fat burners?

Mini Me said:
But by recomending Ephedrine, you are only encouraging him to always take the easy road ... If he Really wants to improve then he must set up a diet, and I think its good practice to see your body change with less or more calories. and the general experience of working towards a goal, be it weight or lifts...

As with all drugs, they speed up the process....

But he doesnt have a process yet......

Be it gym time, eating, general life style....

First get a steady routine going..... Only then should he consider that, or any other drug.

My 2 cents.

You're completely right, but I'm not trying to be his trainer...I was just answering his question, which is Yes, some fat burners really work

But again, you're completely right, he needs to lay the ground work first before considering drugs or supps

Since he is relatively new I think the less 'short cut' suggestions the better..

BTW Mulldog what is you schedule like now?? I am curious to hear how its going or if you still sticking with it?? No one said that this is easy and from time to time we all cheat with Hormones but dont satrt the game cheating of you do you will loose..

As WOOt said, dbol would be a crazy hormone to take given you goal you are trying to achieve, if and when the time comes I am sure we would all glady recomond the right choice of Hormones.. Remember, just cos its a steroid doesnt mean you will get big and ripped. They all work very differently so be careful with you selection... Sure dbol will change your shape, you will get stronger, probably a fair amount of water retention, but as soon as you stop your body will quicky go back to close to its usual shape and then how will you feel ?? (pissed off and demotivated is my guess, been there done it... were not being tough on you just strongly correcting you so far misguided information)

Let us know what you doing and how its working... Ps you never said how old you are? just curious??


well, I havent been taking anything, just hydroxycut and Ive worked around my work hours and the hours I get at the gym.

I went from a 42 waste at 252lbs to 36'' waste and 228lbs

Im planning on getting more into a solid diet, rather then just a normal no junk food.

Ive gotten completley out of pop, anything fried... butter, mayo etc.. Ive been eating cans of tuna with a fork and a couple bottle sof water insted of buying some pizza or mcdicks..

I will post up some result pictures soon, before and after
i KNOW IT MAY BE SACRELIGIOUS HERE BUT i think I may just suggest you go to the remainder bin atsome bookstore and pick up body for life or something.

Its a start for people who have no clue.
Milhouse said:
i KNOW IT MAY BE SACRELIGIOUS HERE BUT i think I may just suggest you go to the remainder bin atsome bookstore and pick up body for life or something.

Its a start for people who have no clue.
We've all got to start somewhere right?

I suggest you hang around and try to get a basic knowledge of diet and nutrition. No shame in that. We all have to learn sometime. Not everyone can be an expert. I learn knew things by reading on this forum every other day.
Mulldog said:
Ive been doing that for a few weeks now and I dont really notice any difference. Ive made sure to keep the calories down and all, and still nothing.

Are there such things at fat burner pills that actully work?

I know a girl from school who was around 205lbs, big girl but real nice.. she took 4 pills a day from some company and she is down to a 135 in less then 4 months...

Anything like that?

I want to loose like 20-30 lbs..
I'm calling BS!!

No one can do that without surgery...NO ONE!

Research ECA stacks and clenbuteral
Iam 24 Yars Old 5'11 236 With A Large Build. I Played College Football And I Lift 4 Days A Week And 2 Days Cardio Iam About 3o Pounds To Heavy What Is The Best Fat Burner For Me That Will Be Effective?
Try doing cardio 4 times a week, forty five minutes tops. See if that works, along with what all these guys told mulldog about dieting. If that doesn't work Ephedrine, cup of coffee no milk/sugar, take couple pills of aspirin then hit up some cardio, and superset your workout while weight training. May not be safe but thats of course the easy way!