Dirty, rotten old man or GTG?

Being the nice guy that I am I decided to come clean with the older lady that I'm seeing. Straight up told her that I was talking with another gal and that we met and were going out to dinner tomorrow.


This woman went ballistic! What she had in her mind was not what the reality of our short relationship. She figured we would be settling down soon, it went on and on. Long story short I left while she was still yelling and now I have 15 missed calls on my phone.

I forgot all about this kind of nonsense! thought I would share
Shit sounds like you got quite the dilemma on your hands, I tell every girl straight up what it's about either your down or you ain't and if you ain't I'm out and after I get down I'm still out and that is the main reason lol nothing worse than a woman going ballistic
Shit sounds like you got quite the dilemma on your hands, I tell every girl straight up what it's about either your down or you ain't and if you ain't I'm out and after I get down I'm still out and that is the main reason lol nothing worse than a woman going ballistic

I'm up to 43 missed calls and my voice mail is full. I thought this lady was nice and normal. I feel that after the way she went off on me at her place tonight that I definitely don't want to talk with her tonight. if she was smart she would let it go till tomorrow then try to call. All she is doing is making herself look like a nut job with her actions right now.

and here we were thinking the internet woman could be the psycho :) she still may be huh?
Bitch is gonna slash your tires. Lol

It won't be the first time that happened Big H!

But damn from a 45 yer old professional quiet, reserved and shy woman.

It's the damn cocktail bro! that is all she has been exposed to the few times per week we get together :devil2:

Make an older woman have a few orgasms and they go nuts! Could be bullshit but she said for the last 15 years of her marriage she didn't even have an orgasm.
Shoot Big H if I were John Holmes I wouldn't be taking 3 different ED drugs to boost performance lol

reminds me of a joke

My last date asked me to give her 12 inches and hurt her...

So I screwed her twice and then hit her over the head with a brick ;)
Lol. I guess i gotta give it to her three times. Lol

No worries my friend! we will just get your some carvaject from France!

It will be bigger around than it is long and the women will love ya :) like those coke cans they serve you on a plane!
No worries my friend! we will just get your some carvaject from France!

It will be bigger around than it is long and the women will love ya :) like those coke cans they serve you on a plane!

Lmfao. Coke cans. More like tuna fish can.
Being the nice guy that I am I decided to come clean with the older lady that I'm seeing. Straight up told her that I was talking with another gal and that we met and were going out to dinner tomorrow.


This woman went ballistic! What she had in her mind was not what the reality of our short relationship. She figured we would be settling down soon, it went on and on. Long story short I left while she was still yelling and now I have 15 missed calls on my phone.

I forgot all about this kind of nonsense! thought I would share

grasshopper WTF were you thinking? You should never ever never ever volunteer your dating situation!

And if on a first or second date, if a woman asks if you're seeing anyone else, that is inappropriate in my book. I will very politely change the subject.

However if a nice girl presses me about other women, I simply state "I'm just getting out of a short relationship, and we are still friends". This covers your ass going backwards and forwards. And its techncially true:kiss2:
You are right D, it was a big mistake. Oh well in a way she exposed herself and she was really playing her cards a different way. I was seeing her as the good catch that tanned a bit too much in her youth. Now I see her as a wrinkled old bag with a borderline personality disorder :)

Too crazy for my kids. Strange how they could not stomach her from the start. Their instincts are better than my own.

Anyway the real lesson to be learned for both me and you guys is

After popping viagra,cialis,levitra, do not ever break any bad news to a woman until after sex. I had wood all the way till 6am this morning. Thats 8 hours of wood lol

Yeah, I know go get medical help if it lasts longer than 4 hrs. I went double the time and seem to be ok.
Dinner date went well with the internet woman. She wanted to go out after dinner but I had to get back to my kids and I think she actually liked and respected that a lot.

I talked with the older lady and agreed to let her come by after the kids go to bed tonight. Hopefully she doesn't come over to shoot me or something.