I do see these 40 year old juice heads at my local gym pushing gear to people ages 17-22 and not even telling them how to run it right. They get them on these "run test/var for 4 weeks, then do 2 weeks of PCT then back on 4 weeks" cycles. And it's not just 1 or 2, it's a shit load of people. I am sociable at all the gyms I go to(24, LA and Golds) and I see it everywhere. And almost all are stupid cycles such as:***8220;Too many young people are ruining their lives and damaging their bodies from steroid abuse,***8221;
It's because Marijuana prohibition is almost over, they need to somehow keep filling them prisons. I know I sound crazy, but that is the truth. You guys should look up the statistics of how much people USA locks up vs any other nation. Anyone else in the world does not even come close at the rate we throw people behind bars over here.
Playing the devils advocate, I do agree with this
I do see these 40 year old juice heads at my local gym pushing gear to people ages 17-22 and not even telling them how to run it right. They get them on these "run test/var for 4 weeks, then do 2 weeks of PCT then back on 4 weeks" cycles. And it's not just 1 or 2, it's a shit load of people. I am sociable at all the gyms I go to(24, LA and Golds) and I see it everywhere. And almost all are stupid cycles such as:
"Run Test/Var for 4 weeks then 2 weeks of PCT then back of for 4 weeks"
"Do 8 week cycle then take 4 weeks off, while you are off run Winny so you do not lose gains then hop back on"
"Mix up the dosages every time you pin to give your body "muscle confusion". So if you pin twice a week, do 1CC on Monday and 3CC on Thursday, then 1.5CC the following Monday and half a CC the following Thursday"
"After Tren, run 4 week PCT but keep running test with PCT so you do not lose gains"
"when you are on gear, you can eat whatever you want. your body turns into a eating machine that turns everything into muscle"
If the Police tested for gear or the Fire Dept. they could neither field a swat team or put out a fkn fire. I know when I was in I never was ON;. however I know so many po po that are.....bad karma....but ...whatever huh ? I know local cops are told to generate income which is derived from tickets, fines etc., I mean whgose gonna pay them judges and lawyers ? It s a scam but the American dream is my nightmare of late. I still bleed blue but oft wonder when I see another cop go down in a hail of bullets ....who knows what he did to people.....
I know I got screwed hard locally.
Fuck Five 0
It's because Marijuana prohibition is almost over, they need to somehow keep filling them prisons. I know I sound crazy, but that is the truth. You guys should look up the statistics of how much people USA locks up vs any other nation. Anyone else in the world does not even come close at the rate we throw people behind bars over here.
hulk body is one of them...and pharm-tek?
You know the best way to fix the drug problem, and have something work, unlike the war on drugs? Legalize every drug. Problem solved. People use no matter if theyre legal or not. I doubt useage would go up if illegal drugs became legal.
But I guarantee you the wasting of tax dollars would go down. Actually it probably wouldnt, it would be wasted on something else.
Alot of the agents on the show "DEA" look like they are juiced.