First Cycle Ever Log- Test E/Dbol


New member
Alright guys I decided to try to run a log for my cycle. This is my first cycle and I have never ran a log on anything before so bare with me.

My cycle is as follows:

Weeks 1-12 Test E 500mg/week pins M/T split into 250mg each pin.
(Dropped the Dbol on this cycle)
Weeks 2-12 Adex @ .5mg EOD

Weeks 14-18 Nolva 40/40/20/20
Weeks 14-18 Clomid 50/50/25/12.5

Current Stats:

Height 5'11"
Weight 172 lbs
BF% around 13-14% I think. (I'm sort of skinny fat)


Protein-300 grams
Carbs-350 grams
Fats-70 grams
Total Calories= 3,030
(Feel free to comment on my macros and make suggestions,especially if you're 3J lol)

My goal is to gain as much size as possible but with minimal fat gain.

I also have Letro on hand just in case as I am prone to gyno from puberty. I have an extra bottle of Nolva as well,and enough Test E to run 15 weeks.
I will be getting bloodwork done about 6-7 weeks in as well as post cycle bloodwork too.

I will try to post some current pics up later today if I can. I have already started the cycle this past monday was my first pin and today I will be pinning again.

Please feel free to add suggestions,comments,advice on what I should do with my cycle as well as how to properly do a log. Thanks.
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have you ran dbol before?? this is your first cycle right?? drop the dbol
No I have never ran the Dbol before I have ran a very powerful pro-hormone before though. I like the Dbol so far and I think I might keep it? I know its better to run just test first cycle to see how my body reacts to the Test because if I have any problems it will be hard to pin point where they stemmed from. I had the best workout yesterday that I have probably ever had, I truly believe it was the dbol but it could have been placebo,either way the workout was great so who cares.
5'11 174... dude you need to learn to eat... what's your diet look like..

i'm 5'11 210 and i think i'm tiny

everything other then your physical stats look great

I'd also run the adex at .25mg eod while running the dbol and possibly increasing to .5mg eod while on the dbol then when you stop taking the dbol lower back to .25mg eod and get blood work
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wait....didnt you recently have issues with your test levels? and now youre going to cycle? what do you expect to happen here?
I track everything I eat I recently was trying to cut down because like I stated I am skinny fat so I was trying to cut fat to get rid of this stupid body comp I have lol then I was going to slowly bulk for a long long time but I decided to say screw it and just add some mass and worry about getting lean after I feel like I am big enough. I was only eating around 2300 calories a day,but i slowly have increased them over the past few weeks up to about 3500.
wait....didnt you recently have issues with your test levels? and now youre going to cycle? what do you expect to happen here?

I believe my test levels weren't that bad. Yes they where on the lower end compared to what the normal is supposed to be but I feel fine and I believe it could be due to where I was dieting pretty hard and had just changed my diet/calories drastically. My levels were 439ng/dl which may be normal for me as everyone is different?
I believe my test levels weren't that bad. Yes they where on the lower end compared to what the normal is supposed to be but I feel fine and I believe it could be due to where I was dieting pretty hard and had just changed my diet/calories drastically. My levels were 439ng/dl which may be normal for me as everyone is different?

right, but do you think you're going to recover back to that level? in most cases, each cycle takes a small toll on your endocrine system.who knows, you could only recover back to 350 ng/dl. i hope you have a backup plan because you are young and trt is not really going to be an option for you. i'd rethink this plan because low test (especially at a young age) sucks sucks sucks. you're in the prime of your dont wanna be a low test depressed chump like i was during these years.

I got lucky...i found a program that would help me at a young age and i am now relying on 2x/wk shots to have good test levels...
this is not well thought out at all.....i spent a lot of time on your threads and through pm's trying to help you...a LOT of time. i dont usually spend that much time on someone and you completely ignored my advice. guess people have to learn the hard way.
right, but do you think you're going to recover back to that level? in most cases, each cycle takes a small toll on your endocrine system.who knows, you could only recover back to 350 ng/dl. i hope you have a backup plan because you are young and trt is not really going to be an option for you. i'd rethink this plan because low test (especially at a young age) sucks sucks sucks. you're in the prime of your dont wanna be a low test depressed chump like i was during these years.

I got lucky...i found a program that would help me at a young age and i am now relying on 2x/wk shots to have good test levels...

I cant say for sure whether or not I will recover fully or not, the plan obviously is for me to recover fully. My backup plan is that if I don't recover I try to get help from a doctor if I can if not then I try to increase my test or do a restart of my HPTA. If all fails and I don't recover and cant find help I dont mind being on TRT even if I must do it myself. I know all of the risks associated with cycling and I am willing to accept whatever may happen, of course the goal is to minimize the risks and nullfiy the ones I can that's why I am making a log and asking for advice.
this is not well thought out at all.....i spent a lot of time on your threads and through pm's trying to help you...a LOT of time. i dont usually spend that much time on someone and you completely ignored my advice. guess people have to learn the hard way.

I took the vast majority of your advice, I didn't completely brush you off and I do appreciate your advice and help. I have friends who are cycling right now and are my age and they recover just fine and some of them don't even take a PCT which blows my damn mind but I am trying my absolute best to be as knowledgeable and responsible about it as I can.
I took the vast majority of your advice, I didn't completely brush you off and I do appreciate your advice and help. I have friends who are cycling right now and are my age and they recover just fine and some of them don't even take a PCT which blows my damn mind but I am trying my absolute best to be as knowledgeable and responsible about it as I can.

have these friends gotten blood tests to ensure they recovered? doubtful. good luck i guess. this was ill advised and shows a lack of maturity imo. curious to see the post pct bloodwork.
have these friends gotten blood tests to ensure they recovered? doubtful. good luck i guess. this was ill advised and shows a lack of maturity imo. curious to see the post pct bloodwork.

I'm sorry you feel that way man. I mad my decision though and I will just have to live with any consequences that may come with it. I doubt they have gotten blood-work but they said they feel just like they did before the cycle but who really knows, I advise them to get blood work but they most likely wont listen to me seeing as how they are much bigger and think they know everything.
i would drop the dbol and have your diet checked.. that's my 2 cents brother

if something goes wrong what are you going to blame, the dbol or the test?? you wont know right??

thats why we do test only first cycle and add one compound at a time
Day 1

I have been holding off on starting my cycle but after talking with a buddy who is cycling I found the courage to go ahead. So I went home Monday night after the gym and did my first injection.
I took a nice hot shower before the injection to get clean and relax the muscle. Then I cleaned the area (right glute) with an alcohol swab. I used a 22g 1.5" to draw the oil and then switched needles to 25g 1" for the injection. I stuck the needle in my outer upper part of my right glute and then had my girlfriend aspirate and then inject. It was totally painless...until my girlfriend took the needle out,she was nervous just as a was and where I was the one who stuck it on when she pulled out she went at a different angle and it wasn't fun it hurt a little and some blood came out and my skin stretched when she pulled out. I was a little pissed because I knew it might make PIP worse but I didn't get mad at her because she was nice enough to do it for me at least. I massaged the area a little bit afterwards and put a band-aid on it. I also took 10mg of Dbol which I shouldnt have done because I believe it kept me up all night I literally couldnt sleep and had some minor stomach aches.
i would drop the dbol and have your diet checked.. that's my 2 cents brother

if something goes wrong what are you going to blame, the dbol or the test?? you wont know right??

thats why we do test only first cycle and add one compound at a time

Okay I will drp the Dbol and save it for next cycle. I had already thought about this and was aware of it but I wanted to try Dbol very vadly. But It can always wait until next cycle,thanks man.
Amd as far as diet goes I am very knowledable with nutrition and dieting I am still trying to find what works for me though. Hopefully I will win the picture contest and then Im sure Ill be making the most out of my cycle.
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Day 2

Woke up and the injection site was a little sore nothing too bad,it wasnt red or anything. I sit at a desk at work most of the day but sometimes I do get up to load containers full of boxes of books,but today we didnt have a container so I sat mostly. Took another 10mg of Dbol in the morning at 7:30 and around 12:30 and then again at 5:30. Went to the gym at 6 and had one of the best workout I have ever had in my life. It may have been placebo but my aggression was intense and my strength was up a little bit too, whether it was placebo or not either way I had a good workout. Other than that PIP wasnt really bad at all it was a little sore when I first stood up but after a minute it was practically gone.
Day 3

I slept much better last night than on the first night of my injection and Dbol. Took the Dbol the same as yesterday. PIP was much worse today, I could hardly move my right leg without my glute hurting pretty badly. I had a container to load today at work that took about 2 hours and my chest has severe DOMS from my workout Monday night and my glute wasn't feeling good at all either so it sucked to say the least. The rest of the day at work went by and my glute was still hurting like hell after sitting for a while the pain would go away but when I stand up I could barely walk which isn't good because I don't want people at work to notice. I didn't go to the gym after work today because my chest and triceps were way way to sore to do shoulders which is what I had planned,plus my glute was still in pain. One thing I have noticed is a decrease in appetite which is not good any thoughts on this?