First AndroLean Log

Just saw the blood work, must have missed it, those labs look pretty good for being on cycle, the cholesterol and ldl being up could be from the androseries, do you have hypercholeteremia in your family? Anyone else take a statin or anything? Add oatmeal for sure, also if you can I've seen some good bloodwork with toco 8 added, not sure how long it takes to show results on paper though. The tsh being a bit up is ok, not super high but not where you want it, could be the androlean causing some increase in pituitary action sending more tsh to the thyroid. If your t4 was on the low end of normal you might be slightly hypothyroid. Without baseline levels though its really all speculation.
Thanks for bringing the med insight :beertoast
Toco-8 is great for cholesterol levels, it will be back in stock on thursday hopefully

I agree. I just took it by putting the powder on my tongue and swigging some water. Taste a little fruity and sweet.

Loaded, pretty good feedback and thoughts on lean, honest and open, I dig it.
Last day. I had 14 pills left not sure how, but anyway, I took 7 x 2 today. No change in effects tho.

I did not really get much effects from the AndroLean alone, but when you add other stuff you may see something happen. I added the ECA and saw results. Ultimately, I would not try this product again and not too sure that I would recommend it to anyone. Just on the lack of intensity I did not experience with it as I had expected. It may work better for different types of people. I don't too much know if I believe much of those other logs. Who really knows?
Anyway, in general, I don't think I have much faith in prohormones. I will prob continue on the ECA to drop a few more pounds and maybe in 8 weeks go a more direct route. I wish I had experienced enough to sway my interest towards AndroMass, but I can predict that it would probably leave me with similar outcome.

Four weeks ago, I weighed 208, now I'm sitting at 203, that was all fat. Over the course of 4 weeks: I Didn't really start losing weight till about week 2-3. My strength did not increase. My libido was reduced slightly. My energy was a slightly increased. My stamina was increased slightly, though over the course of the cycle. I had some very strange, vivid dreams at night. I did a couple times experience a feeling of restlessness during the night while trying to sleep, like last night. There were some changes, but they were not to the degree I had expected from the advertisements of it. If anyone does choose to try this product out, I wish them the best of luck and hope it works out well or at least better than it did for me.
Last day. I had 14 pills left not sure how, but anyway, I took 7 x 2 today. No change in effects tho.

I did not really get much effects from the AndroLean alone, but when you add other stuff you may see something happen. I added the ECA and saw results. Ultimately, I would not try this product again and not too sure that I would recommend it to anyone. Just on the lack of intensity I did not experience with it as I had expected. It may work better for different types of people. I don't too much know if I believe much of those other logs. Who really knows?
Anyway, in general, I don't think I have much faith in prohormones. I will prob continue on the ECA to drop a few more pounds and maybe in 8 weeks go a more direct route. I wish I had experienced enough to sway my interest towards AndroMass, but I can predict that it would probably leave me with similar outcome.

Four weeks ago, I weighed 208, now I'm sitting at 203, that was all fat. Over the course of 4 weeks: I Didn't really start losing weight till about week 2-3. My strength did not increase. My libido was reduced slightly. My energy was a slightly increased. My stamina was increased slightly, though over the course of the cycle. I had some very strange, vivid dreams at night. I did a couple times experience a feeling of restlessness during the night while trying to sleep, like last night. There were some changes, but they were not to the degree I had expected from the advertisements of it. If anyone does choose to try this product out, I wish them the best of luck and hope it works out well or at least better than it did for me.

Honest feedback.

So are saying the claim Super Power. AndroLean delivers the transforming power of 91mg/week of injectable testosterone. might not be exactly true.
I have never taken testosterone enanthate yet, but I can estimate and suspect that their claim is inflated. I could try it, but wouldn't want to waste it when I'm going to take 500mg...

It wouldn't be hard to believe tho that 42 PH pills = 0.364 cc of juice.

I guess prohormones are quite different from AAS, as AAS works for everyone that does them, whereas prohormones work for some and not all. I am much looking forward to my first cycle.

I don't really see this time spent on the PH as time wasted because everything is a learning experience.
Honest feedback.

So are saying the claim Super Power. AndroLean delivers the transforming power of 91mg/week of injectable testosterone. might not be exactly true.

Out of curiosity Ra, what would you expect with a dosage of 91mg/Test? This dosage is designed to help fight catabolism.

Legit question, don't jump down my throat, you know I appreciate honest feedback more than bullshit.
Nice review. I think the amount of weight lost over the total time is not a lot, but the total amount of weight lost is primarily an issue of calories in vs. calories out. You said the weight lost was "all fat" and I think perhaps if kcal had been dropped a bit you would have lost some more fat but maintained muscle :) Very honest review here.
Nice review. I think the amount of weight lost over the total time is not a lot, but the total amount of weight lost is primarily an issue of calories in vs. calories out. You said the weight lost was "all fat" and I think perhaps if kcal had been dropped a bit you would have lost some more fat but maintained muscle :) Very honest review here.

I can agree with you there. I think I would have done better if I had done the ECA from the start and restricted my calorie intake as much as I did towards the end. Although its kind of baffling because at 2500 my calories were already restricted by 500. But I suppose a further restriction was necessary. With that being said, I'm not too sure about the total effectiveness of the AndroLean itself. I actually was expecting more from it, but a supplement can only do so much. I just wish I had experienced better results/effects with the AndroLean, because it would have given me some confidence in AndroMass (which sounds good). I have a bit more progress to make before I go AAS, but perhaps depending on what I hear or see from the AndroMass logs, I may give it a shot if I don't begin a cycle by that time. Or if it was provided for me to log that would be acceptable I think. That's a quite larger cost to experiment with for me. BTW, would I be eligible for the 150% money back guarantee?
There wasn't much of noticeable change in before and after... Current picture. I should be more where I want to be by the end of the year. I think I will finish the TRS, get blood work done again, then decide whether or not to do AAS. In the meantime, I think I'm just going to truck on with the ECA and calorie restriction, till I get down to 190. Curious to see what others end results are from androseries.
There wasn't much of noticeable change in before and after... Current picture. I should be more where I want to be by the end of the year. I think I will finish the TRS, get blood work done again, then decide whether or not to do AAS. In the meantime, I think I'm just going to truck on with the ECA and calorie restriction, till I get down to 190. Curious to see what others end results are from androseries.

Nice physique man, you look pretty strong. What are your lifts at? Just curious since I know you're natty
Thanks, I do what I can. Bench 245, squat 275 everything else, about avg... Have not tried max on anything. Just getting back to squats so that should go up in weeks to come. I would like to try going heavier on chest, but seems like never anyone around for a spot. Once I get back on with regular workout partner, I should be easily going heavier and getting stronger.
Been on the post cycle therapy (pct) for a week now: my appetite has increased back to normal (more or less), also my libido is slightly up from the lower level it was at during the cycle.
Loaded, I dont want to jack your thread, but just wanted to say I have 1 week left of AL. Following along with your log, I must say Ive had a simalar experience with AL. I upped the dose to 4+4 also. Ive also started an EC stack somewhere in the middle. I cant say Im totally dissapointed, but the product is not what I expected. Ive had a super clean diet, cut calories, cardio, and so far dropped about 7-8 lbs. I feel like without the AL, I probably would have seen close to the same results. I did get it for a discounted price,so I dont feel so bad, but dont think I would pay to run this again. Im curious to see how the other Andro products are reviewed.