Curious about the effect of Anavar on Test levels


I've been reading about Anavar, and in general understanding it's use and effects is straight forward. What I haven't seen specifically documented in an article is Anavar's effects on test levels. I know it's mildly suppressive, but if you are taking Test, even a TRT dose will it raise test levels at all on a blood test? Would it effect anything other levels on a blood test if you were monitoring TRT dose and effectiveness?
anavar will not raise test levels..

it can effect liver readings.. because its mildly hepatoxic
anavar will not raise test levels..

it can effect liver readings.. because its mildly hepatoxic

Thanks. that's great to know that I could mix it in, and not have it skew any of my results, so I know what I'm looking at is only being effected by the TRT dose.
Bump for this.

Looking to run Var but have a Trt checkup in 2 months, would it show up if i dropped it a week beforehand?

Just tel your doc you havent been eating great lately and you have been having some drinks recently. These could both contribute too high cholesterol and liver values
Or take NAC 1200mg day and have beautiful liver enzymes on your test like I did recently. Mine were well under higher limits. And I've had elevated enzymes before on labs
Agreed. I doubt Var would increase your liver enzymes by anything really significant anyway, but if you wanted to be safe just run NAC. You should really run NAC any time you run orals anyway though. Fish oil is awesome for lipids too.
What if it wasnt real var and ended up being tbol or win mixed with dbol??? Would dropping it a week before be enough time?
What if it wasnt real var and ended up being tbol or win mixed with dbol??? Would dropping it a week before be enough time?

In such a case, Estradiol would be elevated. You could always say you missed a dose or two of your AI to try and explain it. Although you should be able to figure pretty quickly the difference between dbol and var. If you start gaining water instead of leaning out/hardening up... you know what's going on lol. But yes, the safest option would be to drop it a week or so beforehand.

Interesting point there, think I may be better off trying Ostraine or S4, bit cautious on S4 due to vision sides tho

S4's pretty great, I ran it at high dose with no vision sides whatsoever... not everyone gets em.
In such a case, Estradiol would be elevated. You could always say you missed a dose or two of your AI to try and explain it. Although you should be able to figure pretty quickly the difference between dbol and var. If you start gaining water instead of leaning out/hardening up... you know what's going on lol. But yes, the safest option would be to drop it a week or so beforehand.

S4's pretty great, I ran it at high dose with no vision sides whatsoever... not everyone gets em.

How long did you run it for? noticeable changes?

Only thing that puts me off is lack of long term research on them