Has anyone had experience with Test E 500mg/ml?

I’m unsure about this bottle of Test E 500, haven’t ever seen it Concentrated before like this but may give it a go. Wonder if anyone else has anything to say

Did that stuff smell really strong of chemical or some weird smell? I had something called test/no esther 500mg, which is weird as my understanding is that test is an esther in itself but I could be wrong?? The stuff was so strong smelling that my wife found it even down hidden in the base ment in my locked up filing cabinet in a sealed jar. No shit!
Yeah there is test no ester, test base but the highest concentration I have ever heard of or seen was 100mg per ml. I forget the name of the stuff some companies use in the mix but it smells super strong. It dont bother me but it is funny because my wife hates the smell. You know when a bottle of it is in the room after it has been pinned just one time.
I have some tne-dbol-tren base in my stash and it has that smell and my wife says something every time I open my box up.

Did that stuff smell really strong of chemical or some weird smell? I had something called test/no esther 500mg, which is weird as my understanding is that test is an esther in itself but I could be wrong?? The stuff was so strong smelling that my wife found it even down hidden in the base ment in my locked up filing cabinet in a sealed jar. No shit!
The name of that smelly $h*t is GUAICOL.....

Did that stuff smell really strong of chemical or some weird smell? I had something called test/no esther 500mg, which is weird as my understanding is that test is an esther in itself but I could be wrong?? The stuff was so strong smelling that my wife found it even down hidden in the base ment in my locked up filing cabinet in a sealed jar. No shit!
I***8217;m sure you remember when T-400 came out way back. That stuff hurt like a mofo, I would pin once a week and I was still sore from the week before.

The worst pain I ever had from test was some Russian sustanon they were ampules and I could barely walk after pinning those must of been a bad batch with to much alcohol or something.

I just started a D-bol, EQ, Test450mg ......pinned the test 3 times so far with an insulin dart in the delt. Alternating sides. PIP is fucking terrible. No burning on entering the skin, but PIP within an hour or two, and lasts at least the week judging by my delts.haha Not funny really but "back in the game". :) Feels very similar to the toxic feeling or feelings of general unwellness like I get from Anadrol 50mg. I will update this for anyone who is interested. Anyone wants to talk about the brand PM me. Great timing for my cycle now that we're all basically quarantined.haha
Contrary to what many old school guys think...it is very possible to make test at a higher concentration than 250mg/ml like most pharma products are.

500mg/ml isn't uncommon. We had test 1000 from a lab up here and it was great.
All depends how its made and the individual persons reaction to juice.

How in the hell did you pin the 1000mg test? I'm using what is supposed to be a 450mg test and the PIP is brutal, and this is coming from me, a guy who will use an 18Gauge pin if out of regular sized pins. lol I've tried different locations and the PIP is awful, doesnt matter where I pin it. I will finish the cycle though.lol
best to stay away from high dosage testosterone as it will affect your sides in a great way and youll have tons of problems trying to dial into your Ai while your E2 levels are all out hf whack and the wife threatening to leave you becuase your the worlds biggest drama queen due to your ill gotten E2 sides.
This ^^^^^

I'm presently running test 450mg and the pip is over the top. Holy fuck, it takes awhile to absorb, and it stays sore until the next dart.lol I'll stick with my lower dose test and just do more next time. This PIP is just too much. Tried different site injections but hurts all over. Not cool.
500mg/ml isn't uncommon. We had test 1000 from a lab up here and it was great.
All depends how its made and the individual persons reaction to juice.
500mg/ml isn't uncommon. We had test 1000 from a lab up here and it was great.
All depends how its made and the individual persons reaction to juice.

I believe you that its technically possible to make 1000mg/ml, but I also don't believe that 99 out of 100 people would be able to take it without experiencing epic side effects. I guess you could technically buy it to dilute it with other oils or other anabolics in your cycle just because it might be more test for your buck. But I refuse to believe that it was "great" for anybody but a tiny minority of people.

It's more likely that this supposed "1000 test" was actually a far lower concentration.

I experienced terrible flu like symptoms and massive PIP from 400/ml. My endocrinologist claims that the closer test gets to its saturation point, the side effects increase exponentially as it become more difficult to absorb. He said that at higher concentrations of test, your body will attack it with an immuno-response similar to an abscess or virus, hence the extreme PIP inflammation and flu-like symptoms.

I was ultimately only able to tolerate the 400/ml after diluting it with sterile cottonseed oil. I think the plausibility of anyone injecting test 2.5 times more powerful without side effects is almost zero. Shortly after this, the UGL I dealt with stopped making the T400 because it received so many complaints.
I believe you that its technically possible to make 1000mg/ml, but I also don't believe that 99 out of 100 people would be able to take it without experiencing epic side effects. I guess you could technically buy it to dilute it with other oils or other anabolics in your cycle just because it might be more test for your buck. But I refuse to believe that it was "great" for anybody but a tiny minority of people.

It's more likely that this supposed "1000 test" was actually a far lower concentration.

I experienced terrible flu like symptoms and massive PIP from 400/ml. My endocrinologist claims that the closer test gets to its saturation point, the side effects increase exponentially as it become more difficult to absorb. He said that at higher concentrations of test, your body will attack it with an immuno-response similar to an abscess or virus, hence the extreme PIP inflammation and flu-like symptoms.

I was ultimately only able to tolerate the 400/ml after diluting it with sterile cottonseed oil. I think the plausibility of anyone injecting test 2.5 times more powerful without side effects is almost zero. Shortly after this, the UGL I dealt with stopped making the T400 because it received so many complaints.

duly noted and well said bro.
Back to the point fellas...

99% of test preparations over 250mg/ml will leave you feeling like you got kicked by a horse for a week or more
I am presently running a test 450mg and the pip is off the charts. I had one a couple of years back claiming to be straight test/ no ester. I was under the impression that test is an ester in itself??? The stuff smelled very strong but the pip was nowhere near this 450mg stuff. I will finish the cycle but won’t be getting this stuff again. Managed to shut my own test down somehow, and the pip is just fucking ridiculous. Caber didn’t help, and I have other things around such as hcg etc,,,,,,,Cialis won’t even help at this point.
Contrary to what many old school guys think it is very possible to make test at a higher concentration than 250mg/ml like most pharma products are but then, who really knows.