dropping deadlift

If u want to get technical, sometimes I load the bar up with quarters or 35's to get more range of motion..
If u want to get technical, sometimes I load the bar up with quarters or 35's to get more range of motion..

Like wise, I do alot of deficit/band/chain pulls to change it up to get those bigger numbers. But we have platforms and such things.
i know this isn't really steroid related but i gotta ask since i have back day today, and theres alota big mother fuckers here, is dropping the deadlift acceptable?, seems like a deadlift is something that you pick off the floor and then unlock, the bringing it back down slowly seems like a waste of energy, and i notice my lower back starts to bug me after a few sets from doing this, maybe drop it from knee level? or full unlock? idk whatca guys think? :sulk:

I notice I have a extremely hard time walking after, I do stiff deadlift once a week, with a quite small amount of weight, my knees light on fire and I can barely put the weight down after my set, I swear that small amount of work just drives the workout on home.
Truely, I can't believe we're discussing this. Everything beneficial to your hams and glutes happens in the span between your knees and the floor. The dead lift is primarily a leg exercise and only secondarily a back exercise. Only a douche who wants attention and a flat ass would drop the bar at the knee.
Truely, I can't believe we're discussing this. Everything beneficial to your hams and glutes happens in the span between your knees and the floor. The dead lift is primarily a leg exercise and only secondarily a back exercise. Only a douche who wants attention and a flat ass would drop the bar at the knee.

i do deadlifts/rack pulls on back day, squats on leg day, was talking to personal trainers too, they said no real benefits after unlock, but dont do it unless you got bumper plates
Truely, I can't believe we're discussing this. Everything beneficial to your hams and glutes happens in the span between your knees and the floor. The dead lift is primarily a leg exercise and only secondarily a back exercise. Only a douche who wants attention and a flat ass would drop the bar at the knee.

I drop at the knees and my ass is HUGE (proportionally speaking) and it aint fat that makes up the size
The only guys that I see at my gym dropping weights are the oly lifters, but I think you're supposed to drop those rubber weights, since they all do it, with trainers coaching them. Those babies bounce a foot or so off the plywood squares they hit
I drop when dead lifting because if I bend over too far to set it down, my boyfriends cum may shoot out of my ass.