CybrSage's TB500 Log for Shin Splints and Tennis Elbow

I am slowly working up the distance / time at 7mph. I am now at around a half mile at that speed without any problems (other than being out of shape, running wise). The elbow definitely feels better than it has for some time now.
I noticed I only had one dose left, so I went ahead and injected it today. I will give it a week or so and then report back to you all.
I noticed I only had one dose left, so I went ahead and injected it today. I will give it a week or so and then report back to you all.

Sounds like you are doing a lot better. Were you not able to take advantage of the RUI sale or did you only plan to run it this long?
So I decided to keep my TB500 injections on a different day than my Test-Cyp injections, so I am doing them on Tuesday and Saturday (1mg each day). I reconstituted the bottles with 1ml of bac water, so that makes it a nice, small 0.5ml each injection. Easy to see and do with a slin.

No changes so far, but I expected none yet...I only finished my first bottle and a full week is not yet over.
Hi there. Just wondering , what do you mean by 'skin'?
It has been a week since I finished. Things are progressively getting better still. My elbow hurt some doing dead lifts, but as soon as I stopped it stopped hurting, which is a huge improvement.
In about an hour I go to the gym to work on legs. Yesterday was leg day but I suddenly had a group of friends all decide they wanted to stop by my house and chat, have fun, etc. at the last minute. That took priority, since I knew I could shift my workout to today (which was a rest day). This post is to remind myself I have to post how I feel afterwards. Legs have bothered me due to the shin splints, so I am hopeful.

As a note, I worked out my upper body all week so far - and was pretty rough on myself with it (worked out until failure). My elbow does not hurt at all! NOT IN THE LEAST! I am pleased about that, it has given me problems for many, many months. Well, one small correction - it was sore for about an hour or so after working out, then nothing. That is essentially no pain. :)
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Final Verdict

OK, I was delayed a little in doing the leg workout today, but I am now done, post workout meal eaten, and showered. My elbow is just a little sore from the squats - moving the weights around and all that jazz...but nothing that is anything more than a slight bother and I only notice it if I ask myself if my elbow is bothering me - so a win there.

My shin splints did not return, nothing. Every now and again I feel a slight weirdness in my leg which I know is left over from the massive pain I was in, but as of right now the only thing I feel in my legs is an intense soreness and tiredness from my workout. No pain at all.

I am a happy camper, I believe the synergistic effect of taking testosterone (as part of my TRT) and TB500 really reduced the healing time quite a bit. If I find myself in such a situation again, I will not hesitate to use TB500 to aid in healing.
The results are all so subjective & further confused by the question of what healing was natural & what was from therapy, but nonetheless, as a sufferer of a bad tennis elbow, this is a promising recommendation for TB-500.
Agreed, that is the problem with such things; did it really help, was it psychosomatic (which I also classify as really helped), was it simply natural healing and it did nothing? We can never know, but I can say my elbow feels far better now than it has over these many months from when it was injured - I can work out with only a slight amount of pain instead of massive pain.
I kept finding myself thinking is it just the physical therapy or is this stuff really working. My final verdict was it was working. Upon taking it my capabilities as far as my PT increased dramatically. I could not do an effective PT session up to that point and the effects Im sure was a synergistic one. I think the TB500 benefits are both direct and indirect. I think it directly reduces inflammation thus pain as well as accelerates the healing process. The indirect are the benefits it affords you in the way of increased capabilities to do any type of exercise or PT which ten again accelerates the healing process. Ultimately for me the outcome was a no brainer. I avoided surgery- a total win in my opinion.
Glad you experience with TB went well.
Total win for both of you, and that makes me happy. Injuries suck. Mine inhibits me from working which inhibits me from providing for my familiy. I'm very excited to try this peptide when the funds allow...
I ran 1.75 miles at a 5.5mph pace and only felt sore - which is a great change from feeling horrifying pain in my leg. Also, my elbow keeps improving. I think the TB500 accelerated the healing process in both my leg and my elbow, allowing my body to repair itself at a much higher efficiency. From what I read in Captain America's TB500 log, it appears taking testosterone has a synergistic affect on TB500, allowing it to work better. Not sure, but I am on TRT so that could be the case.

I am happy I used TB500 and I would not hesitate to use it again. I think this is a good time to close out my log, as any further improvements are all part of the natural healing process.
From experience I found that TB500 on its on didn't produce much benefit but when I combined it with BPC 157 I had great results. I have used the TB 500 and BPC 157 several times for various injuries I've sustained and I can honestly attest to it speeding up recovery significantly so much so My ortho on both injuries said he's never seen muscular injuries heal that fast. Just FYI