First AndroLean Log

-Here is the CATCH!

-AndroLEAN has a anabolic EQUIVALENCY to 91 mgs of testosterone - Meaning the total build-up of active steroids ie; androstenedione, androstenediol etc...will produce anabolic effects similar to 91mgs of test enanthate.

-SOooo if you were to TEST SPECIFICALLY for androstenedione and diol etc....then you would see blood work indicating those hormones to be HIGH, of course actual testosterone conversion is low and your number is actually to be expected.

- ANABOLIC EQUIVALENCY - 91mg a week of REAL test e. is pretty damn minute anyways so I am not surprised by the results.

Yes, the word equivalency is a bit confusing, and borders on misleading. I will say this about the successful AL logs I have read: the daily caloric deficits were 1000-1500. So, if it does work for some people, it appears that it works more by anticatabolism in this low calorie environment, more than by thermogenesis.
Yes, the word equivalency is a bit confusing, and borders on misleading. I will say this about the successful AL logs I have read: the daily caloric deficits were 1000-1500. So, if it does work for some people, it appears that it works more by anticatabolism in this low calorie environment, more than by thermogenesis.

Eric himself said Androlean would absolutely shine in a massive calorie deficit. How many calories? I think thats relative to each individual mostly, but a 1000 calories minus would be ideal in most cases, jmo.
I never posted my post-AL bloodwork... But sure I'm back to normal by now... just waiting for it to get in then I will post. I am specifically interested in the cholesterol and testosterone levels.
Total Cholesterol 200 (high), LDL Cholesterol 118 (high). everything else within normal limits. Serum testosterone 417 (still seems on the low end), estradiol 27.2, LH 7.0, FSH 4.1.

I have been eating like shit for the last 6 weeks so not surprised about the cholesterol. But from the testosterone result, I don't suspect the AL really affected much in that area.
Total Cholesterol 200 (high), LDL Cholesterol 118 (high). everything else within normal limits. Serum testosterone 417 (still seems on the low end), estradiol 27.2, LH 7.0, FSH 4.1.

I have been eating like shit for the last 6 weeks so not surprised about the cholesterol. But from the testosterone result, I don't suspect the AL really affected much in that area.

Thanks for posting this Loaded. I brought my total down to 150's and my good ch. to 50 something. Not bad and I did it by adding Toco 8 and cutting back on fried foods. Took me months to get it down but it worked.
Yeah, I still have some Toco 8, so I will finish that off and still keeping oatmeal in the mornings throw in a sweet n low and some frozen blueberries its gtg.