EQ and libido impact


New member
After 4 and half weeks on Test/eq (500/400mg per week) my libido has been shot. A few folks recommended dropping the EQ which I think I am going to do. If this isn't the problem then it means my gear is bunk. Anyway, what in EQ causes sex drive kill? Does prolactin shoot up bc I have cabaser to combat but never thought Prolactin spikes on EQ
Wow, bro I am experiencing the same symptoms on my cycle too. I am running 400mg eq/week and test E 600mg/week. I don't really get horney or think of sex
and thats not me but when I do have sex my dick is like a lead pipe and I just tear my girl up. We had sex just last night when she came over and she said it was the best its ever been. I am just don't want it like I used to but when i do decide to or the old lady begs for it, I am giving it to her good. I don't know whats up here. :goof:

I'm taking 2 Karachi sus 250's a week 400 eq a week and 20 mg winstrol oral a day. My sex drive before this cycle was normal. I've been on for 4 weeks and the 1st two weeks my sex drive increased noticably. Right now I'd rather surf the net than fuck my hot 22 year old girlfriend lying in my bed 25 ft away from me right now with a special outfit on. I've heard before that if your decca dose is close to or the same as your test dose it will cancel out the test boosting effects, ie sex drive, aggression. Could this be the prob? My only cycles close to this have been 500 test a with 300 equipoise and then test with Winstrol (winny) but never all 3 together..and I've never taken test and not wanted to have sex whenever wherever.

I'm on my 9th week of cyp and eq 400mg/week - fucked a gal last nite and I could hardly get it up. we barely did it twice and I usually do it 4-5 times no problem - would nolva help? wtf should I do I feel real low

All you need to do is a search of the boards, they are littered with posts about people having libido probs with EQ. It has nothing to do with prolactin or estrogen or anything or the test dose, ITS THE EQ ITSELF. You have androgen receptors in your brain, your brain regulates your libdo, the EQ binds to the same AR's in your brain that the test does and for some people, their brain's simply dont like the EQ. its really that simple.

Its funny to read those threads and see all the stupid advice people give, do this do that, take this, take that, must be the girl wasnt hot enough, fucking lol's for days.

Just drop the damn EQ, problem solved.
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All you need to do is a search of the boards, they are littered with posts about people having libido probs with EQ. It has nothing to do with prolactin or estrogen or anything or the test dose, ITS THE EQ ITSELF. You have androgen receptors in your brain, your brain regulates your libdo, the EQ binds to the same AR's in your brain that the test does and for some people, their brain's simply dont like the EQ. its really that simple.

Its funny to read those threads and see all the stupid advice people give, do this do that, take this, take that, must be the girl wasnt hot enough, fucking lol's for days.

Just drop the damn EQ, problem solved.

This is hands down one of the dumbest responses I have ever seen on this board to a legitimate question posed in a thread.
This is hands down one of the dumbest responses I have ever seen on this board to a legitimate question posed in a thread.

Is this true that equipoise binds to the androgen receptors in your brain and destroys your sex drive? What other steroids do this?

edogger what is your information source??????
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Is this true that equipoise binds to the androgen receptors in your brain and destroys your sex drive? What other steroids do this?

edogger what is your information source??????

all steroids bind to the AR in the brain(and anywhere else in the body there are AR's). Once bound, they start gene expression within the cell. Each steroid expresses differently and therefore has a different effect. If you want a source, open a physiology book.

If you want a source on EQ destroying libido for some people, search the dozens of steroid boards out there. Theres plenty of anecdotal evidence.
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This is hands down one of the dumbest responses I have ever seen on this board to a legitimate question posed in a thread.

If you honestly feel that way than youre as guilty as all the other bad advice givers around here. This was just a shot at them (and perhaps you too)

Ive been helping him out through PM.
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If you honestly feel that way than youre as guilty as all the other bad advice givers around here. This was just a shot at them (and perhaps you too)

Ive been helping him out through PM.

Thats fine man. In that case, please cite me a reputable scientific source that states that boldenone binding to the AR causes a downgrade in expression levels of transcription factors that encode sex-hormone feedback proteins.
Thats fine man. In that case, please cite me a reputable scientific source that states that boldenone binding to the AR causes a downgrade in expression levels of transcription factors that encode sex-hormone feedback proteins.

There are no studies to cite regarding EQ, its a vetrinary steroid its not even approved for human consumption.

Im just offering him a reasonable explanation based on my education, medical background and yes, EXPERIENCE with the same thing happening to me twice.

There was no underdosed test, no estrogen issues, no prolactin issues, ITS JUST THE EQ. I dropped the EQ and i was back to normal in a couple weeks both times.

Sometimes the answer is so simple even a dumbass should be able to figure it out. Yet im still left shaking my head at some of the repsonses, espeically those from people who have
A) never used EQ
B) never even done a cycle before
C) used EQ but not experienced this (remember, everyones steroid experience is not the same)

We spend all this time preaching to people to keep the cycles simple so if theres a problem, you can drop a compound and figure it out. And then the one time the perfect scenario comes up, everyone forgets eveything theyve been preaching. lol

Well since we all know test positively impacts libido, the next logical stop would be to drop the EQ instead of toying with the test dose or adding this or that and next thing you know hes went the whole cycle without a hardon.


Ill answer that for you:

Yes, i am right.
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This double bond attribute of Equipoise makes it difficult to bind with the androgen receptor producing a much lesser anabolic effects as the other steroid.

Equipoise can cause several side effects to men such as low testosterone production, erectile dysfunction, problems in spermatogenesis and decreased libido.
Source:Equipoise Steroid Profiles | Steroids

I was able to find some evidence online which suggests equipoise may decrease libido. I learned equipoise was originally created to be an injectable form of dianabol.

I found some cool info about the action of testosterone on androgen receptors.

The pharmacodynamic action of anabolic steroids begin when the exogenous hormone penetrates the membrane of the target cell and binds to an androgen receptor located in the cytoplasm of that cell. From there, the compound hormone-receptor diffuses into the nucleus, where it either alters the expression of genes[20] or activates processes that send signals to other parts of the cell.[21] Different types of anabolic steroids bind to the androgen receptor with different affinities, depending on their chemical structure.[3] Some anabolic steroids such as methandrostenolone bind weakly to this receptor in vitro, but still exhibit androgenic effects in vivo. The reason for this discrepancy is not known.[22] On the other hand, steroids such as oxandrolone bind tightly to the receptor and act mostly on gene expression.

I can't seem to find anything that tells me how equipoise binding to the androgen receptor releases a chemical causing reduced libido.
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This double bond attribute of Equipoise makes it difficult to bind with the androgen receptor producing a much lesser anabolic effects as the other steroid.

Equipoise can cause several side effects to men such as low testosterone production, erectile dysfunction, problems in spermatogenesis and decreased libido.
Source:Equipoise Steroid Profiles | Steroids

I was able to find some evidence online which suggests equipoise may decrease libido. I learned equipoise was originally created to be an injectable form of dianabol.

I found some cool info about the action of testosterone on androgen receptors.

The pharmacodynamic action of anabolic steroids begin when the exogenous hormone penetrates the membrane of the target cell and binds to an androgen receptor located in the cytoplasm of that cell. From there, the compound hormone-receptor diffuses into the nucleus, where it either alters the expression of genes[20] or activates processes that send signals to other parts of the cell.[21] Different types of anabolic steroids bind to the androgen receptor with different affinities, depending on their chemical structure.[3] Some anabolic steroids such as methandrostenolone bind weakly to this receptor in vitro, but still exhibit androgenic effects in vivo. The reason for this discrepancy is not known.[22] On the other hand, steroids such as oxandrolone bind tightly to the receptor and act mostly on gene expression.

I can't seem to find anything that tells me how equipoise binding to the androgen receptor releases a chemical causing reduced libido.

All thats talking about is when EQ(or any other steroid for that matter) is used alone without test.

Again, youre not gonna find anything that specifically talks about the action of EQ in the human cell because its not approved for human consumption therefore there are no studies. They dont run studies on humans with horse steroids. There are very few studies in general when comes to steroids anyhow. Much of it, aside from what is known science, is speculation. For example they know EQ has a weak affinity to bind just by its shape. However, once bound inside the cell nobody really knows what kind of expression is going on aside from the obvious stuff that presents itself outwardly such as muscles getting bigger.

Libido is a very complex machine made up of many parts. Nobody fully understands how it works, not by a long shot. If they did, theyd be rich. And sex hormones, while they do play a role, are just one piece of the puzzle.

Im not basing any of what i said in earlier posts on known science or studies of the effects of EQ on the human body, i already said that. Im simply offering a reasonable theory since all of the known factors that typically crash libido arent factors here. My theory is simply that theres something in the gene expression of Equipoise that just doesnt agree with some peoples brain chemisty, and thats as far as im taking it. If i had a few million bucks to blow id fund a private study and try and find out whats going on at a cellular level, but i dont so i wont.

Why does test make some people break out in acne while others dont? Why does tren give some people insomnia but not others? Why do some steroids cause peoples hair to fall out while the same steroids have no effect on others hair? THe same reason EQ kills some peoples sex drive but not others. Because everyone reacts differently to these steroids. Worry less about studies and more about people experiences because they are the best tool for learning.
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Take MORE drugs to try and fix the problem.

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Alot of people have found that taking Test at a 2:1 ratio over other drugs is a necessity. But obviously you know that to...lmao
I bet you havent taken shit and sit on here giving advice for everything.. i get that from your posts.. keep the laughs comin bro..
2 to 1 ratio

up the test dose

bla bla bla

youre just parroting advice bud

Besides, the 2 to 1 ratio rule of thumb is really for Deca, not EQ.

That kind of mentality is the problem on these boards. When somethings broke people wanna just take more shit to try and fix it instead of simply NOT taking whats causing the problem.

You see how thats kinda backwards?

Id love it if you had anything original to add to this thread.
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If you honestly feel that way than youre as guilty as all the other bad advice givers around here. This was just a shot at them (and perhaps you too)

Ive been helping him out through PM.

No offense but you have no clue. Whoever you are advising......STOP!!!!!!!!

As for EQ, no it isnt the culprit for poor libido. Its that simple.

And i have to point out that sex is very mental and that eq has never done that to me , e d I mean..
Proviron is real good for libido i m o 50 mg -100 mg a day..schering is best.
No offense but you have no clue. Whoever you are advising......STOP!!!!!!!!

As for EQ, no it isnt the culprit for poor libido. Its that simple.


Of course its not the culprit, its ovbiously the Test. Everyone knows test causes poor libidio.

Seriously though, ifts its not the EQ then whats causing it Genius?

lol the king of stupid Winstrol (winny) advice talking right here. lol

I see youve slithered back here out of hiding now that everyone that ran you out has left.
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Ok, ot to get super detailed but a few things.

1. I did cut out the EQ taking edoggers advice. I've heard a few people agree with him and a few who have disagreed. People on both sides have yet to give me a scientific/ heavily supported argument on either side.

2. Let's say it's not the EQ. I'll fill in some info. This is my first legitimate cycle. I've messed around with OTC pro hormones before and they all screwed with my libido. On top of that I've been doing severe caloric restriction diets on and off for a year and half (1000 cals a less). So my libido has been a roller coaster but I can sadly say the days of looking at a girl bend over and getting aroused are gone. Also, I'm cutting again but I don't see how that could matter when you take 500mgs of test a week. Also and I think this is where the mental part comes in, I can't keep it off my mind! Every day I'm like when do I feel this massive test boost in my body (already in my 5th week). It's funny because I don't have ED. When the time comes I do get it up but generally it's weak and as I start doing it I don't last very long for some reason (I've been a minute man lately and this never happened before) so now I get in the bed with the girl and I'm nervous as hell. Are my quick finishes a result of poor libido?

Any other suggestions? I def think I'm getting a blood test soon to see if my stuff is underdosed. I think it's a good investment for the future.
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