First Cycle - Orals

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so how are those comic books treating you??? i see they are talking about zombies now in the convo, thats five star shit there
DADAWG said:
sorry gator sus is one compound = test the esters only affect how quick the test is released/used up in the system .
as for 2 orals if both are at a low enough dose and for a short enough cycle that wouldnt be a TERRIBLE cycle but if hes listed doses or durations i missed it .
We will have to agree to disagree my friend. IMO if the molecular structures are different then they are different compounds. It could actually go either way....close call.

His doses are very light.

Appreciate the input....nice to have a mature point of view. I dont know why certain people are takin a difference of opinion to such extremes!!!

Later Dawg!~
Brian84 said:
so how are those comic books treating you??? i see they are talking about zombies now in the convo, thats five star shit there

Glad to see you are keeping up to date on the convo lounge. Now that you've had a taste of how badly you can be pwnded you just can't help but stick your nose in there. You're like a chick who keeps getting slapped around but keeps coming back for more.
gator_mclusky said:
We will have to agree to disagree my friend. IMO if the molecular structures are different then they are different compounds. It could actually go either way....close call.

His doses are very light.

Appreciate the input....nice to have a mature point of view. I dont know why certain people are takin a difference of opinion to such extremes!!!

Later Dawg!~

Actually gator it's you who comes out guns blazing telling me that I have no right to post in this forum, and that I need to step off. If you're going to talk shit you have to be prepared for the consequences.
LiftTillIDie said:
Uneducated opinion? You stupid fuck. Why don't you tell me how doing a dbol/winny only cycle is more intelligent than test only?
Lifts......only after you posted this totally disrespectful post. In the Anabolic section we try to help each other by sharing knowledge and opinions.....calling someone a STUPID FUCK meets niether of the aforementioned. Its a no flame board for a help each other.

gator_mclusky said:
Lifts......only after you posted this totally disrespectful post. In the Anabolic section we try to help each other by sharing knowledge and opinions.....calling someone a STUPID FUCK meets niether of the aforementioned. Its a no flame board for a help each other.


When someone is brash enough to call me uneducated, especially knowing nothing about me, they are a stupid fuck.
LiftTillIDie said:
Horrible cycle. Do some research. You will get no support from the members of this board.
This was totally uncalled for and rude. Myself, Warmachine and Dawg even said it wouldnt be a bad cycle if doses were low which they are. Why all the hate man.....what happened in the last two weeks. Hope youre alright man, if not, Im good at listening.


gator_mclusky said:
This was totally uncalled for and rude. Myself, Warmachine and Dawg even said it wouldnt be a bad cycle if doses were low which they are. Why all the hate man.....what happened in the last two weeks. Hope youre alright man, if not, Im good at listening.



You've got to be kidding me. My life is falling apart because you get called out for retarded posts? Maybe you should flip the mirror padna. Or just venture into the convo lounge...
LiftTillIDie said:
You've got to be kidding me. My life is falling apart because you get called out for retarded posts? Maybe you should flip the mirror padna. Or just venture into the convo lounge...
I tried man....good luck. Maybe you should STAY in the convo lounge.

gator_mclusky said:
I tried man....good luck. Maybe you should STAY in the convo lounge.


Maybe you shouldn't base all your advice off of your own personal experiences. I.E. I run Winstrol (winny) with everything and never get any sides.
Brian....all I've got to say is I don't like the cycle and Bleach and Lift have provided adequate reasons as to why but it is your cycle and your health. Post up the results when you are done and then post up where you're at 45 days after that.
Have fun and I bet your liver is going to rip your O-ring as it tries to exit your body for safer grounds.
LiftTillIDie said:
Maybe you shouldn't base all your advice off of your own personal experiences. I.E. I run Winstrol (winny) with everything and never get any sides.
Ive done many cycles without Winstrol and I always say that "Everybodies different"
Ive gone along with numerous cycles that dont have winstrol in it....for example Test Suspension/Tren.
I advise from experience because actual experience beats the hell out of hearsay and bullshit rumors on the internet.

Just because you read all this shit sayin how bad it is for you doesnt mean its going to happen. Shit, read all the shit about all the injectables, they have pretty similar shit man. and you will never know anything til you have actually done it.
Fender said:
Brian....all I've got to say is I don't like the cycle and Bleach and Lift have provided adequate reasons as to why but it is your cycle and your health. Post up the results when you are done and then post up where you're at 45 days after that.
Have fun and I bet your liver is going to rip your O-ring as it tries to exit your body for safer grounds.
Fender....he's only using 400 5 mg dbols and 50 50mg Winstrols.......that is about as light as one can go.
If that were the be dead!

I see where youre coming from and respect your opinion but this is one light cycle.
go read a comic book lift with all the others that never do actually lift and like to say they do to look hard
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