does that stuff even work? seems like a gimmick rubbing it on your skin and what not....macro said:DHEA is a OTC in the US. All the ingredients in AIFM are legal in the US.
Senri said:Will clomid increase test by itself in 2 weeks or 1 week.
jocktheglide said:does that stuff even work? seems like a gimmick rubbing it on your skin and what not....
HeHateMe said:It will raise test levels when used by it's lonesome. However, I wouldn't use it for an extended period of time, and I would also be on the lookout for any potential side effects (emotional sides, tracers).
Reptilicus said:This is why I've been "scared" to use Clomid...tracers and feelin' like a whiny 15 year old girl(
)is not an option...
Senri said:heheh whats tracers?
Senri said:macro if you do get the transdermal how do you apply it and how much. You have to take in the age of teh person and his weight and training age within the sport or workout when dealign with this stuff, am a right?
Senri said:macro what are signs that you have high estrogen. For example i am 5'8.5 and weigh 166-170lbs i have 17-18% bodyfat. I always had lots of bodyfat despite eating healthy, having good cardio yet able to gain to my 173lbs weight is easy. Interesting that i dont gain much easier after 173lbs rather my body loves that 168-173 range heheheh. I always assumed i might have abit of estrogen elevation. Reason for this is becuase i tried 300mg a day of 6-oxo and my 315max squat went to 330lbs during this cycle. So this AIFM man from the logs and posts i wonder what that wuold do?