New member
I'm hearing a lot of talk about psl. I guess that's the new big dog on the block. What happened to pinnacle and pea? Is psl the one to trust for domestic gear as far as being safe considering your injecting contents right into your ass better be sterile yeah or is there another brand out there currently that is better, thoughts anyone? Oh and I know I'm kinda jumping all over the place with this thread but the best gear I ever used to me by far was british dispensary. When is someone going to put out some good gear like that again. Wish I had stock piled. It wouldn't be any good by now anyhow but I bring that up because when I did british dispensary I swear I got pumped just walking around or doing anything, brushing my teeth whatever and it was the best feeling I ever had in my life. Now When I did other brands some of which got g2g's by everybody and their brother but for me just wasn't the same idk need help from the hard core body builders who know the difference between the quality gear and the stuff that just gives you morning wood in the afternoon with ten pounds of bloating...