Deca, test enathate + how to get rid of water retention.. Sorry in advance..


Looking for some baby speak advice for a novice.

I'm currently taking deca+test enathate. Problem is i am prone to holding water on my chest and on the lower abs( Skin and fat). i have limited knowledge of steroid use, in fact this is my third course. I have taken d'bol before, great results, but same problem. once off the course after around 2 weeks the water is gone and im in good shape.. any ideas of how to get rid of the water retention in those areas? please help out if you can, but also remember im a novice so please no mega technical names.. thanks.
There are several ways to balance water such as diet, sodium intake, estrogen control, water intake, etc. Are you on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and something for prolactin?
Ahhh.. AI? Prolactin? sorry i dont know what these are..
i have a good diet, low fat, medium carbs ( gluten free)high protein throughout the day, i run twice a day as well.. still same problem.
i have read about anti estrogens, but dont know enough about them.
Ahhh.. AI? Prolactin? sorry i dont know what these are..

Well, that would be your problem. You really do deserve a good flaming for starting a cycle without these, and especially for not even knowing what they are, but I'm not in the mood. I'm sure someone else be along to take care of that.

Give us all of your personal starts, Age, Height, Weight, years training etc. and lay out your entire cycle, dosage, timing, everything you have. Also when you started and how long you plan to go.

Just to get you started, you should be taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Adex at 1/2mg E3D or EOD, and a PA like Prami, probably around 1/4mg ED, but that's without seeing your cycle.
Lower abs on or off i'm prone to carrying a little fat there anyway, more so enhanced when i am using..
age, 31, 180cm, aprox 78kg-80kg, years training, on and off for 10.. i was a pro fighter before, but due to injuries i had to kiss that good bye. Also, i had liver problems from a tropical disease i caught, so i am trying not to put too many chemicals into my body. My liver has recovered, but i still know to be careful. My friend has been helping me, but he has only been training for a few years, and i am really after all the advice i can get. before when i was fighting, the only way for me to have an 8 pack, was to be around 5% b/f.. and thats almost dangerously low, and no good if you get a whack on your torso. I have never had a good 6 pack as i always have that small little jelly belly tyoe thing there. thats why i have to go to such a low b/f level.
dosage wise, my friend gives it to me, i am very new to this, the last 2 courses i have taken were d'bol tabs 5mg, building up to 40mg per day. great gains, but same problem. This time it would be around 2ml deca and 2 ml test entah, if this is making sense to you?!? i will double check this with my friend and update this post.. my jabs are every 2-3 days. and i intend to be on this cycle for 6-7 weeks.. is that long enough? i have been on my cycle for 2 weeks already.
goggling as im learning.. !

problem is, after the disease i lost about 15kg of mass, and i ahve really struggled putitng it back on, suck a hard road, so this is why i have been using dec and test, also its helping with my joint pains.
You'll need to run the deca 12 weeks MINIMUM and the test 2 weeks longer than the deca. I'm going to be out for a few hours. I'm sure others here will help you out. You DO need a lot of help.
Nice on, thanks.. ill be on google etc tomorrow, and changing a few things to my diet and supplement and cycle length .. thanks for your advice.
1-not long enough
2-ml doesn't explain doses
3- long esters only need to be injected 2 a week
4- need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimadex
5- do some serious reading on this forum
6- whats your sodium and water intake each day?
sodium.. not sure..
but water, absolutely loads, i use electrolytes too to help when i go out running.

for sure.. i really have some reading up to do!
I'll be checking my dosage with my friend tomorrow. and ill re-post..
OP- I wouldn't run the deca until you are completely knowledgable on the ins and outs of running a cycle. Deca can fuk u up. If u absolutely had to for your joints then run at a super low dose. 2 ml of what ? 100? 250? 300? 2ml of 100 is fine for u. 2ml of 300 is a lot and requires extensive knowledge and experience. I wouldn't go over 300 mg in your case a week honestly.
The dosage is, deca 250, 1ml and test enathate 250 1ml.. so far im responding well, but still trying to get the best gains from what i am taking. jab twice a week. Guys all constructive criticism and ideas welcome.. the phrase "green as grass" totally applies here!:dienewbie
I agree with the above comment on Deca.... only continue when you've improved your knoweledge vastly...
In fact I would go so far to say, stop your cycle, read the sticky's in great depth, make sure you have EVERY compound you intend using during your cycle, set up a diary with pin dates, start and finish dates for PCT, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) etc etc, and then only when you have every detail covered and all in place - go ahead a restart your cycle...
I've learnt the hard way over the years and wished I had found this forum much sooner - soak in the knowledge before you jab again.
Good luck though, you've done the right thing by signing up :)