dbol + ? what and when ? beginner

Ya ya i know i wont keep my gains and bla bla bla. Sorry but i have different approach I believe that everyone should try compounds on himself and see what they gonna do for him. I onlu asked for advice with this as i can find any information on dropping another compoubd ib the middle od dbol. I know i could do test and dbol togheter straight away. I cant find info will this make a difference if i start it now in the middle. I dont need ur criticism. I rather to get an answer from rich piana but ubfortunently i doubt he would give it to me =) thats why i went here. So anyone else could give me an answer on above ?

I read this first sentence and thought to myself this is a result of Rich Piana's exact advise to a T on a video, if I'm not mistaken with him sitting on the left of Ric Drassin... Except you went against his advise and came to us (the guys who apparently don't know anything)... Now don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Rich, but I have to disagree on some of his methods of AAS use and bro-science. A combo of knowing real facts and from people who have knowledge in the AAS field+plus experimenting, based on real knowledge is where it is at. Not experimenting crazy dumb ideas.

You have an AI but don't want to hurt your lipids more than the dbol is doing? You came here, to the right place if you want the right advice. If you came here to here what you wanted to hear, and in consequence get butthurt for it, then this is the wrong forum. Seriously, for your own good I'm not going to tell you to get off the juice, I'm going to tell you how to do it properly, because knowing how to do it properly when you probably shouldn't be doing it at all, is far better than not knowing how to when you shouldn't be doing it at all... We're here to help, but it's useless if you don't want to take out advise. After all, why else did you come here...

On to the knowledge, and I hope for your sake your still reading this man... You already know test should be in there. Atleast a TRT dosage, or the very least be running hCG as a test base (yes can be done and should absolutely be done if running a cycle without testosterone). An AI won't fuck up your lipids like dbol or any other oral will (go get your lipids tested, I promise you they are already out of range or at the least already starting to look off). AI's don't really affect lipids that badly and usually having crashed e2 or highly elevated e2 will cause lipids to be out of whack itself. So constrary to your belief, at that dose of dbol running an AI will more than likely help your lipids if you get it to normal range.

Ofcourse the only androgen in your body right now would be Dbol+MT1 and the only estrogen in your body would be methylestrogen. So your lacking both testosterone and estrogen which are at the least required to be at normal levels if running other AAS (hence having it as a base or running hCG to cover this).

Now, I'm going to be honest and sum it up, running a compound at a decent dosage alone is actually a really a good idea to see exactly what it does alone for you instead of running a stack and not knowing what compound is doing what for you... But, you need to run a test base or hCG with the compound you want to test out.

So for example, to test out what dbol does for you I would go with hCG as a base and run it at say 30-40mg as you are for a max of 6 weeks. You would most likely need an AI as dbol will aromatase to a methylated estrogen and will bloat you up and if your gyno prone better go make sure you start running your SERM or up your AI that you should already have on hand... Start running a SERM and drop the AI and hCG the day after you stop the Dbol. Toremifene, Nolva or Clomid can be used in this case.

In the case to test out what EQ alone does for you, I would go with injectable test over a hCG base, and save the hCG for the few weeks when your waiting for the esters to clear out and then start a SERM. I'd personally go with no more than 200mg Test E/C per week along with 800mg EQ and run it for atleast 12 weeks. Same with Deca. Same with Tren. Shit you could do that with Masteron Enanthate if you wanted to. Primobolan Enanthate even. Anything really can be tested out alone, but this is the way to do it. 200mg of Test alone per week is on the upper end of replacement and a cruise dosage (I cruise on 250mg Test or 200mg Test/200mg Deca), if you realistically want to get results without interfering with what the testosterone is doing 100mg-150mg would be best.

I'm running a deca only blast again in about 8 weeks time, but I'm not using deca. I'm still cruising on Testosterone because you need it to still feel good and keep you functioning. 200mg Test+750mg Deca... The Deca will be doing all the work really. If that gives you piece of mind.

hCG leading up to PCT does not "confooze da body" as Piana likes to advise, rather it will prime your nuts back up so they are ready to go soon as you start PCT/SERM treatment which merely will block estrogen receptors and stimulate LH release, this way you avoid a lag in almost instant LH release getting atrophied balls to start running again when they were already running thanks to hCG.

hCG will keep your natural systems running, so that when you come off the dbol, you have a SERM in place to prime your LH signal and balls that were already running thanks to the hCG keeping them going whilst your LH signal was off.

Now, the biggest favour here that I can give you is go do some serious research and either run test at a TRT dose/hCG or come off completely, and thank me later ;)
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Thanks very much . I really appreciate it. Im gonna do test with it from today so and gonna run 0.25 arimidex eod starting today as well. Then i will do bloods and post them here and would appreciate for a guidness from that point on the proper pct. Thanks a lot. Is 250 e3d test e enough now with 40mg.dbol. test e is polish im from poland and got it straight from pharmacy.
Thanks very much . I really appreciate it. Im gonna do test with it from today so and gonna run 0.25 arimidex eod starting today as well. Then i will do bloods and post them here and would appreciate for a guidness from that point on the proper pct. Thanks a lot. Is 250 e3d test e enough now with 40mg.dbol. test e is polish im from poland and got it straight from pharmacy.

No problem man. Hang around the forums to pick up more useful information from the people here. Everyone is willing to help just make sure to research things first. For PCT follow a nolva and clomid protocol like the one posted in the sticky's at the top of the anabolic steroid forum. Good luck bud.
Hi guys, im just after first shot in the glut. 300mg test e , i be honest i dunno aboit this ai as so fsr i dont get any sides of dbol like water retention or acne ... i drink 10l water minimum and no salt and no sodium and carbs minimum with pounds of meat and loads of veg .mainly boiled some from the oven. Do u really think i have to take this ai ??
Run the ai bud. Why ask us for help and not listen? Post bloods and I can guarantee your estraidol is high. Water retention is not the only high estraidol side effect. Last time I laid everything out perfectly for you.
Run the ai bud. Why ask us for help and not listen? Post bloods and I can guarantee your estraidol is high. Water retention is not the only high estraidol side effect. Last time I laid everything out perfectly for you.

I get bloods done tomorrow and post it to you
Didn't see it mentioned here but with an oral like d bol your want some cyce support pick up some Mr suppa tudca to help protect it

I just got somwthing called ocs from extreme labs . Are u on aboit smth like it ?
Cool, post them up ASAP...

Also, in addition to a liver supp, keep yourself well hydrated (as you should anyway regardless).
Cool, post them up ASAP...

Also, in addition to a liver supp, keep yourself well hydrated (as you should anyway regardless).

Im drinking 10l a day minimum. Omega 3 supplemntation .I cuted carbs a lot . I eat only around 100 150 carbs a day last couple days to reduce insuline spikes and reduce fating while on dbol. Shud i keep it like that since i started test today or bring it down or up ?
Any other tests except of female hormon panel ? I wont have much time to do any next 7 days so I rather done all tmrw
Im drinking 10l a day minimum. Omega 3 supplemntation .I cuted carbs a lot . I eat only around 100 150 carbs a day last couple days to reduce insuline spikes and reduce fating while on dbol. Shud i keep it like that since i started test today or bring it down or up ?

Im not an expert on carb cycling, dont know what the min % a person should have on a constant basis, id say be sure to double that amount 1 x every 3-4days, idk for sure tho 150 might be high enough to stay like that eithout risk
I think you should be running an AI at least with Test+Dbol, even Test alone, as that itself will reduce fat storage (estrogen is fat storing to some extent). I'm a high carbs kinda guy, you may or may not be, I can' tell you what will work best for you, but what I can tell you is the "experimenting" is best kept to diet to see what works for you. Experimenting with AAS isn't like experimenting with diet.

How long did you plan on running the Test for? What ester? Dose? AI dose? PCT?
I think you should be running an AI at least with Test+Dbol, even Test alone, as that itself will reduce fat storage (estrogen is fat storing to some extent). I'm a high carbs kinda guy, you may or may not be, I can' tell you what will work best for you, but what I can tell you is the "experimenting" is best kept to diet to see what works for you. Experimenting with AAS isn't like experimenting with diet.

How long did you plan on running the Test for? What ester? Dose? AI dose? PCT?

12 weeks test enanthate 300mg e3d i have a pack 28 tabls of arimidex 1mg a tablet. Heading for blood test for estradiol at 11 30. My dbol hour is 11 shud i take it normal or hold on aftwr bloods at 11 30 ?
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How aboit going paleo on cycle ? Ketosis state and make the body use stored fat ? Wud this be an alternative ?