Despite my mild retardation, I finally did a R. Tri inject


New member
For the longets time I have been avoiding tri injects, because of the pain of shooting in the front part of the tri, closest to the bi (dont know the technical name) My tris for the first time were lagging behind my bis, because of all the spot growth I got from 5 x a week bi injects. I was trying to figure out a way to shoot in the rear tri by myslef, and sure enough, Grandma is slow, but shes old. I just flexed my tri, marked two lines above and below where i wanted to shoot on my rear tri, raised my arm overhead, and rested my hand on the top of the bathroom doorway, and pretty much stuck the needle straight up. Easy, and painless. Man do I feel dumb.
I just feel so tupid, trying to strecth sideways, and then all the sudden a loght bulb went on to raise my arm up. LOL
Yep 5 times a week, now 2x a week, im going to hit my tris 3 x and the rest quads. Bis are the second easiest next to quads, i love em.
Do you think shooting 1mL EOD (alternating, one arm one day, the other the next) into each bi would be to much for someone with pretty small arms? And have you ever site injected into the short head (outer, smaller) of your tri or just the long head?
Doc Banner said:
Do you think shooting 1mL EOD (alternating, one arm one day, the other the next) into each bi would be to much for someone with pretty small arms? And have you ever site injected into the short head (outer, smaller) of your tri or just the long head?
I have done it in the short head but it felt somewhat akward. I split up my shot in each earm, so a 2ml injection was 1ml in each arm. I was putting about 5cc in each bi each week, so I see no problem in that.