First cycle advice Sustanon (sust) 250 or test e?

That explains it.. Thanks for looking out, bro. I'm going to check that out tonight. As for the gear I'm picking it up later around 3pm. Lesson learned. Check these prices he gave me for the following:

Test E $130 10 mls
Adex $170
Clomid $170

And for the he'll of it I inquired about the EQ 10 mls and that was another $170. I wised up mid-conversation with him and remtembered about the post cycle therapy (pct) websites.

So once I have everything I need I will start on about a month once I can get my bf down a little bit more. Since I want lean bulk is there a training routine instead of split that I can use for full body? 5x5 training, crossfit, etc? Suggestions? I know, I know.. I ask a lot of questions but better safe than sorry..

Holy shit that dude is highway robbery! Ya bro you will be a lot happier with the route I laid out for you....geez adex and Aromasin and clomid are cheap

Higher reps are better for trimming up. As far as lean well that is all based on what you eat bro...

And dont worry about asking questions....that's why you are here!
So I ordered from z and I used the dotpay feature and when I submitted it just loaded back to the main dotpay webpage. Now what? I sent an email to the Z customer service but no answer yet. What should I do?:hahano:
First off you should be patient you wont get imediate replies from anyone really. Then go find the dude that was trying to charge you over a hundred for Adex and clomid and knock his ass out. What a dick dude I'm sorry but that's just insulting. I'm glad you found better sources.
So I ordered from z and I used the dotpay feature and when I submitted it just loaded back to the main dotpay webpage. Now what? I sent an email to the Z customer service but no answer yet. What should I do?:hahano:

Ya be patient bro.....give it a couple days
Yeah I'm impatient. Lol true I should knock his lights out. Before I went to bed I kept searching Ology for any z posts and I calmed down. Thanks for the advice guys.
aromasin needs to be ran all the way through pct after you start it.

also you should incorporate the hcg blast phase between your last inject and pct...

finastride is not for just in case. You need to take that a month ahead of time for it to start working.

eq would be best ran at 5-600 per week and at a 12 week minimum for your next cycle...this one though should be test only

Bump.. So my source came through and got me Test 300 from American Pharmaceuticals. Dose is 300mg/ml in a 10ml bottle. Anyone had any experience with this brand?
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Bump.. So my source came through and got me Test 300 from American Pharmaceuticals. Dose is 300mg/ml in a 10ml bottle. Anyone had any experience with this brand?

BUMP!! Anyone? My order from Z should be getting here next week and just need my Exesmestane, inastride, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before I start.


I just got my order from z and im waiting for my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and finastride. My cycle is going to be as follows:

Wk 1-10 Test E 600mg/WK
Wk 1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 iu / WK
Wk 1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg /ED titrate if necessary
Wk: 1-14 Finastride .5mg/ ED/ taking one month prior to cycle and then all the way through cycle and PCT

2 weeks after last Test pin:

PCT: clomid 50/50/50/50 or front load of 300mg 1st day. Haven't decided which yet..
Nolva 20mg/ ED

Feedback is GREATLY appreciated!!! Constructive criticism is always welcome. I want to maximize my cycle to its fullest potential. :rockband:
Wouldn't you want to run your Aromasin to week 16? Pct is 4 weeks minimum. Have you considered the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast phase between the end of ur cycle and start of post cycle therapy (pct)?

Also finastride should be started a month before the cycle because it takes that long to biuld up and start working


I just got my order from z and im waiting for my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and finastride. My cycle is going to be as follows:

Wk 1-10 Test E 600mg/WK
Wk 1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 iu / WK
Wk 1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg /ED titrate if necessary
Wk: 1-14 Finastride .5mg/ ED/ taking one month prior to cycle and then all the way through cycle and PCT
2 weeks after last Test pin:

PCT: clomid 50/50/50/50 or front load of 300mg 1st day. Haven't decided which yet..
Nolva 20mg/ ED for 4 weeks

Edited. I knew I posted something incorrectly. Yes, PCT is 4 weeks long with Aromasin included. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast phase? Is there a difference between 2 times a week and blasting 1000 ius or so? The only reason I want to do it that way is because that's what I currently have.

If it's a better method then I will need more HCG. I currently have 10,000 iu's.


I just got my order from z and im waiting for my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and finastride. My cycle is going to be as follows:

Wk 1-10 Test E 600mg/WK
Wk 1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 iu / WK
Wk 1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg /ED titrate if necessary
Wk: 1-14 Finastride .5mg/ ED/ taking one month prior to cycle and then all the way through cycle and PCT
2 weeks after last Test pin:

PCT: clomid 50/50/50/50 or front load of 300mg 1st day. Haven't decided which yet..
Nolva 20mg/ ED for 4 weeks

Edited. I knew I posted something incorrectly. Yes, PCT is 4 weeks long with Aromasin included. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast phase? Is there a difference between 2 times a week and blasting 1000 ius or so? The only reason I want to do it that way is because that's what I currently have.

If it's a better method then I will need more HCG. I currently have 10,000 iu's.

Your Aromasin should be week 1 - 16

So in order to do the blast phase you would need to buy more? Ya I think the blast phase with the pct u set up would be better
Pardon my retardation but in other words instead of running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle the blast phase is better or both?

So the blast phase in here:
Pardon my retardation but in other words instead of running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle the blast phase is better or both?

So the blast phase in here:

It would be best to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) all the way through and use the bkast phase....I'm not sure what that link says cause I can't access it....blast phase starts the day after last test e inject....500iu everyday for 10 days...then 4 days later u start pct
Hey guys.

Obvious newbie here and i'm sorry for the elementary question, but what is the "z" that you've been referring to that you order from.....Sorry again.