F*ckin with Andromass - An unbiased mini log + review


More Noob Than You
Most of you know me. For the people who find this on google – I've been a pro athlete for almost 10 years. I demand a lot out of my body. My physical performance is what pays my bills. Been using steroids since I was drafted. Over the past few years I've started blasting and cruising since it takes me around 350mg of test per week just to maintain.

A couple of weeks ago I switched to cruising on prop so that I could get the test out of my system quicker. I dropped it all together 2 days before starting Andromass. Today is my 10th day on andromass.

I'm running 15 caps per day (3 caps 5x a day). This is WELL beyond their recommended dose and I don't suggest it to anyone else. With that said, Primordial Performance maintains that Andromass is completely safe, virtually side effect free and safe for long term use. So we'll see how well that pans out. If AM works, I'm prepared to run it for up to 16 weeks (although I only have 4 bottles on hand right now) assuming the team docs and coaches don't change their minds....

Starting stats:
Height: 6'7
Weight: 363lbs
Calorie Intake: 10-14k calories per day depending on a lot of factors.

Current Stats:
Weight: 356lbs (no change in bf%)

During the off season I lift on M/W/F. I practice something like 8-12x a week (yes, that means more than once per day on some days). Lifting is priority #1 for my position so I ALWAYS lift before practice to ensure practice doesn't interfere with my strength/intensity.

Side effects so far:
Decreased appetite
Increased liver values
Stomach discomfort
Increased blood pressure

I've also noticed a decrease in endurance, but that's definitely from the test clearing my system. Hopefully AM will pump it back up soon.
Here's how my workout on Monday went. I'll only report the overall change in the heaviest set of weights since I started the cycle:

Monday 5/30
Squats: -30lbs
Bench: -10lbs
Rows: -15lbs
Farmers Walk: -40yrds, same weight.

Lack of endurance is KILLING me right now. Even the squats (first thing I do) were brutal to get through. Really hoping andromass ends up showing some of the increased endurance that AAS do.
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Ok here's this mornings #'s along with my current workout routine:

Wed 6/1
Squat: no change (light day for squats)
Deadlift: no change
Push Press: no change
Dips: Had to pause constantly during last 2 sets.
Hang Clean: -90lbs

Today looked a lot more promising in terms of strength. Lack of energy is killing me though. I think that's what got me on the cleans and dips.

Here's my full workout routine just so you guys can see whats going on:

Squat (medium)
Farmers Walk

Squat (light)
Push Press
Hang Clean

Squat (heavy)
Power Clean
Today looked a lot more promising in terms of strength. Lack of energy is killing me though. I think that's what got me on the cleans and dips.

The 1-DHEA will cause lethargy and at 15 caps a day I can imagine it will be very apparent.
The 1-DHEA will cause lethargy and at 15 caps a day I can imagine it will be very apparent.

hey thanks for clearing that up man. Wasn't sure what the deal was lol.

How long do you think until the strength gains start kicking in?
hey thanks for clearing that up man. Wasn't sure what the deal was lol.

How long do you think until the strength gains start kicking in?

We have reports of around 15-16 days in. Some are gaining weight quick, and some are not seeing it until past two weeks. Even though blood levels are quickly elevated it typically will take a couple weeks at least to start noticing strength gains. Especially with prior AAS use. Hope it works out for you bud.
lol thanks guys. Appreciate the turn out.

ryan - thanks for the response man. That's roughly what I figured. I won't quit it in any less than a month. I really wanna give it an opportunity to kick in and see what we're working with.
lol thanks guys. Appreciate the turn out.

ryan - thanks for the response man. That's roughly what I figured. I won't quit it in any less than a month. I really wanna give it an opportunity to kick in and see what we're working with.

Yah I had wondered how the 1-dhea would effect you at 15 caps per day in terms of lethargy. I was about to chime in that this is probably the cause of the drop in energy, but Ryan covered that already.

I think at 15 caps per day the DHEA actually starts directly effecting the AR as well. I wonder how that effects the results!

Either way... this is my #1 log to look at!
Side effects so far:
Decreased appetite
Increased liver values
Stomach discomfort
Increased blood pressure

I've also noticed a decrease in endurance, but that's definitely from the test clearing my system. Hopefully AM will pump it back up soon.

15 softgels per day is way more than we recommend. The side-effects you are experiencing are probably a direct effect of a grapefruit overdose.

I would think you would experience better results bumping down to 12 per day.

15 softgels per day is way more than we recommend. The side-effects you are experiencing are probably a direct effect of a grapefruit overdose.

I would think you would experience better results bumping down to 12 per day.


He's such a big fukker at 373lbs! maybe 15 caps isn't too much. What kind of athlete are you glubgawd- a sumo wrestler? How much weight are you hoping to gain? tip 400#'s? You might want to up your cloric intake. Good luck bro!