elbow inflammation/discomfort


New member
Pushed through the pain on friday, but i've been paying for it all weekend. Doesn't look like i'm in a position to lift at all today. Any ideas on how to prevent this or help with the healing process?

I'm running test and deca at the moment fyi.

Thanks guys
RICE rest, ice, compression, elevation. Take some Tylenol Aleve etc to reduce inflammation and rest the trouble spot. Figure out what caused it and fix the issue. Also look into Dr. Kelly Starrett. He's got some very good things for inflammation and also look into trigger point therapy, works wonders. Here's a quick video to get you started that my brother sent me. I tried what was in the video and it helped tremendously.

Bench dip pull up elbow-itis. I don't play tennis - YouTube
I ended up with bursitis in my right elbow about a month ago. It wasn't overly painful, but it looked stupid, and gave me trouble whenever resting my elbows on something :)

I went to the doc, and he drained it...he pulled about 10cc of fluid out of there, and then injected a cc or so of cortisone. It's been fine ever since..
I've got "tennis elbow" right now. Sucks... No pushing or pulling in or out of the gym. I started tb500... On my third inject tonight. Either I'm healing really fast or tb500 is a miracle! In just over a week I've got full mobility and almost no pain. It's nice to be able to feed myself and shave again! I'm not gonna risk re-injury, though. Still not benching, rowing, or shoulders. Gonna keep using the tb500... I have four more shots.... But in 2 weeks I think I'm gonna be good to go!
I bruised my left elbow bone when I slammed a guy on some rocks after grabbing my wife's ass. Elbow hurt today when I was benching. Sore to the touch still a week later but much better than it was before, I could barely use it a week ago
I have tendonitis in my left elbow...
I wrap it and take an alieve twice a day...helps me.

And avoid any direct raw weight tricep exercises such as scull crushers or overhead dumbbell tri extensions.
After a few weeks throw them back in slowly...works for me
I bruised my left elbow bone when I slammed a guy on some rocks after grabbing my wife's ass. Elbow hurt today when I was benching. Sore to the touch still a week later but much better than it was before, I could barely use it a week ago

Something similar happened to me when a random guy at the bar grabbed my cousin's ass except it ended up in anger management classes, police, and a lot of wasted time lol. Props for taking that fucker down though!
Were you dating your cousin? :wiggle:

I'm from the north brother, we don't do that up here :p. haha. No we were at a bar celebrating her bday. She was engaged to a police officer (now married) so I got treated better than I would have otherwise in the end.
Shit takes a long time to heal. Work around it by doing things that don't aggravate it. Sometimes just a simple grip change.
I used to sleep with bands around my elbow or forearms and that seemed to help too.
The real test for my elbow will be on back day. I normally have it scheduled today, but i may do legs. Its the pulling motions that are tearing me up. I've been icing and taking nsaids. It's not getting worse, so that's good.
The Tyler Twist exercise can help with tennis elbow.

Link to exercise = youtube.com/watch?v=LlsS2dzUp6o

Link to flexbar needed = amazon.com/TheraBand-Y0A2THBFLXRL-Thera-band%C2%AE-FlexBar%C2%AE-Red/dp/B00067E4YU