wristwraps), Squats 415 for 10 parrallel and 335 for 10 last week past parrellel, Bench Tuesday workout did 275 10 times and 295 for 2 sets of 8.
Keep it up bro!