finished 3rd week - not happy with results

currently on my first cycle - 10 weeks test e 500mg/week split into two 250mg injections.
0.5mg arimidex EOD and two 250iu HCG injections/week
i had been gaining the weeks prior to starting cycle on about 3500 cals

tomorrow starts week 4 and i'm only 5lbs up, mostly water probably...
i thought by now by strength would be up by a lot but in reality i'm only doing a few reps more or adding about 10lbs max to some of my lifts. other exercises like shoulder press haven't changed at all.

i'm i asking too much for week 3? i know most people say they feel test e kick in at week 4 but i see no reason why you shouldn't improve your lifts during the first weeks. i'm just worried i'm not gonna get much out of this cycle and lose most of what i gained during PCT...

on the other hand my mom keeps asking me if i have a sore throat because she swears my voice is deeper lol. brother told me he sees my beard is finally closing up and some friends asked my if i got into i fight because my face looks a bit swollen lol... btw libido was strong as fck during week 1 but the past 2 weeks has been really normal.

gear is alpha pharma so i would hope it's legit

Eat more food, gear is useless without food just as cars are without gas.test E really shines at week 5 to be honest, so if you gained only 5lns of water in 3 weeks your not doing bad. Up calories to 4500 if you want faster results brother.
I notice that people react to AI in different ways. For test only cycle of enanthate I would not even use an AI until the test really kicks in but that's just me... its hard to tell if you are using too much or too little
lol @ my source:
i asked for a prop vial to do 150mg EOD the 2 weeks between my last enan pin and the start of PCT and he told me:
"i don't understand why you want to do prop if you want to gain muscle mass"
so i asked him: why? what's the difference between prop and enan?
and he said: "prop is only used on cutting cycles and at 100mg/ml, it's not as strong as enan"
then i told him: well at least it clears out of the body quickly, that way i can start PCT 3 days after my last pin instead of having to wait 2 weeks as when doing enan"
and he said: "what? no way. you start PCT 1 week after your last injection regardless of what compound you injected"

anyway; he offers me 10 1ml ampules of 100mg/ml alpha pharma (good reputation) vs 1 10ml vial at 100mg/ml omega labs (bad reputation) for the same price. a vial is much more convenient because i will be doing 150mg EOD so it'd be 1 and a half ampules...
so my options are:

1- buy the ampules and using a syringe pour them into my recently empty enan vial
2- buy the omega labs vial and risk using fake/shit gear.

any input is welcome

Id go with #3

3- Find a new source
Either low dose test or your not eating enough good. Because without food, you will gain no weight. Test doesn't make something from nothing. But id say it's bunk, find someone else.

i kinda saw it coming... had diarrhea the first half of the week and the second half couldn't get all my meals in.
meh.. i'm disappointed but there's no looking back now, gotta go heavy at it this next week.
i don't really think my gear is shit, maybe underdosed but not a complete waste. i know i should get bloods but it's expensive and my budget is tight atm
I say its your diet bro, even not being on juice you should gain something in 6 weeks

lol i have. so far about 5.5kg. i was talking about not gaining any weight during week 6 in which i'm aware y failed my diet...
can any mod please change the title of this thread? maybe to something like "test e 500mg/week log"
ook, I didn't read every post so maybe uve said u gained somewhere along the line.... 12 pounds is decent, when im juicing I gain an average of 2-3 pounds a week so id say your doing good imo
ook, I didn't read every post so maybe uve said u gained somewhere along the line.... 12 pounds is decent, when im juicing I gain an average of 2-3 pounds a week so id say your doing good imo

Some people just don't eat enough and expect anabolics to create something from nothing. Hell no, the only way to grow is to pack food into your stomach until you have a turtle she gut. I find if I don't eat enough, the steroid doesn't even work. I don't even feel it's presence unless I'm
Pushing high calories, wierd huh?
Some people just don't eat enough and expect anabolics to create something from nothing. Hell no, the only way to grow is to pack food into your stomach until you have a turtle she gut. I find if I don't eat enough, the steroid doesn't even work. I don't even feel it's presence unless I'm
Pushing high calories, wierd huh?

definitely. didn't eat right during week 6, gained no weight.
trained chest and shoulders too hard yesterday and with too much volume trying to make up for the lack gains this week, fucked my left shoulder up... what a newbie mistake. specially considering the amount of times i've read people warning not to go too hard during cycle because chances are your joints are gonna pay for it. i trained with rage yesterday, not smart.
i may be rushing it, expecting too much or just being impatient but it seems gains are coming to a stop :/
didn't gain a single gram on week 6 and now halfway week 7 things are not looking good...
i'm on a 700 calorie surplus so i don't really think it has to do with my diet.
i may be rushing it, expecting too much or just being impatient but it seems gains are coming to a stop :/
didn't gain a single gram on week 6 and now halfway week 7 things are not looking good...
i'm on a 700 calorie surplus so i don't really think it has to do with my diet.

Fuck the scale, use the mirror. And keep eating!
I also thought adex was to high, for me .125 eod worked well @500mg test

Seriously... How the hell do you split Adex in to that small a dose?

If I aim for any smaller than 0.5mg - I get a crumpled mess...

It actually baffles me why UGL make Adex in the same doses as the Pharma companies do...
OK, make them 1mg for their intended purpose - but why make them 1mg for us guys???
first few weeks dont expect anything really, and i would rec push cycle to 14 wks, and be happy with 15-20lb total at end of cycle. like look at a 2lb steak... you think your going to grow 20 of those in a few months? maybe you expect too much...
good luck! : )
lol @ my source:
i asked for a prop vial to do 150mg EOD the 2 weeks between my last enan pin and the start of PCT and he told me:
"i don't understand why you want to do prop if you want to gain muscle mass"
so i asked him: why? what's the difference between prop and enan?
and he said: "prop is only used on cutting cycles and at 100mg/ml, it's not as strong as enan"
then i told him: well at least it clears out of the body quickly, that way i can start PCT 3 days after my last pin instead of having to wait 2 weeks as when doing enan"
and he said: "what? no way. you start PCT 1 week after your last injection regardless of what compound you injected"

anyway; he offers me 10 1ml ampules of 100mg/ml alpha pharma (good reputation) vs 1 10ml vial at 100mg/ml omega labs (bad reputation) for the same price. a vial is much more convenient because i will be doing 150mg EOD so it'd be 1 and a half ampules...
so my options are:

1- buy the ampules and using a syringe pour them into my recently empty enan vial
2- buy the omega labs vial and risk using fake/shit gear.

any input is welcome
nono no! you buy unused, sterile vials for like 2$ each and carefully fill it with syringe.

and avoid labs you dont trust. AML is one i use incase that helps
And as for your diet... 150g a day of protein is NOT enough!

I always try and shoot for a minimum of 1.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight on cycle - and I'm using 3J this year and he has me on even more than that.

Preferably from whole foods too - not all shakes!
- i'm currently eating 3600 cals with a total of 270g protein
- 3j kindly reviewed my diet and didn't tell me to up the calories so i was hoping diet was in check... if by week 8 i haven't gained any weight i'll up the calories to 4000. i don't drink any shakes, all my calories come from food
- i ended up buying the ampules. 10 1ml alpha pharma test prop ampules. i don't have any empty vials and i also can't get any (i live outside the states) and believe me i've tried to get one before for my hcg and it's impossible... i guess i will have to inject 1ml test prop EOD for 20 days instead of 150ml EOD for 14 days. if anything, that'll just give the enan more time to clear out of my body.
- having an injury mid cycle is the most depressing thing ever lol... my shoulder was killing me yesterday during push day and i had to lower the weight by like 20lbs on all my lifts. took it slow in hopes of recovering well this week

thanks everybody for the input