Every Single Day


New member
My Shoulders Lack More Than Anythign Else In My Body.

i have my own weight bench. if I were to do a shoulder excerize, like military press, every single morning, first thing when i wake up, would this put some mass on? good or not a good idea?
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bad idea. my shoulders are lagging too so is my chest but i keep hitting them only once a week and that works for me
i read in arnold shwartneaggars encyclopedia, he says he used to do dumbell lifts everymonring to beef up his delts..

but ill listen to you guys. thanks

many differnet shoulder excerizes...what would put more emphasis on covering up my god damn collar bone?
it sticks above my skin, especially where it ends, right next to my shoulder. ive been doing shrugs..which only thicken up about 2 inches behind it, but not doing anything to cover it up.

ill take any advice, im gettign very frusterated. girls rest thier head on my shoulder and get a bone in there face
oh yeah, i have those too back then. what did I do? consistency in lifting. no buts about it! arnold..please...he has prolly the worse shoulder in BB
shaggz said:
i read in arnold shwartneaggars encyclopedia, he says he used to do dumbell lifts everymonring to beef up his delts..

but ill listen to you guys. thanks

many differnet shoulder excerizes...what would put more emphasis on covering up my god damn collar bone?
it sticks above my skin, especially where it ends, right next to my shoulder. ive been doing shrugs..which only thicken up about 2 inches behind it, but not doing anything to cover it up.

ill take any advice, im gettign very frusterated. girls rest thier head on my shoulder and get a bone in there face

ive read his encycolopedia and tried one of his programs he had in it awhile back...problem is he was one of the guys that spent countless hours in the gym...read the section where he tells how he would go up to a log cabina nd pound out squats for hours at a time or some shit like that...moral of the story, its prolly not gonna work for the average humanbeing. with respect to the collar bone, did you happen to break it? my brother did playing hockey and the side that he broke sticks out significantly compared to the other one. i'd go with heavy barbell milt press ( to the front of course) front raises and said raises, and even some upright rows...if those dont beef up your shoulders a bit i dont know what the hell will...

although deadlifting is usually the answer to all .
i was actually thinking about this. its not a bad idea. think about the older guys you see who have huge forearms or huge anything just from working all their lives yet have never been in a weight room. they do the same excersize day in day out. i cant really explain it as well as i can think it so sorry if you dont understand. but basically it cant hurt you. overtraining is way too overated in my opinion because it doesnt just happen overnight.
i think you should prioritize the shoulders in ur training split. What do you train on the 1st day of the week?
ive been slackign a little on excerize I do shoulder twice a week,
i do shrugs, behind the neck press, and front raises

i think ill trying moving from behind teh neck to front militarys

so overall, i need to work all angles of teh shoulder, but put most emphasis on the front delt, to cover that collar bone, is what im gathering from this..
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shaggz said:
ive been slackign a little on excerize I do shoulder twice a week,
i do shrugs, behind the neck press, and front raises

i think ill trying moving from behind teh neck to front militarys

so overall, i need to work all angles of teh shoulder, but put most emphasis on the front delt, to cover that collar bone, is what im gathering from this..

fuck shrugs...substitute deads for them instead i wouldnt do behind the neck presses either as it causes an external rotation on the shoulders (in other words, alot of pressure from the way you have to twist them out) front raises are good but throw in side side raises too, and the upright rows too man im telling you....

and the avatar is vida dude...gotta love that bitch. i've had it since day 1 but i really cant bring myself to change it.
Heres a good sample way of completely attacking the shoulders
Behind the Neck Pressess(Back top delts)
Dumbell Press (Top front delts)
Lateral Raises (sides)
Front Raises(Front delts)
Reverse Pec deck, or bent over dumbells, or cables (rear delts)

try supersetting certain exercises to change your routine to stimulate new muscle growth as well

and as evanns said upright rows pack on the mass nicely and also give nice trap development
AngryMuscles said:
is that you on your avatar, shaggz?

yes thats me 165-170lb ecto morph. i would like to bulk, but I cant afford LOTS of food right now im a very poor college kid, with a super high metabolism
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