Deca Sustanon shutdown please help

I didn't even bother to read anything other than the first post but i don't have one comment. Not so much Fred as it is for every other newbie.

GUYS thank you so much and I know i said i promised it was my last but i have one last follow up. So since im not completely shut down do I have a much better chance at recovering completely and in a shorter time frame? (probably an obvious and dumbass question i know but i am a dumbass as we have learned from what i did)

Your def on your way...but its impossible to predict the outcome
Thanks Cobra. I appreciate it man. God bless you and please subscribe to the thread via email because I will post my bloodwork in 2 weeks. Thanks again man.
I said this is NOT so much for FRED as it is for others. This is just a perfect example of not being 100% informed. I wish every newbie could read this as a warning.

I really hope you get this all sorted out though man. That really sucks.
I said this is NOT so much for FRED as it is for others. This is just a perfect example of not being 100% informed. I wish every newbie could read this as a warning.

I really hope you get this all sorted out though man. That really sucks.

no. this is for Fred. i can't believe you are still asking the same fucking questions.

How hard is this? Buy some fucking Clomid and recover. Or listen to that stupid fucking cousin doctor of yours and don't and take a year to recovery because obviously you aren't listening to any of us. You just keep asking the same shit over and over.

Stop wasting everyones time. Either you listen or you don't.

doctor just called with my bloodwork and my test level has dropped to 78n/dl, I am now going to see an endocrinologist and asking/demanding they give me some clomid. Does anyone know if they can perscribe clomid and even if they can is 2 months post cycle too late for post cycle therapy (pct)? Does anyone think im doomed to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life?
Im not sure if the doc can give that to you...I have heard that they can but I have also heard that they wont...its not to late...get some toremifene if you can...that shit works way better at 60/60/60/60

but try to find a source for clomid because I doubt the doc will give it to you and I wouldnt want to tell them what i was doing anyway
thanks cobra strike,

I am just really hoping and endo can give it to me because iv read that sometimes online its not legit and on the site sponser i see it comes in liquid form and all iv ever heard of its tablets. Where can i get the toremifene? And I think i am comfortable expressing what it is for because doctors cannot reveal anything a patient tells them and they cant turn away patients because they dislike something that is causing their condition (hypacratic oath).
thanks cobra strike,

I am just really hoping and endo can give it to me because iv read that sometimes online its not legit and on the site sponser i see it comes in liquid form and all iv ever heard of its tablets. Where can i get the toremifene? And I think i am comfortable expressing what it is for because doctors cannot reveal anything a patient tells them and they cant turn away patients because they dislike something that is causing their condition (hypacratic oath).

tru but they also report to insurance companies...anyway...the sponsor here, rui, is last pct was liquid clomiphene and it worked great...Im not sure if im allowed to tell you where to get tore from...if its ok I am sure someone else will pick that question up for me
how do you know the appropriate dosage then if its in liquid form? I havn't seen a post cycle therapy (pct) dosage of clomid in liquid form. Also do u think there is a good chance i dont recover and am doomed to trt?
how do you know the appropriate dosage then if its in liquid form? I havn't seen a post cycle therapy (pct) dosage of clomid in liquid form. Also do u think there is a good chance i dont recover and am doomed to trt?

the dosage is the same for liquid...50/50/50/50

and your recovery is totally up to your body
yes it will come back eventually.
but why not get soem helpers liek clomid nolva or supps like HCGenerate or other T boosters. maybe some DAA
An endo can prescribe clomid. They use it in fertility treatment I believe. You are just shut down still. This happens sometimes. I didn't take the time to go back and read this whole thread but I'm sure it's deca related. This is usually prolactin related but I'm sure you have been given advice on that. Do another post cycle therapy (pct). No it's not to late. I understand your problem but relax it's not the end of the world. Liquid serms work just fine. Toremifene (exemestane) is my favorite. Precisionpeptides has it. Our sponsor probably has it. I've went as high as 120,120,60,60,30. You should be fine with a dose of 60,60,60,60. Just get a serm and start using it. The liquids are fine you just need to start one.

As far as dosing look at the label. If it's 30mg/ml that's 30mg in 1ml/cc. Use a syringe to pull it out then detatch the needle and squirt in your mouth.
An endo can prescribe clomid. They use it in fertility treatment I believe. You are just shut down still. This happens sometimes. I didn't take the time to go back and read this whole thread but I'm sure it's deca related. This is usually prolactin related but I'm sure you have been given advice on that. Do another post cycle therapy (pct). No it's not to late. I understand your problem but relax it's not the end of the world. Liquid serms work just fine. Toremifene (exemestane) is my favorite. Precisionpeptides has it. Our sponsor probably has it. I've went as high as 120,120,60,60,30. You should be fine with a dose of 60,60,60,60. Just get a serm and start using it. The liquids are fine you just need to start one.

As far as dosing look at the label. If it's 30mg/ml that's 30mg in 1ml/cc. Use a syringe to pull it out then detatch the needle and squirt in your mouth.

i would detatch the needle first and throw it dont need a needle to draw it up...just stick the syringe in the bottle
I ran a 6 week deca/sust cycle of 200 /g and 250 mg from mid november 2010 to the end of december 2010. Between the second and 3rd week of January I noticed I was "shooting blanks". Now it is feb 6th and I am no longer shooting blanks but I have NO SEX DRIVE whatsoever. Even porn can't get me up. Bc it was only 10 ccs of each I was told by my trainer I needed no post cycle therapy (pct) so I took nothing. No clomid or anything. My test levels r low (119:9) and my doc said i dont need clomid or any post cycle therapy (pct) and in a month or two it shud come back. Is he right and do you think my hormones and hpta will ever come back? This is my first and only cycle. Any advice wud be greatly appreciated. Thanks and god bless!

Also my shots were 2 ccs every 5 days alternating between substances, but I skipped my last deca shot so total 10 ccs of Sustanon (sust) and 8 shots of deca. Also I just turned 21 and my natural test was 504.

provided u don't use anything else until ur libido comes back, then it should all come back from 1 to 4 months. everyone is different though. but it will come back eventually, cuz i've never heard of anyone that has used deca (especially a low dose like u used) and never able to recoup their sex drive