feeling very tired (help)


6'6'' 184+ I am Gay
Does T3 make you tired? Ive taken it with clen before and never experienced this. T3 is the only thing thats changed so im guessing thats what making me tired. Has anybody else had this problem with T3?
if your bf% is dropping below 10% u will feel tired almost all the time... this is natural. To stay below 10% bf year-round is nearly impossible and very uncomfortable. This is why MOST bodybuilders stay between 12 and 15% most of the year until about 16 weeks out from a show, they diet down and peak at 5-7% for one week then back up again... not rocket science, but it works ;)
what china said i had that prob. try overeating w clean diet for a couple of days. c ifthathelps. i have no experience w t3 not worth it unless your competiting at a high level imo.
Short answer is yes. If you split your dose to 2-3 times a day I find it makes this issue reduced (just my experience don't know if science backs it) Also at what dose are you running it? I usually run a very mild t3 cycle. Also make sure you are hitting your macro's.
I just bumped it up from 100 to 125mcg and the tiredness has gotten worse.

unless u are competing at a high level and need to shed fat in a hurry the last couple weeks there is absolutely no need to be using 125mcg's of t3 per day

50-75mcg max is plenty, combine that with no more than 80mcg of clen and the bodyfat will come flying off even with a diet that is not perfect

DON'T screw around with those high dosages of t3 unless u want to risk permanent thyroid damage
Dude China_wall is right that is crazy high, I have basically just cruised at 60 and with cardio and regular training I was dropping weight faster than I wanted too, I also lost muscle while I was doing it At those levels no wonder you are feeling those sides.
You should never go above 75mcg of T3.

Studies show a catabolic state of anything over 100mcg - however most people are in a catabolic state at 100mcg.

By my nature I had to test this and set myself back a couple months of progress.

You will notice a decline in lifts along with a loss in muscle.

Many people's first reaction is to think their gear isn't working - when in fact it's the T3 cutting into progress.

T3 is great - just use it modestly.
Bump to this old ass thread. When I was taking T3, minutes after taking it I could feel the sleepiness setting in. I start at 50mcg and work to 75mcg within a few days. My body eventually adapted and felt nothing on 75mcg. I MIGHT run T3 for a future cycle, can I just take it at night to avoid sleepiness?
Like China mentioned being low bf causes fatigue. Add on top of that low calories, fasted morning cardio and simulants your energy is gone. For me, clen adds a wired feeling on top of being tired, a very unpleaseing feeling for the difference of a negigable amount of bf. Just not worth it unless you are competing. I dieted for 6 months last year, just wasted to be the lean guy with all the events I had, got submerged at 5.5%.. Was an awesome summer, had a lot of fun but was dizzy onto of being tired. You need to be aware of the sacrifice, you will feel crummy, I don't know how pros do it, they are warriors
Like China mentioned being low bf causes fatigue. Add on top of that low calories, fasted morning cardio and simulants your energy is gone. For me, clen adds a wired feeling on top of being tired, a very unpleaseing feeling for the difference of a negigable amount of bf. Just not worth it unless you are competing. I dieted for 6 months last year, just wasted to be the lean guy with all the events I had, got submerged at 5.5%.. Was an awesome summer, had a lot of fun but was dizzy onto of being tired. You need to be aware of the sacrifice, you will feel crummy, I don't know how pros do it, they are warriors

Lol disregard, old ass thread
What is this talk in regard to old asses, huh :(
Anyway with the low energy I just want to add, Methycobalamin B-12 WILL / can help ! make note Methyl