dude, from american history X movie

Brad Pitt huge???yeah and Stalone is tall. If they want someone to look big in the movies they do complementary angles of them with their shirt off. You can tell how much of a diffrence its makes when you see bb's just hanging out in normal clothing then see pictures of them in the mags, even if they were taken that same day.
i know Brad Pitt wasnt huge in fight club, but thats the size I am aiming for. Does anybody have any info on his training routine/diet, etc? And is there any truth about him being on winny?
i know i read something about norton. he said something like he had to eat like every 2-3 hours. he hated it and said he'd rather be skinny. some of you think the only way u can attain an even slightly above average size is juice, i feel sorry for you. apparently you can't do much without the assistance of drugs..it's sad really
my question is why did they let themselves go after gaining that much? I don't care how they got to that point, but after seeing yourself all buffed and ripped how the hell can you go back to being a scrawny bitch?
I read an interview once where Ed talked about this topic. He said Arnold called him up and asked him if he was juicing. Ed says he wasn't. And Arnold said that he could set him up with a diet to follow so he could maintain that physique, but Ed wasn't interested. Probably too much work for him. Being that big might stereotype him in the industry and he may not get some of the roles he wants. Plus he doesn't need to be big and buff to get laid.......he's rich !
DirkMoneyshot said:
He wasn't that damn big you dumb shits. FOOD is what he most likely used.

true, he wasnt big at all. has anyone seen soldier, to me it looked like both kurt russel and jason scott lee did some gear. jason scott leee lookled like shit, no definition but swollen as fuck. kurt russel on the ohter hand i had never seen looking like he did in that movie.