experienced organ damage from test before ?


New member
how about that accasional small test cycle just to amp the natural levels ? anyone ever have kidney or liver or heart problems from just a little test use then cycling off on clomid ?
same questions pertain to the winstrol tabs ? i know tabs are reputed as damaging liver/kidneys . what about smaller doses ?
just had some blood work done a couple of weeks ago. My two previous cycles where short, both cycles where in the 400-550mg range when taking test.
Kidney's and Liver function checked out Normal.
My first cycle, i did run Winstrol (winny) for about 6 weeks at 50mgs ED. Just take the necessary precautions like Milk Thistle, ETC...and you'll be fine
bro when you say small test cycle = 250-400 mg , no, every 16 year old boy would have organ damage if it did because at 16 your a walking hormone factory , with winnie it depends on doseage and lenght of cycle
DADAWG said:
bro when you say small test cycle = 250-400 mg , no, every 16 year old boy would have organ damage if it did because at 16 your a walking hormone factory , with winnie it depends on doseage and lenght of cycle
im 29 with a slight bald spot/small receading hair-line . i still like to bang the wife 4 times a day (early morning/mid-of night accasionally/& at least twice after dinner or before kids get home from school---i have 4 of them little suckers) so maybe i have high levels as is . hmmmm ? i need a doc to test them i think .
so test does damage garanteeed dawg ?
enrage said:
just had some blood work done a couple of weeks ago. My two previous cycles where short, both cycles where in the 400-550mg range when taking test.
Kidney's and Liver function checked out Normal.
My first cycle, i did run Winstrol (winny) for about 6 weeks at 50mgs ED. Just take the necessary precautions like Milk Thistle, ETC...and you'll be fine
milk thisle is good at keeping liver in shape right ? how bout accasionally taking golden seal root ever try that to ?
DEVILtrainer666 said:
im 29 with a slight bald spot/small receading hair-line . i still like to bang the wife 4 times a day (early morning/mid-of night accasionally/& at least twice after dinner or before kids get home from school---i have 4 of them little suckers) so maybe i have high levels as is . hmmmm ? i need a doc to test them i think .
so test does damage garanteeed dawg ?
not a doc bro but i wouldnt worry about my organs at those doseages , your hair isnt an organ and i think dht is what causes the hair loss ,besides you probably just rubbed your hair off doing laps under the blankets if what you said is true
One thing to keep in mind. Steroids can increase blood pressure, and increased blood pressure can cause numerous problems if left unchecked.

I have an enlarged left ventricle in my heart as proof if anyone doubts it.
StoneColdNTO said:
One thing to keep in mind. Steroids can increase blood pressure, and increased blood pressure can cause numerous problems if left unchecked.

I have an enlarged left ventricle in my heart as proof if anyone doubts it.
bro i guess side effects are an individual thing my blood pressure doesnt go up , no gyno , test doesnt even bloat me [ dbol does ] but winnie makes the DAWG shed
StoneColdNTO said:
One thing to keep in mind. Steroids can increase blood pressure, and increased blood pressure can cause numerous problems if left unchecked.

I have an enlarged left ventricle in my heart as proof if anyone doubts it.
hmmm , i already have a slightly elevated bloodpressure but ive managed to decreace it considerably lower with potassium suplements .

BIGBAD DAWG: lol , no all the men in my family have bald heads by the time they are mid 30's bro , lol . and uhm yeah its true im a sex addict as it is . just wait till i take my test . the wife will have beef curtains for sure by then , good thing she was a 15 year old virgin 10 years ago when i met her . SHE LOVES ME !:D
Regarding liver & kidney function I'd guess that injected testosterone is probably the *safest* steroid you can take!

StoneColdNTO hit it on the head though. When messing with steroids (even Test) you must keep an eye on your blood pressure and lipid values.
DTOX said:
Regarding liver & kidney function I'd guess that injected testosterone is probably the *safest* steroid you can take!

StoneColdNTO hit it on the head though. When messing with steroids (even Test) you must keep an eye on your blood pressure and lipid values.
hmmm , so whats danger level anyone know ?
DEVILtrainer666 said:
hmmm , so whats danger level anyone know ?

theres no assessment or rating for the possibility of damaging your organs. If the proper precautions are taken to protect, and you are using responsible dosages and cycling then I dont think you have to worry that much. Just make sure bloodwork is done and values are taken before and after a cycle. (something I really should do shortly).
DEVILtrainer666 said:
im 29 with a slight bald spot/small receading hair-line . i still like to bang the wife 4 times a day (early morning/mid-of night accasionally/& at least twice after dinner or before kids get home from school---i have 4 of them little suckers) so maybe i have high levels as is . hmmmm ? i need a doc to test them i think .
so test does damage garanteeed dawg ?

DEVILtrainer666 said:
hmmm , so whats danger level anyone know ?

Blood pressure should be 120/80 or under. If it's consistently over that then go see your doc.

cholesterol/lipid values - get yours checked now if you haven't already. If they're good then check 'em every 12 months, if they're jacked up then talk with the doc and probably check 'em every 6 months.

Some people (with fantastic insurance or lots of money?) like to get lipid & testosterone values checked before & after every cycle...

I'm sure Buffdoc can probably correct me if I'm off-base on anything...
i'm going to the doc today to get my heart checked out because I can't do any intense workouts without almost passing out...However, I can't say it is because of Test or roids but it can be a possibility. .... just remember test makes your organs grow prostate, heart, etc....which is not a good thing. I only took 350mg of test a week a supposed low dose and I'm kinda having problems.
I'll update you guys on what the doc says.

but why don't you consider using small amounts of Winstrol (winny) or anavar, or/and that fast half-life Deca...that will minimize sides.
I got an EKG done and it shows that my heart is electrically fine. I'm going to have to run more tests. But I'll keep you guys updated.
DTOX said:
Blood pressure should be 120/80 or under. If it's consistently over that then go see your doc.

Blood Pressure; What Do Those Numbers Mean?

I have seen a few posts where there is some confusion or misunderstanding of what blood pressure numbers mean. I found this little explanation, hope this clears things up.

What Do Those Numbers Mean?
Your doctor tells you your blood pressure is 120 over 70 (written as 120/70). Should you be elated or concerned?

The first number refers to your systolic blood pressure. Systolic is your maximum pressure, taken right after your heart pumps. The second number refers to your diastolic blood pressure. Diastolic is the lowest pressure you have, measured when your heart is relaxed.

Miller says, "120/70 is an optimal blood pressure for adults. People are identified as hypertensive if their systolic number is above 140 and/or their diastolic number is greater than 90."
i used to be 150/over 90 but last check was 138 over 88 so its a little better . im prone to temper tantrums and fits like a brat kid . i smash shit regularly in the house or at the bars . you ever seen ditka on the side lines when hes choaching , lol! yeah thats me sometimes , lol! the wife calls me a big fuckin asshole mostly everyday and my friends call me a pshycho on accasion . guess im prone to have a heart attack but i dont have medical insureance so fuck it !
StoneColdNTO said:
Blood Pressure; What Do Those Numbers Mean?

I have seen a few posts where there is some confusion or misunderstanding of what blood pressure numbers mean. I found this little explanation, hope this clears things up.

What Do Those Numbers Mean?
Your doctor tells you your blood pressure is 120 over 70 (written as 120/70). Should you be elated or concerned?

The first number refers to your systolic blood pressure. Systolic is your maximum pressure, taken right after your heart pumps. The second number refers to your diastolic blood pressure. Diastolic is the lowest pressure you have, measured when your heart is relaxed.

Miller says, "120/70 is an optimal blood pressure for adults. People are identified as hypertensive if their systolic number is above 140 and/or their diastolic number is greater than 90."
good heads up , bad avatar:D
DADAWG said:
good heads up , bad avatar:D
STONE COLD NTO : guess im hypertensive then . thanks for the info bro. ! ill kep my eye on it . my wife has a blood pressure cuff here at home and is a cna so i have her check me and i only rarely take ephedrine or ephedra products only for a max attempt day for example . i know its playing with fire but we only live once and i enjoy training/watching the #rs climb etc. ! it makes me happy in life among a few other things .:p