Detection Times for an Athlete (and protocol advise)


New member
Im really curious about the Detection times. Im getting tested in May/June. This is a full WADA Protocol.

But now in my off season i want to boost my performance.

I know they test with a T/E ratio so i can only use short esters of testosterone till december. The orals like anavar have a detection period of 4-5 months now a day and for winstrol 12 months. Which supplement besides HGH (3 days detection time) can be used till May/June. I know the sarms are pretty new but i don't know which metabolites stay in the urine for how long.

What kind of protocols would you guys let me run?

The detection times i know now are:

winstrol: 12 months (metabolites)
Anavar: 4-5 months
Test P.: 4-5 months (T/E Ratio)
Hgh: 72 hours

How are the detection times of SARMS? Could anybody please help me?
Im really curious. From where do you have the information of the detection times? It seems to go against the detection times of all serious sites on the net who for example set the detection times of oral stanozolol(winny) to 5-6 weeks! And for Test P its 3 weeks. This list is of course from 2011 but still.. Its a significant difference