New member
When I was 17 I bought an Epistane/Xtreme Tren cycle under the label Myogenix Spawn. I started taking 3 caps a day dosed evenly and stopped after day 11 because I could not tolerate the dry joints and was convinced by members on other boards that I was a total moron regarding cycling. I used ATD for post cycle therapy (pct) to deal with any estrogen rebound and kept all of the strength from those 11 days. Had bloodwork drawn after post cycle therapy (pct) and my doc said test levels were within the normal range. He checked my balls, and no noticable testicular atrophy Now im 18, and have grown 2 inches since(was worried about premature fusion.) But I still wish I had just stayed natural and have a lot of regrets over this. Is there anything I should worry about? or did I luck out and save myself from serious trouble down the road by getting out of ph/aas quick. I dont plan on using until 25+.