eth or t400

What is in the t-400? As far as I know they are both enanthate unless BDL concocted some new combo that I'm not aware of.
staybig said:
why do you guys hate t400 so much what is the reason??

Because the pain is a mutha!!! Unless you mix it with some other gear the best would more than likely be EQ to take away some of the pain. I just rather go with Enan. 250, just my preference.
staybig said:
why do you guys hate t400 so much what is the reason??

I think probably some (or all) of the makers put too much BA in it. High BA hurts. If I were making it at home I'd probably use someting like 5% BA w/ 10 to 15% BB (benzyl benzoate) to get it into solution and keep it from crashing. I would think those concentrations would be adequate, and less painful. Personally, I don't see the need for much above 250 to 300mg/ml.
Anyone else?
I don't think he's talking about Denkall's T-400. He said they were both BDL. BDL has a 400 mg Test blend:


I really don't know what the advantage over straight Enanthate or Sustanon would be here. One of my freinds is just about to start on BDL's 250 mg Test blend (200 mg Enanthate, 50 mg Propionate). A little simpler that Sustanon (sust), alot simpler than BDL's 400 Test blend.

I guess it depends on your cycle history also. If this is your first cycle, I'd say go with straight Enathate. If your a little more advanced, and your adding a few other things and want to experiment a little, try the blend.