First Cycle - Orals

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian84
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gator told me what a ass sucking fuck lifttilidie is, he told me a couple weeks ago he was kissin his ass asking him for all kinds of info. he knows nothing of what he is saying. nobody ever listens to people like that. they think their opinion is the only one to be followed, what a sorry pitiful person
I would hold on to the nolva and use it only if necessary, some people are lucky and never get gyno no matter how much test and dbol they run, I have a friend that run a shit load of test, dbol and tren, and he has no gyno whatsoever. Another thing I learned is the too low of a dosage is a waist of time, try 20 if that doesnt do anything then kick it up to 40 cause you only have 8 weeks, for some of us dbol at 20 isnt much, for me atleast. So exeriment but if you dont see a difference then up the fucking dose, if the cycle for any reason goes bad then you might end up loosing more than you have gained, such is this game, get something out of it is all I have to say.
im out, ill be posting a new thread soon, these fucks have ruined this whole lounge with their pointless comments, its called my cycle for a reason.
well yea, if doesnt do anything for me, then im definately goin to up it. wheres lift??? i need his comic book opinion, he had to of read it somewhere in the batman book
Orals are always put down and I would bet money with anyone who would challenge me to run Winstrol (winny) only at 50 mgs a day, I will gain between 10 to 15 pounds in 2 months. I have done it as well, yes test is better for bulking but dont put the others down, orals are underated IMO. Brian you can gain muscle on this cycle but it all depends on how much dose you run and how well your training and diet is, Orals can and will give you good results but it all depends on the dose and diet for the most part. Good night
this cycle is not THAT bad...

my first cycle was without test and i lost my ability to get hard. i would recommend having some test on hand so if that comes up you can add it.
no need to pyramid dosages, run same dose straight through
dont use the nolva unless you need it
get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to control bloat and BP, use it ed

good luck, take before and afters. your cycle can then support or refute the "no orals only" theory
Brian84 said:
gator told me what a ass sucking fuck lifttilidie is, he told me a couple weeks ago he was kissin his ass asking him for all kinds of info. he knows nothing of what he is saying. nobody ever listens to people like that. they think their opinion is the only one to be followed, what a sorry pitiful person

Lies from a desperate man.
Brian84 said:
Well the thing is, im not looking for support. I have a year worth of research, I have learned everything i need to learn. Im not looking to get massive like everyone else is on this board. I know exactly what i'm getting into.

So then you are just scared of needles? Or is your research really been that unproductive?
Brian84 said:
pure stupidity. you probly copied that off another site or thread, who knows. You sound like you have no idea what your talking about, except second hand knowledge. U think you know what ur talking about. obviously not. Thats what an excellent post cycle therapy (pct) will prevent. And some good hair shampoo, go back to the convo lounge and talk about stupid shit with the other people who have no reason for being a member of this board except to talk shit to people.

lol @ shampoo and post cycle therapy (pct)
Brian84 said:
these guys are convo lounge freaks, thats all they do is talk about pointless shit that has no meaning for the people who get on this board for a reason. they have no point in life. everyone ive talked to said these people have no reason for being members of the board

They exist for the reason to help new people not make the same mistakes they did. You exist for us to laugh at the guy who refuses to listen to reason. I don't even know where to start with this terrible cycle idea. First off, Winstrol (winny) is a terrible steroid. It is proven to complete destroy a person's lipid profile as well as cause joint discomfort. It is 17AA and can cause liver damage but by itself that shouldn't be much of an issue for a healthy human being. But throw another 17AA drug, dbol, on top of it and you can reasonably expect some elevated liver enzyme action. And no, milk thistle, isn't going to do anything for that. Best bet is to get some NAC and good ALA to help out. If you have any disposition towards hairloss you will be nicely thinned out by the end of this cycle as well. Don't expect shampoo to do anything for that either. Am I saying you won't make any gains or progress with this cycle? No. I am saying that you could make better, lasting gains with much less dangerous sides if you would just listen to reason and do a test only cycle for your first time around. If anything throw in a little dbol to help kick start the cycle. I love dbol. It's great for strength and mood but I would never use it without test and would definitely never use it with just winny.
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