D-bol...nice little historical footnote


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The Anabolic Age — Breakfast of Champions

In 1955, John Ziegler, the physician for the US weightlifting team, developed a modified synthetic Testosterone molecule with enhanced tissue building properties. This was the first manmade anabolic steroid. Its chemical name was methandrostenolone; its trade name was Dianabol. Most know it these days as D-bol.

Developed by Ciba Pharmaceuticals, Dianabol soon became widely available and indispensable to weightlifters, football players, and track and field athletes. It spurred protein synthesis and helped muscles to regenerate quickly from the stress of training. And for sprint and power athletes, the drug excited the muscle motor neurons, resulting in more powerful muscle contractions, which is the foundation for higher speed and improved reaction times.

By the early 1960s, according to one NFL player, coaches would place salad bowls full of the tablets on the training tables. Players would scoop out pills by the handful and sprinkle them on their cereal. They called it "the breakfast of champions."
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I think that the US gov. commissioned our scientists to find something to beat the Russians (who were giving their athletes test suspension), and this was basically in response to that. Just some more trivia, lol.
Josey Wales said:
The Anabolic Age — Breakfast of Champions

In 1955, John Ziegler, the physician for the US weightlifting team, developed a modified synthetic Testosterone molecule with enhanced tissue building properties. This was the first manmade anabolic steroid. Its chemical name was methandrostenolone; its trade name was Dianabol. Most know it these days as D-bol.

Developed by Ciba Pharmaceuticals, Dianabol soon became widely available and indispensable to weightlifters, football players, and track and field athletes. It spurred protein synthesis and helped muscles to regenerate quickly from the stress of training. And for sprint and power athletes, the drug excited the muscle motor neurons, resulting in more powerful muscle contractions, which is the foundation for higher speed and improved reaction times.

By the early 1960s, according to one NFL player, coaches would place salad bowls full of the tablets on the training tables. Players would scoop out pills by the handful and sprinkle them on their cereal. They called it "the breakfast of champions."

Good post, but its bullshit about the bowls of ciba for breckfast. Ciba d-bol has never been duplicated, today's d-bol fail to compare. It was not uncommon for a bro to put on 25 to 30 pounds in six to eight weeks at only 20 to 25mgs og ciba a day without any other drug.
Re: Re: D-bol...nice little historical footnote

liftsiron said:
Good post, but its bullshit about the bowls of ciba for breckfast. Ciba d-bol has never been duplicated, today's d-bol fail to compare. It was not uncommon for a bro to put on 25 to 30 pounds in six to eight weeks at only 20 to 25mgs og ciba a day without any other drug.

Wait a minute bro, the article is not talking about today, it's about the 60 & 70's. Ciba D-bol was available in the 60's, 70's, and part of the 80's. I too agree that there was nothing like those little blue Ciba D-bol pills. I had some of the last batches that were produced and used them in 1985. In fact, my first cycle was CIBA DIANABOL alone!:D
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nuh_mizer said:
Irony side note (not related) The US government is also responsible for PCP. :rolleyes:
They are responsible for LSD too. Sandoz made pharmacutical LSD under the brand name Delysid. The CIA conducted experiments to see if it could be used as a military weapon.
chauncy55 said:
They are responsible for LSD too. Sandoz made pharmacutical LSD under the brand name Delysid. The CIA conducted experiments to see if it could be used as a military weapon.

That figures. They were developing PCP for use in the army to try and make a better soldier.
Re: Re: Re: D-bol...nice little historical footnote

Josey Wales said:
Wait a minute bro, the article is not talking about today, it's about the 60 & 70's. Ciba D-bol was available in the 60's, 70's, and part of the 80's. I too agree that there was nothing like those little blue Ciba D-bol pills. I had some of the last batches that were produced and used them in 1985. In fact, my first cycle was CIBA DIANABOL alone!:D

I know that it was referring to the early days of d-bol use. I've heard the rumor about guys eating d-bol by the handfulls, it never happened, ciba was so strong that no one needed to eat a handful.
In fact Larry Scott and others held a conference to determine if 10mgs of d-bol was safe to use.

I didn't mean to imply that the entire article was bullshit, or that in any way that you were a bullshitter. Just that one little line about bros eating d-bol on there oatmeal or captain crunch in the morning.

BTW I think that your a good guy with alot of good contributations to the board.
Here's something I left out

In 1956 a doctor named John Ziegler attended the World Games in Moscow and discovered that Russian athletes were using testosterone. Impressed by their success, he was determined to give American athletes the same advantage. His concerns over the many side effects of testosterone were alleviated when CIBA pharmaceuticals developed Dianabol, a synthetic drug closely related in its molecular structure to testosterone. Taken in pill form, Dianabol did produce rapid muscle gain in athletes and had fewer side effects than testosterone. Another advantage over testosterone was that it did not have to be injected. Word spread quickly among the athletic community, and soon Dianabol was nicknamed the "Breakfast of Champions."

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Re: Here's something I left out

Josey Wales said:
In 1956 a doctor named John Ziegler attended the World Games in Moscow and discovered that Russian athletes were using testosterone. Impressed by their success, he was determined to give American athletes the same advantage. His concerns over the many side effects of testosterone were alleviated when CIBA pharmaceuticals developed Dianabol, a synthetic drug closely related in its molecular structure to testosterone. Taken in pill form, Dianabol did produce rapid muscle gain in athletes and had fewer side effects than testosterone. Another advantage over testosterone was that it did not have to be injected. Word spread quickly among the athletic community, and soon Dianabol was nicknamed the "Breakfast of Champions."


I remember the t-shirts that had a box of cereal that looked like a wheaties box on the box it said dianabol and below it, it said breakfast of champions.
Re: Re: Here's something I left out

liftsiron said:
I remember the t-shirts that had a box of cereal that looked like a wheaties box on the box it said dianabol and below it, it said breakfast of champions.

For real! That's something I didn't know. You must be a little older than me bro. Thanks for the D-bol trivia tid-bit!
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