Dont be that GUY!


New member
Ok,I figured I'd start this thread cause Im at the gym a good amount of time,like most here I assume.And in every gym/club there are those guys/gals that just make things difficult.
Ill start it off but this is a community effort to inform visitors and members of the little curtiousies of the gym.Please help me list infractions.

1)The open mouth breather with halitosis.
We all get winded and have to breath out are mouth to get more oxygen,remember to brush your teeth.

2)The can I get a spot guy.
You see him out the conner of the eye and you know what he's going to ask.So being polite you agree and all momentum of your workout is gone.

3)The heavy sweater
Hey we all sweat,but after using a piece of equipment wipe it down.I hate see a sweaty ass imprint on the equipment im about to use.

There are many more,lets see how many we can list.
The Im More Important Guy
Hitting on women while they are in the middle of a set!


The Creeper
Staring at me while I workout

dont hold a grudge , i apologized for putting the make on you.besides who would have thought you would turn down a potbellied hairy backed handsome devil like me.
the narcissistic guy
You know the one,do a set and stand at the mirror flexing.Set,mirror set,set,mirror set,I huge.
The guy who you notice talking nonstop when you walk in- still talking when you finish the first body part- still talking when you finish the second body part- still talking when you're dine with cardio- still talking when you're done showering and you're walking out

I hate that guy!! Work out or leave man WTF are you doing?!!!
The wandering aimlessly guy
He has no idea what muscles he is trying to work just hopes from machine to machine aimlessly,whatever piece of equipment gets in his way he'll hope on and give it a go for a half a rep and sit on it for the next ten minuets.WTF
maybe this is just my cousin vinny but dont be the guy that shows up to the gym with no money and then wants a protein shake after the workout..
Ill admit it Im that guy the crop duster,hehe
The high protein diet causes gas as we all know so when I know a good ones coming on Ill take a walk to the water fountain and always take the long way and the target is any one of the guys listed above.