End of the year cycle to prepare me for AAS cycle next year.


New member
Howdy folks, I just got my stuff from Strong Supplement Shop so that I can start my second prohormone cycle in a week or two. I need to lose more fat so that I can get ready for January when I do my first AAS cycle and start my bulking diet according to what 3J comes up with for me.

This cycle, I will be using Ostagenin Max from EPG and E-control RX 2.0 by IronMag Labs for a period of 8 weeks. I will be taking 25 mg of Ostarine (MK-2866) and 100 mg of Laxogenin daily from the Ostagenin Max and 25 mg of Arimistane daily from the E-control RX 2.0. On top of these prohormones, I’ll also be taking 5,600 mg a day of L-Carnitine powder and 3,200 mg a day of N-Acetyl L-Cysteine powder.

I will be posting all my macros of my 2200 calorie diet for this cycle which includes protein, fats, carbs, net carbs, sugar, and calories. My workout will consist of regular CrossFit WODs on Mondays and Fridays, and the Barbell Club (A special CrossFit 6 week program of Olympic and Power lifting only) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Saturdays I will doing a 4 mile jog. I will be posting all weights, reps, and times according to the activities I am doing for the day.

After I have completed this 8 week cycle, I will do a quick 4 week PCT using Post Cycle 3X by Vital Labs along with some Tribulus and Maca capsules.
I'm ordering the Hormone Panel for Females from LabsMD. I will get that done sometime this week at my local Quest Diagnostics before I start my second prohormone cycle. The only other thing I need to add is the is the Cardanine (GW-501516) at 20 mgs a day, which I will be buying very soon from SarmsSearch.com. Then I'll be ready to go. The Barbell Club will be starting in around 2 weeks.
I do have an AI...I have Adex but I don't plan on using it for the prohormone cycle. I'm saving that for January when I do my first AAS cycle. I'm only doing blood work before and after my cycle because this is a much smaller prohormone cycle than the one I did in May/June. When I start my AAS cycle in January, that is when I will do blood work 2 weeks before and 6 weeks into my cycle, and 2 weeks after my PCT is completed.
Man, this just gets better. Not only did I order my hormone panel blood work from LabsMD, I also ordered the Cardanine (GW-501516)...3 bottles. Now I won't have to worry about running out of it when I start the 20 mg daily dose along with all my goodies. I should have the blood work done on Friday if everything goes well, which I expect it to.

I'm going to kill it this cycle and I plan on torching this disgusting fat off my body :flame:
GW is the cat's meow. If you have not yet tried it from SarmsSearch, I recommend you do that after this run is over. You can then compare the two companies and see which you like better.
Well, I got back my pre-prohormone blood work and it looks like I have high liver enzymes and low testosterone. It fucking sucks, especially since I stopped drinking alcohol on January 1st but oh well...I'm going to do this fucking prohormone cycle no matter what. Here are my results along with the ranges they should be in:

GLUCOSE 87------------------------------65-99 mg/dL
Fasting reference interval
UREA NITROGEN (BUN) 18----------------7-25 mg/dL
CREATININE 0.89--------------------------0.60-1.35 mg/dL
eGFR NON-AFR. AMERICAN 105 > OR =-----60 mL/min/1.73m2
eGFR AFRICAN AMERICAN 121 > OR =-------60 mL/min/1.73m2
SODIUM 142---------------------------135-146 mmol/L
POTASSIUM 4.4------------------------3.5-5.3 mmol/L
CHLORIDE 107-------------------------98-110 mmol/L
CARBON DIOXIDE 25-------------------19-30 mmol/L
CALCIUM 9.4----------------------------8.6-10.3 mg/dL
PROTEIN, TOTAL 6.5--------------------6.1-8.1 g/dL
ALBUMIN 4.3----------------------------3.6-5.1 g/dL
GLOBULIN 2.2---------------------------1.9-3.7 g/dL (calc)
ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO 2.0---------1.0-2.5 (calc)
BILIRUBIN, TOTAL 1.1--------------------0.2-1.2 mg/dL
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 89-------------40-115 U/L
AST 262 HIGH------------10-40 U/L
ALT 163 HIGH-------------9-46 U/L

WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT 5.1---------3.8-10.8 Thousand/uL
RED BLOOD CELL COUNT 4.95----------4.20-5.80 Million/uL
HEMOGLOBIN 14.6----------------------13.2-17.1 g/dL
HEMATOCRIT 45.5-----------------------38.5-50.0 %
MCV 92.0---------------------------------80.0-100.0 fL
MCH 29.4---------------------------------27.0-33.0 pg
MCHC 32.0--------------------------------32.0-36.0 g/dL
RDW 15.0---------------------------------11.0-15.0 %
PLATELET COUNT 164---------------------140-400 Thousand/uL
MPV 11.0-----------------------------------7.5-11.5 fL
ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHILS 3177------------1500-7800 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE MYELOCYTES DNR---------------0 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES 1204-------------850-3900 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE MONOCYTES 418-----------------200-950 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS 260----------------15-500 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS 41--------------------0-200 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE BLASTS DNR----------------------0 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE NUCLEATED RBC DNR-------------0 cells/uL
REACTIVE LYMPHOCYTES DNR-----------------0-10 %
FSH 7.0-------------------------------------------1.6-8.0 mIU/mL
LH 2.3---------------------------------------------1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
ESTRADIOL 34 < OR = ---------------------------39 pg/mL
Reference range established on post-pubertal patient
population. No pre-pubertal reference range
established using this assay. For any patients for
whom low Estradiol levels are anticipated (e.g. males,
pre-pubertal children and hypogonadal/post-menopausal
females), the Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
Estradiol, Ultrasensitive, LCMSMS assay is recommended
(order code 30289).
TESTOSTERONE, FREE, LC/MS/MS 36.1 LOW----------------46.0-224.0 pg/mL
What is your Total Testosterone at? You should not go by Free T by itself.

For your liver, I would get on some NAC and Liv.52 fast. Get those numbers back in range before your start messing with prohormones.
So today I started the SARM Cardarine GW-501516 by itself and all I can say is HOLY SHIT!!! I did a 4 mile jog today and I ran the fastest time I can remember. I ran 4.04 miles in 37:00 minutes at a pace of 9:09 minutes a mile. The endurance was insane and this was only my first time using the dose of 20 mg. I am doing another 4 mile run tomorrow and I will be doing another dose of 20 mg so let's see what I can do tomorrow. At the moment I weigh 208.0 lbs so since January 1st, I have lost 82 lbs. Here are my macros for the day:

Protein - 214.1 grams
Fats - 110.8 grams
Carbs - 43.3 grams
Net Carbs - 29.4 grams
Sugar - 12.3 grams
Calories - 2020.9 calories
So today I started the SARM Cardarine GW-501516 by itself and all I can say is HOLY SHIT!!! I did a 4 mile jog today and I ran the fastest time I can remember. I ran 4.04 miles in 37:00 minutes at a pace of 9:09 minutes a mile. The endurance was insane and this was only my first time using the dose of 20 mg. I am doing another 4 mile run tomorrow and I will be doing another dose of 20 mg so let's see what I can do tomorrow. At the moment I weigh 208.0 lbs so since January 1st, I have lost 82 lbs. Here are my macros for the day:

Protein - 214.1 grams
Fats - 110.8 grams
Carbs - 43.3 grams
Net Carbs - 29.4 grams
Sugar - 12.3 grams
Calories - 2020.9 calories

Don't you just love the Placebo Effect? :-)
It was seriously incredible...for months I have been running at 10 to 11 minutes a mile and I just smashed the fuck out of it today!!! Normally I poop out half way but today I was just able to go and go. If this is the results from just the SARM GW-501516, I can wait until I start my prohormone cycle in a week or two.

As far as the liver enzyme levels, the only thing I have done different is that I have been on a really insane fat burner for about a month. It is Hell Fire by Innovative Labs and it is the most brutal fat burner I have ever taken in my life. It contains 150 mg of Ephedra IN ONE CAPSULE!! It also has a shitload of Yohimbine, Caffeine, and EGCG. For the first week I started taking it, it made me totally lightheaded and I almost passed out a couple of times. I'm so lucky none of my employees saw me, I thought I was going to drop to the floor like a log. I have been on this burner for a month and on my days off, I have taken 2 capsules 6 hours apart. 300 mg of Ephedra is a motherfucker.

Anyways, I'm going to pick up some liver stuff soon.
What is your Total Testosterone at? You should not go by Free T by itself.

For your liver, I would get on some NAC and Liv.52 fast. Get those numbers back in range before your start messing with prohormones.

I am not sure what the Total Testosterone is. I ordered the hormone panel for females from LabsMD.com and it only gave me free testosterone. I wrote to their support page to tell them that I didn't get the total testosterone value, so I hope they can remedy that and give me the value. Looks like I'm fucked anyways so I need to figure out what to do.
I am not sure what the Total Testosterone is. I ordered the hormone panel for females from LabsMD.com and it only gave me free testosterone. I wrote to their support page to tell them that I didn't get the total testosterone value, so I hope they can remedy that and give me the value. Looks like I'm fucked anyways so I need to figure out what to do.

I wouldn't assume that.

-What time of the day was your blood drawn?

-Sounds like you have been on a calorie restrictive diet to reduce body fat. If that is the case it can cause your testosterone levels to decrease. They would return to normal when you start eating a normal diet again.
I wouldn't assume that.

-What time of the day was your blood drawn?

-Sounds like you have been on a calorie restrictive diet to reduce body fat. If that is the case it can cause your testosterone levels to decrease. They would return to normal when you start eating a normal diet again.

It was drawn in the morning after fasting for 12 hours. I have been on a severe calorie restrictive diet all this year with the exception of may and june, when I was on my prohormone cycle and eating 4000 to 4300 calories a day. At the moment, I am eating around 2000 to 2200 calories a day but in march and april I was eating around 1700 to 1800 calories a day and in July I was eating 1300 to 1400 calories a day.

I also stopped taking that crazy ephedra fat burner just in case that may have been fucking up my liver.
Looks like you know why your TT is low. Caloric Restriction. I presume you know how to go about fixing that. :-)

I do...I hired 3J to create a bulking diet plan for me in January. By then I will be down to the body fat percentage that I need so that I can do my first cycle. I'm sure I'll be eating a hell of a lot of food but 3J will decide my diet and I will follow it to a T.
So today I did my run and did 20 mg of Cardarine GW-501516 about 30 minutes before my run. I was really sore as hell from yesterday's run and I could tell that I wasn't running as fast as yesterday but I still completed 4.02 miles in 38:54 minutes at a pace of 9:41 minutes a mile. I have weighed myself today and I am 206.9 lbs. Here are the macros for the day:

Protein - 223.1 grams
Fats - 118.5 grams
Carbs - 48.1 grams
Net Carbs - 32.1 grams
Sugar - 13.1 grams
Calories - 2145.1 calories
I do...I hired 3J to create a bulking diet plan for me in January. By then I will be down to the body fat percentage that I need so that I can do my first cycle. I'm sure I'll be eating a hell of a lot of food but 3J will decide my diet and I will follow it to a T.

That is a good plan, he knows his stuff.