More Noob Than You
15 softgels per day is way more than we recommend. The side-effects you are experiencing are probably a direct effect of a grapefruit overdose.
I would think you would experience better results bumping down to 12 per day.
Thanks for the input Eric. I'll keep that in mind if I keep feeling the sides. I think the stomach/appetite issues just have to do with taking 15 pills ED. My wife (a doc) thinks it's just a mental thing. Had the same issue for a few weeks when the team was handing out Animal Pak vitamins.... If it keeps giving me trouble, I'll definitely cut back a bit though.
What kind of athlete are you glubgawd- a sumo wrestler? How much weight are you hoping to gain? tip 400#'s? You might want to up your cloric intake. Good luck bro!
haha nah. I play football. My hopes are that I can just maintain at around 360-365lbs. If I can get some strength out of the deal that would be AWESOME.
If I get any bigger, the wife will kill me

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