Cyctahoh 250. The oil of death.


New member
I really hope its not just me. Shots of this sustanon is just killer for me. I seriously cant sit down on my ass cheek the next day after a shot. Anyone else get this with this brand of Test or could I just be overly reactive to this company?:confused:
I am immune from pain from gear for some reason.
I do anything onsite's no pain sus 250 oman, t-400, prop.

I do remember a time when I felt pain long ago.
yeah that pain in the ass (no pun intended HAAHAH) is normal for alot of guys with the 250.myself included,cut it with something else to dull the pain a bit (ie,EQ,deca,tren etc).

force said:
yeah that pain in the ass (no pun intended HAAHAH) is normal for alot of guys with the 250.myself included,cut it with something else to dull the pain a bit (ie,EQ,deca,tren etc).

Mixing with Eq is a good idea. Just make sure you when u drive that u bring a cushion cause you'll need it.
I hope you didn't get those from Canada, there are always shitty cyctahos floating around here, I won't even look at them anymore.
Deadlift said:
I hope you didn't get those from Canada, there are always shitty cyctahos floating around here, I won't even look at them anymore.

didnt know that?? i had some that i frontloaded my last bulker with and they were KILLER! mind you, i have friends in high places... ;)
doggy said:
didnt know that?? i had some that i frontloaded my last bulker with and they were KILLER! mind you, i have friends in high places... ;)

Noth that good ones aren't out there, there's just a lot of fakes. I got my fakes from a good bro who just didn't know.
same problem i had with karachis,but mixing eq helped alot,its weird with omnadren i have no pain at all and its the same.
All sustanons either niles, portugese, belgian, karachis ot turkish hurts like a bitch:)..i prefer enanthate or cyp way better..
