Does brand name mean anything anymore or is it a crap shoot


New member
I'm hearing a lot of talk about psl. I guess that's the new big dog on the block. What happened to pinnacle and pea? Is psl the one to trust for domestic gear as far as being safe considering your injecting contents right into your ass better be sterile yeah or is there another brand out there currently that is better, thoughts anyone? Oh and I know I'm kinda jumping all over the place with this thread but the best gear I ever used to me by far was british dispensary. When is someone going to put out some good gear like that again. Wish I had stock piled. It wouldn't be any good by now anyhow but I bring that up because when I did british dispensary I swear I got pumped just walking around or doing anything, brushing my teeth whatever and it was the best feeling I ever had in my life. Now When I did other brands some of which got g2g's by everybody and their brother but for me just wasn't the same idk need help from the hard core body builders who know the difference between the quality gear and the stuff that just gives you morning wood in the afternoon with ten pounds of bloating...
Your on a sponsored site guy. The only sources your going to hear about are the ones that are sponsoring the site. Not going to get much out of this thread.
PSL is a sponsor here and is g2g...

I've had very good success with them and as far as I know everyone else using them
has also felt the same.

I don't read the threads about other sponsors so I really don't know what is said outside
of the PSL threads or my personal use.

PSL's carries Euro Pharmacies (what I use) and I know there were other people trying to replicate
the EP line... everything from PSL is authentic - and the way to check is - there will always
be the letters - "EP"- crimped (embedded) into the label wether its an oral pack or on a vial...
it is hard to see but it will always be there.

As for domestic - I've only used international, so I don't have any personal experience with the domestic line... I've
heard they're good - but that's just going by what I've heard.

GOTGrowth - is the rep here at ology... so he would have the quickest answers to any specific questions.
The only brands out there that are better are pharma grade... psl is your safest bet .. i would buy with confidence.. actually I should get mine in a couple days :_)
There are a few other board sponsors here as well, such as Optima Pharma. I have not used any of their gear yet, though their customer service is very good.
No, brand name means little. What matters is what that blood test comes back with while on it. Even good UGL's can have a less-than-stellar batch. I just tend to stick with a lab I can trust.