evansss training log

yeah its a good idea to let the shoulder heal bc the DC stuff is pretty intense... IM is a better forum than here for that kind of training...let me know how it works out and be sure to post your DC routines here too..

Workout 1b

Alt. DB curls 30x12/35x10/40x6/45x4
50x7,3,2 (12 RP)

Hammer Curls 35x12/40x10/45x6/50x4
50x10 (10 straight)

Standing Calves* 180x12/230x10/250x6/270x4

SLD 8x225/185x20

Squat 275x6/225x8 A2G

Im liking this workout since i finally got everything down pat. i might switch the order up so im doing squats before my SLDs and my calves. i wasnt really concerned with weight today so much as getting as low as i possibly could with keeping good form. I was told i wasnt even close to as far down as i should have been getting. All in all good workout though.

*no bar
Good work evans.

About going atg during squats, maybe you could try and go down until your calves touch hams? That's as low you can go.

Workout 2A

Incline Bench
245x5,2 (7 total RP)

Smith Machine Shoulder Press
160x 10,4,2 (16 RP)

150x20x10,5 (35RP) this was on cable pushdowns NOT skulls

Hammer Pulldowns
250x7,4,3 (14 RP)
Tbar 45x12/90x8/100x6/110x4
110x12 (12 straight)

Solid workout except the bench. i think im warming up with too much weight. plan to drop the warmups for that so i can get a decent number of RP's everything else went well.

Workout 3a

Decline Bench 135x12/185x8/205x5/225x4
275x8,2,3 (13 RP)

BB press to front 95x12/115x8/125x6
185 x3,2,2 (7 rp)

Dips 12/10/5/6

rack chins 12/25x10/55x8/10

BB row 135x12/155x8/175x6/185x4

Only lifted once last week, and came in feeling pretty tired. everything went alright except the shoulder presses which i have no clue why i shit the bed so hard on those. i hit 175 for the targer RP reps the last time i did it, i dont know why 10 pounds made that much of a difference...

Workout 3B

1 arm Cable Curls 45x12/45x10/50x6/60x4/--------->80x12,5,3 (20RP)

Reverse Grip Cables 30x12/35x10/40x6/60x4/-------->120x12 (12 straight)

Leg Press Calf Raises 180x12/270x10/360x6/450x4/--> 540x12 (12 straight)

Sumo Press 150x12/270x10/360x6/450x4------------>720x14 (14 straight)

Leg press 225x12/540x12/270x20

Hit this one hard today. Pretty fucking beat. feels good though...legs def got a good pounding esp with that 20 repper. Knee's been bugging me all week yet for some reason it was good today.

Workout 1A
Flat DB Press 65x12/70x10/75x6/80x4
110x10,4,2 (16 RP)

Milt Press DBs 50x12/55x10/60x6/65x4
80x7,2 (9 RP)

Close Grip Smith 90x12/110x10/120x6/140x4
180x8,5,3 (16 RP)

Pulldowns 100x12/120x10/130x6/140x4
210x5,4,3 (12 RP)

Deads 135x12/365x6/405x1/405x1 ***PR***

Went into the gym feeling like shit but banged out a pretty good workout. Was able to get 16 RPs on the Flat DBs instead of 14 last time. Went up 20 pounds in close grip and still hit it for one more than before. I didnt write down the pulldowns from the last 1A workout but 210 was pretty heavy for me and i still was in my rep range. FUCKING BLASTED MY DEADS TODAY. Last time i hit deads 365 was my PR for reps. i was going to do two sets of 6 but i decided to max out. hit 405....tried it again, had a better lockout the second time. I rule.

Alt DB curls 30x12/35x10/40x6/45x4
50x7,3,2 (12 RP)

Hammer Curls 35x12/40x10/45x6/50x4
50x10 (10 straight)

Standing Calves 180x12/230x10/250x6/270x4
320x10 (10 ST)

Stiff Legged Deadlift 135x12/225x8/180x17

Didnt have much energy for this workout. Skipped squats today as well. Numbers are decent but im not even close to satisfied.

Workout 2A

Incline Bench 135x12/155x8/175x6/185x4
245x6,2,2 (10 RP)

Smith Machine Milt. Press 90x12/140x8/140x6/150x4
160x5,3,3 (10 RP)

Pushdowns 75x12/80x8/85x6/90x4
100x13,6,5 (24 RP)

Hammer Pulldowns 90x12/140x8/180x6/230x4
250x8,4,4 (16 RP)

Tbar Row (Machine) 45x12/90x8/100x6/110x4
110x12 ( 12 straight)

Switched my warmup weights a little better. tried lowering them, and to no surprise got a better working set outa it. got 10 rp on the bench instead of 7. My shoulders were shot for some reason during this workout. i also sub'ed the skullcrushers for regular pushdowns on the cable. I did this because the skulls were giving my elbows too much pain..i ended up having sore elbows rather than sore tri's. I also switched to the cable machine with less pulleys, it obvious gives less assistance, and i can feel the weight alot better.

BB curls 65x12/85x8/95x6/105x4
135x6,4,3 (13 RP)

Hammer Curls 35x12/40x8/45x6/50x4
50x10 (10 Straight)

Seated Calf Raises 45x12/70x8/90x6/100x4
115x10 (10 Straight)

Lying Leg Curls 65x12/80x8/95x6/110x4
115x13,7,7 (27 RP)

Hack Squats 90x12/ 300x10/180x20

Working out today felt good. Numbers are climbing. They dont climb in the same way they did on the 5x5 but thats expected since im switching the lifts up so often.