dbol + ? what and when ? beginner


New member
Hi guys . Im on 10th day o d bol from alphabol dose around 30 -40mgs splited every 3h . I like it much so far and id like to extend the cycle . What wud be best to throw in there and when ? Its my first cycle.
Just drop the dbol and add some test or pick a different hobby.

We get these posts all the time here. Read the stickies and/or abort the cycle until you know what your doing!

That's my take anyway
if you're not running test, you're basically castrating yourself.

this oral only cycle answered almost daily in here. do some reading , you're flushing your balls don't the toilet lad
Welcome to ology.

Read this thread and all its links:

Oral only cycles are for those with a vagina. You shut down you HPTA with dbol which means you have no testosterone being produced and your going to be in a world of hurt. You aren't taking an AI so your e2 is going to skyrocket and along with that comes a whole lot if sides read that thread.

Educate before you medicate!
Ya ya i know i wont keep my gains and bla bla bla. Sorry but i have different approach I believe that everyone should try compounds on himself and see what they gonna do for him. I onlu asked for advice with this as i can find any information on dropping another compoubd ib the middle od dbol. I know i could do test and dbol togheter straight away. I cant find info will this make a difference if i start it now in the middle. I dont need ur criticism. I rather to get an answer from rich piana but ubfortunently i doubt he would give it to me =) thats why i went here. So anyone else could give me an answer on above ?
I havr an ai buy i alwas adviced to dont use it with these dose of dbol as it wud do more hurt to my lipids than its worth it. Thabks for the link.
Just tell me simply. Can i drop test e now on the 10th of dbol and shud i use arimidex that i have and what dose should i use and please explain me why. Thanks very much.
Lol im arrogant, imma do what i want , i dont care about ur thoughts, opinions or concerns but answer my question now... Id ask this guy but thats unlikly, so lucky for u (yes thats right im giving u the privilage to answer my questions and do all the work for me) your answer will have to be good enough for me... So chop chop, should i add test or add what?
Well i m arogant on same level as the first replies i got in here. No.help whatsover . There is.no topic.on adding a test in the middle.of dbol nowhere. Believe me i.done my resarch a lot of reasearch. Thats why i dont do pyramid and i do it every 3h for example. But was thinkibh of tempering dose for weeks 4-6 . Anyway.i hope someone could answer.me without criticising. Criticise is simple.
Well i m arogant on same level as the first replies i got in here. No.help whatsover . There is.no topic.on adding a test in the middle.of dbol nowhere. Believe me i.done my resarch a lot of reasearch. Thats why i dont do pyramid and i do it every 3h for example. But was thinkibh of tempering dose for weeks 4-6 . Anyway.i hope someone could answer.me without criticising. Criticise is simple.

If you've done lots of resarch AND reasearch, and that's the best you can come up with... Just give up buddy ;)
The reason u dont hear of people adding test in the middle of dbol is cause people who do dbol alone are recommended to stop aas till they know more cause it shows ur not educated enough... Tell yea what, hypothedically, lets say u coupd add test in the middle of ur dbol cycle... Lay out a full plan with ur full stats and ill tell u if I r allowed to safely do it... So ur age, weight, hieght, bodyfat and wht u think u should run from weeks x to weeks y, include everything not iust to aas themselves, including what to take with and after it... Show me u aftually did ur homework and i will help u
If you want to try the compounds "on their own" run it with 150 mg of test weekly. What you're doing is shutting yourself down and seeing how dbol works on a hypogonadal person. Fucked up science experiment if you ask me. Just run test along with the dbol. You should be using your AI. If you don't need it I would like to see how low your estraidol levels are without it because test and dbol aromatize a lot, post bloods. Run the ai and hcg throughout.
I will do bloods 2 days time. Tell me what kind of test i have to ask for im not english native. I will start test e today so with 250mg e3d.i have an arimidex how much u suggest i take ? Thanks
Adex at .25 every other day is a good start. Change dose based on blood work. If the lab offers the hormone panel for females use that. If not a male hormone panel is good.
Thanks very much i apprecaite help. Arimidex to be taken anytime day ? Meal ? Without ? I pre i will do my bloodwo4k 48h from now on and will post it here. I presume it s not good idea with dbol so in the middle of dboling ? After 1.5h after dbol ?
Take adex at any time. It has a long half life. If you are starting the test e just wait 4 weeks and then get bloods done to see where you stand. Dbol and adex do not interact so you can take adex whatever time of day.
What are you looking for in the bloods? Don't get them done yet. Start the test E and adex. Do that for four weeks and then get bloods done. Do you speak Spanish?