Every Single Day

for upright rows...

Ive read and tried two way of doing this, but never really stuck with one long enough to notice a big difference between them.

a strict form-with normal weight.... and a cheating form-heavier weight.

whats your guys oppinon on this?

also when I do these...i feel a couple slightly different angles that i can pull up at...should i feel the burn in my delts? because tend to feel it more in-between my upper shoulder blades instead...is that wrong?
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Cosco or Sams club buddy.

Best of luck..

shaggz said:
yes thats me 165-170lb ecto morph. i would like to bulk, but I cant afford LOTS of food right now im a very poor college kid, with a super high metabolism
I bet you are overtraining your shoulders...look how small the muscles of the shoulder are compared to pecs, legs back..etc... its not going to take alot of work for them to grow... you work them when you do benches.... so take that into account.. also..forget front raises.. IMO your front delt gets enough work from benching.... try this... do some push/presses ... here is vid demontrating it... I just found it on youtube to give you an idea how to do them.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFAH7QX3I0s&mode=related&search=

Now just do 3 sets of them trying and slowly build the weight up... try just this for your shoulders for a month and see what happens...
I don't think it would be wise to ignore front raises. It is an extremely diff movement than a bench press and diff movements are needed to stimulate growth in the muscle
Phil9999 said:
I don't think it would be wise to ignore front raises. It is an extremely diff movement than a bench press and diff movements are needed to stimulate growth in the muscle

There is no reason to hit the front delts individually, they got more then enough work in flat, incline, and overhead presses.
I have been doing push/presses, with good form, and i like them, cause they also seem to to putting a little strength on my back area as well, just from having to support myself while standing up. ive been doing push/press in place of the behind the neck presses.

(along with uprights and front raises)
should i do behind teh neck press AND THEN push/press afterwards to burn out?

OR would doing just push/presses alone be good enough to replace my behind the neck press?

the only reason i ask, is because(again, from arnolds book) it says push presses should be done as a cheating set to burn out after you cant do anymore regular presses, but i feel they are suffiecient enough doing by them selves, i just want your guys oppion
They are sufficient by themselves. I would switch off week to week from a push press to some kind of stationary press with db's or a barbell.
shaggz said:
girls rest thier head on my shoulder and get a bone in there face

Girls rest their head in my crotch and get a bone in their face. :insane2:
2 pres and 1 lateral

2 exercises press = 8 sets ,and 1 lateral use low reps ( 6-8 reps but go in negative form like 1sec to go up and 4 seconde to go down . trust me this training is a blast. :shoot2:
thefantom1 said:
try this... do some push/presses ... here is vid demontrating it... I just found it on youtube to give you an idea how to do them.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFAH7QX3I0s&mode=related&search=

Now just do 3 sets of them trying and slowly build the weight up... try just this for your shoulders for a month and see what happens...

Ive added those to my routine, and its the best results ive ever had with my shoulders, and covering my collar bone area. I simply do push/press, followed by behind the neck press(thats it now for shoulders), both on 5x5 routine.

thanks fantom1