Expired Test


True Anabolic Freak
Hey guys its been awhile I was going threw my safe and found a few 10ml bottles of Test E and Test P that are about 4 years past the expiration date you think there still any good???
Depends on the oil. I'm not sure about the shelf life of the hormone itself but with most things they tend to slowly lose potency. Very slowly. I'd be more worried about the oil going bad but if made properly it's probably fine.
Its from a UGL lab from back in the day those were the days.
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I just pulled about 2cc of test prop smelled it seems fine it dont smell bad OMG Im tempted lol Smells looks and feels normal its clear its not cloudy...
It should be fine then if no bad smell or anything. If it hurts after injection just heat before using but since it was stored properly I bet you are good my man.
I'm thinking the same but i thought i would just post it up here thank you. Just been busy with work and now the wife =) its been about three years since I hit the juice too.
yeah stuff loses its potency very slowly like user said. if the oil doesn't seem bad you're probably good to go. if you want some extra peace of mind you could bake it for shits & giggles, but if they were untouched and stored properly then yeah.... party on.
I can understand all that. Well shit you should have a good time with it after that long break. I've tried to convince my self to take that much time off but I just can't see it. Good luck bro
It is UGL Test but you would think the BA would still keep it Sterile im not worried about potency just sterility
Yeah no worries on it. You could bake it to make sure it's sterile but becareful because you could damage the hormone. If you use it and don't think it's still potent, there's a ton of UGL's around. The chemical study forum would give you instructions for baking but I would not worry about it. I looked at exp dates on mine and they are 4 years. I'm assuming at that time it may slowly start to loose potency but what does that really amount to? Not much. Like using 500mg and only getting 499. It would take a lot of years to make a difference.