eq and aspiration


New member
1. does eq kinda make the pinhole bleed a bit more when you pull the pin out?

2. how do you guys aspirate in the butt? its hard for me to twist around and aspirate!
I don't do Glute injections, I'm not that flexible. There is another thread that gave the idea to lie down on the bed and bring one leg over the other. It is a recent post somewhere on here. I wouldn't think one would bleed more with EQ but I find that I have pulled out and was bleeding way more often with Test/EQ than Test alone. Probably just fluke though. As far as aspiration goes. I've actually aspirated blood once and I was sure glad that I did aspirate at that point. To all those guys who don't aspirate that is simply a choice that one has to make.
bracco01 said:
1. does eq kinda make the pinhole bleed a bit more when you pull the pin out?

2. how do you guys aspirate in the butt? its hard for me to twist around and aspirate!

1) I don't see how.
2) I don't aspirate there any more. Had all injections done by a nurse for the first cycle (well actually HRT), when I decided later to do proper cycles, I knew my body well enough.
I see no reason why EQ would make you bleed more than any other steroid. Im sure it had a lot more to do with where you injected rather than what, if you nicked/passed through a vein then it will bleed significantly

Aspirating glutes isn't hard for me, it took practice but after a few you learn how. After hearing some recent horror stories (people passing out and hitting there head) I wouldn't inject without aspirating. That being said, you could inject anywhere man! Quads, delts, bi's, tri's or calfs! Have a ball. :)
no, i mean it seems that i have injected test and deca and its normal, but the eq seems to leek out of the pin hole a little ( just a little) and bring blood with it. has anybody had this experience?
some times a lil blood come out but i saw this trick sum where where well with needel in hand and ready to go use pinky and pull on skin a bitn then slid pin in n do the shit"why?" because when u pull the pin out the skin slids back to where it normaly is so it kinda blocks the hole a bit so u dont los oil it works rilly good ..
PS. iv done this with delt shot not ass shot .. iv never done ass shot i luv the delts it much easyr. and i dont have to drive ona 45o ang for 2 days lol
im no pro but eq test deca or w/e i dont think make much of a diff on how much u bleed.
Hey guys i am just a newbie and i know aspirating is exhaling, but what do you mean by aspirating before injecting? Could you please explain what you need to do before injecting so i won't do anything stupid on my next cycle. Thanks guys.
BigA7 said:
Hey guys i am just a newbie and i know aspirating is exhaling, but what do you mean by aspirating before injecting? Could you please explain what you need to do before injecting so i won't do anything stupid on my next cycle. Thanks guys.
You insert the pin then pull back to make sure you havent hit a vein or a coagulation of blood from previous injections.
If one hits coagulation theyll pull out the pin completely and the blood will squirt literally a couple feet or more and the blood will be very dark in color. Being a newb U dont have to worry about that.
If one hits a vein its debateable that one may lose some of the injected compound. If one aspirates while shooting Tren and sees blood they will cough like never before almost losin ones breath if they inject the compound!!!
Pull the plunger back about a half a cc and if you see no blood.....shoot.

Hope this helps.

outlawtas2 said:
Aspirating glutes isn't hard for me, it took practice but after a few you learn how. After hearing some recent horror stories (people passing out and hitting there head) I wouldn't inject without aspirating. That being said, you could inject anywhere man! Quads, delts, bi's, tri's or calfs! Have a ball. :)

DEFINETLY aspirate... severe concusion to the head is not fun...