evansss training log

Nice work, but like you said, I think you are jumping too much beween the 135 and 290 as well. Maybe add an extra set or two in between to get you more ready?
the 135 is just to warm the musles up so i dont tear anything. what i was referring to was the fact that i took some time off, then came back to the bench at around 275, then for some reason the next week went to 290 instead of going my usual 5 pound increments. i may tone it down to 280 or 285 and see how that works.

Shoulders and Back
DB Milt press 95x5/95x5/95x5/95x5/95x5
Side lats 35x10/35x10/35x10
Db shrugs 120x10/120x10/120x10
Deadlifts 355x5/355x5/355x5/355x5/355x5
Seated Row 230x10/230x10/230x10
Lat pulls 170x7/170x10/170x10

Absolutly blasted shoulders and back today. Hit 95s from 90s last week and still hti all my sets. Side lats stayed the same weight but the form was better. I cant go up anymore with db shrugs so im probably going to move toward the freeweight shrug machine. I hit 355 from 350 in deads today and hit them for a good 5 sets. Seated row and lat pulls stayed the same because i was pretty much shot from the deads. I dont care though, the deads are what im focusing on to get up in weight.
my shoulders dont really get sore that much after bench. by all means look at my split and tell me how to divide up the days better...
72 hours between chest and shoulders is advisable. even if your shoulders arent sore that dosent mean they didnt get worked. they get pounded when benching, esp incline work.


deadlift 245x12/245x10/245x8
Lat pulls 160x10/180x10/180x10
Cable rows 150x10/150x10/150x10
Overhead cable curl 40x12/40x12/40x12
21's 100x21/150x21
Crunches 3x50
Rotating torso 60x20/60x20

Going to the gym today was a big fucking mistake. I spent the past weekend up at my friends school drinking, smoking blunts and eating junk. needless to say i was sick before i went up there and now im even more sick. I got in there and decided i was just going to fuck around with some exercises. nothing major.

Cardio and abs

45 mins on eliptical
Reg. crunches 70x3
Decline leg lifts 20x3
Hanging leg lifts 20x3
Sides with 50 pound weight 20x3

My first day back in the gym in about a week and some days. i decided to give my body a rest because i felt that i was overworking it. I've finally decided that im going to switch my routine up from the 5x5 to more of a hypertrophy style training. Im still going to have all the core lifts (bench, dead, squat) but im going to tailor my routine to a bit more BB style rather than PL. Ill give it a month and see how things are going. And as always ill post results on my journal. Wish me luck!

Workout 1A

Flat DB press 65x12/70x8/80x6/90x4
110x7,2 (9 total Rest Pause)

DB shoulder press 65x12/70x8/75x6/80x4
80x5 (5 total RP)

Close Grip Smith Machine* 90x12/ 100x8/110x6/120x4
140x8,4,4 (16 total RP)

Pulldowns 140x12/ 150x8/160x6/170x4
200x7,4,4 (15 total RP)

So i finally stopped being a pussy and decided on a routine. Im gonna give the DC routine that i had written up on page 4 another try. I have to gauge everything for the higher reped warmup sets. As you could see i fucked up on my first two exercises being completly too heavy. with the DB presses, my warmup sets were good but 110 was too heavy for my working set for now. My shoulders were used to sets of 5 so again the rep scheme tired them out, even though the weight was not that heavy. close grip, and pulldowns went a little better as i thought they would since they're on a machine. I skipped out on deads this week because i had no belt and i was pretty spent. all in all i say it was a decent workout. im gonna give it shot for a month or so and see how things go.