First Cycle

Day 18, Good Friday

Went out last night, and didn't get home until this morning. I did manage to keep my diet, even though I was at a casino (I did have a coffee and a couple diet cokes, no biggie imo). I slept in until like 3pm and woke up and had my shake and continued to eat my meals throughout the day. No leg workout today, cuz the gyms closed. I'll go in tommorow and blast em. It's actually a good thing, since I still have pain in my glute as well as a little lump. I haven't ever had a workout on a saturday at this gym, so it'll be a little different.

I'm hoping that someone will be there to help me squat, I'm going for 315, and i'm pretty confident that I will do it however it would be nice to have someone there. I don't care though, I got the squat rack so if worst comes to worst, i'm just going to look a little stupid not being able to get the weight up (and i've been through that a few times already, so i'm used to it, lol).

Other than that, bulking up is not cheap. I'm almost outta weight gainer (enough for one more shake) and then I gotta buy more @ like $80 a tub...add all the chicken and other foods on top of that and it's startin to get pricey. I start a new summer job as an assistant construction manager soon so that is going to really help out. I'm a little concerned about the hours, cuz i have about a 45min to 1hr drive there and back, plus I start at like 7:30 or maybe even earlier. It's gonna be hard, but that's life.

I'll check in tommorow after I workout.
Hey bro, don't spend $80 on a weight gainer. Try this, it's cheap, healthier, and very effective.

2 scoops of whey.....50g of protein
4 scoops of Oats......54g of good carbs, 6-8g of good fats, and 10g of good protein
1 1/2 tblsp flax seed oil......~20g Essential fatty acids....good fats

Blend it up in water or milk with a couple ice cubes and viola, roughly 750-800 quality calories. You can experiment and throw in some of your favorite fruits or whatever you like, just find the taste you enjoy. A banana in it tastes very good! And here's the price breakdown.

5lb jug of ON Chocolate Mint whey ~$27
Big canister of Oats ~$2
24oz of Flax seed oil (50 servings) ~$16

So for around $45, you can have about 45-50 servings. How many servings are there in the weight gainer?

Are you in the states?

You don't really have to run the liquidex through post cycle therapy (pct), really the only Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I would run through post cycle therapy (pct) is Aromasin. Your cycle is pretty light, so honestly I wouldn't worry about it.
I'm actually in Canada. I already bought some gainer today, but after I run out, I'll definately give your shake a try. My shake lasted me about 3 weeks x twice a day so about 40 servings or so.
Day 19, Saturday

Nothing special today. I was reading a thread in the diet forum about having great strength after eating fast food so I decided I would give it a try (strictly for scientific purposes of course :) ). I went in a worked legs today. My goal was to put up 315 for the first time. I easily pump out 4 with 315. I wanted to up the weight again, but I decided to hold back and keep my progress slow and controlled in order to avoid any further injury. I have to admit the rush was great finally putting up 3 plates, and that's finally when people start to really notice you at the gym. I can't wait till i'm benching that! Anyways, i'm all hyped up now. I gotta go buy more food to eat.

I also weighed in today, 199 on the dot. I'm just finishing week three and I'm up 7lbs. If this continues, this could be a 30lb cycle, of course i'm sure that I have a substantial amount of water gain, which will be gone once im done.

Yup up 7lbs! Feels good. I did stop taking the arimidex for now. I'm going to continue in week 4, since i have a limited supply for now. I don't think the test has fully kicked in, but I'm starting to definately notice an increase in strength. I'll go to lift weights that were pretty hard before and all of a sudden it's like feathers on my back lol.

I think I have a bunch of things going for me though. 1st, I don't think i was quite at my genetic potential, so gains without gear were possible, but on gear i'll grow like a weed. My diet has been pretty spot on, eat tons of protein and carbs. Probably most of all, my receptors are new to gear to they are acting very well right now.

I am really worried about stretch marks, so i'm going to start applying vit. E oil soon, when I can find some. I don't mind a bit of stretch marks, but I have seen some stretch mark disasters where I would be ashamed to even take off my shirt. I have actually gained a lot more than 7lbs in the past 2 months. The heaviest i've ever been was about 210 lbs, then I cut down to about 175 where I was really lean. I maintained that weight for a while, then decided I wanted to cycle, after reading a whole bunch on this site. I wanted to be 190lbs with a decent BF% before I started, and I achieved that goal. So really, in the last 2 months or so i've put back on 25lbs so far. I can already see some stretch marks forming on my armpits, and I know they will get much worse as I put on another 15-25lbs.
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Day 20, Saturday - Easter!

So it's easter today. Happy Easter or Passover to everyone. I woke up pretty late today, i'm trying to get as much sleeping in as possible till about the middle of next week, when I will being organizing my biological clock in preparation for my new job. My diet was kind off but okay today, I ate all the right foods, but probably contained more fat than usual. Like for dinner I ate turkey, stuffing and potatoes. Lunch I had chicken and rice at a middle-eastern restaurant.

Other than that, I have an injection today, which I'm about to go and do. I'm anticipating tommorow, when I'm aiming to bench 240-245. My personal benching record was 265 when I was 210lbs, natty. I'm pretty sure that i'll obliterate that record by the time I'm done my cycle.

JT190 said:
Hey bro, don't spend $80 on a weight gainer. Try this, it's cheap, healthier, and very effective.

2 scoops of whey.....50g of protein
4 scoops of Oats......54g of good carbs, 6-8g of good fats, and 10g of good protein
1 1/2 tblsp flax seed oil......~20g Essential fatty acids....good fats

Blend it up in water or milk with a couple ice cubes and viola, roughly 750-800 quality calories. You can experiment and throw in some of your favorite fruits or whatever you like, just find the taste you enjoy. A banana in it tastes very good! And here's the price breakdown.

5lb jug of ON Chocolate Mint whey ~$27
Big canister of Oats ~$2
24oz of Flax seed oil (50 servings) ~$16

So for around $45, you can have about 45-50 servings. How many servings are there in the weight gainer?.

nice to here your gains are comming along outlaw..also to add on to JT's suggestion for wt gainers..go look in the recipe area..i made a whole thread with shakes/wt gainers in it..lots of ideas..
Day 21, Monday

So it's been exactly 3 weeks today, making this the start of my fourth. It was chest day today, and I can tell you that strength is up. I bench 245 x 5 today. It's almost shocking the strength and size gains i'm goin through. If it keeps up, i might bench 315! Though i'm definately not banking on it, that would make me really happy. I woke up late again today, but have kept to my diet so far, everythings just delayed a bit. I hope to get around 203-204 this week. I'm gonna eat like an animal.

that's pretty much it for now, injectedm y Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) today. Still, no noticable decrease in testicular size. Also, I notice 2 pimples on my back, whiteheads. I think they are caused by the gear, but mostly because I haven't been washing as frequently as I should be. i'm goin back to 3 showers a day.

Oh yes, I also restarted my liquidex today. I have noticed that i'm not quite as cut as before I started, could be bloat or some fat gain. I was wondering though, does liqudiex have an effect on your sex drive? because I noticed that I took it once and my sex drive was shot that was only once, so it could have just been a bad day or something. Just a question.
Day 22, Tuesday

No inejctions today, just a workout. Once again, I broke a personal record for my DL @ 355lbs x 3reps. Felt pretty good. Strength was very good today. I did 3 sets of rows w/ 120lbs for 6-8 reps each set. Diet was good today as well, though I ran out of chicken and had to buy more. Chest is feeling great after yesterdays workout, nice and sore. I really feel it getting larger and deeper. I think when you hit around the 220lb mark, at my height, is when you start to really get a noticable chest. That's what i'm aiming for right now.

Other than that, feeling good all around.
Day 23, Wednesday

Day off the gym and day of any injections. Just stuck to diet pretty much, I did cheat and have some fast food today. Otherwise, all is regular.
Day 24, Thursday

It's arms/shoulders today as well as 2 injections (HCG and Test). I didn't work out yet, but I did inject already. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) went fine as usual. The test was a disaster. I tried a delt shot today. First I tried my left delt, when I stuck the pin in, my delt started to spasm. I took out the pin. Then (after changed pins) I tried my right delt. It was painful going in, but not that bad. I aspirated and shot. It was very sore immediately after, and continues to be. I dunno if i'll do this injection again, I think I'd rather try inner quad or calfs. We'll we how I fell tommorow though...
outlawtas2 said:
Day 24, Thursday

It's arms/shoulders today as well as 2 injections (HCG and Test). I didn't work out yet, but I did inject already. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) went fine as usual. The test was a disaster. I tried a delt shot today. First I tried my left delt, when I stuck the pin in, my delt started to spasm. I took out the pin. Then (after changed pins) I tried my right delt. It was painful going in, but not that bad. I aspirated and shot. It was very sore immediately after, and continues to be. I dunno if i'll do this injection again, I think I'd rather try inner quad or calfs. We'll we how I fell tommorow though...

hmm this makes me nervous because I want to hit my delt next time. I am thinking the soreness there won't bother me as much because you don't have constant weight on your delts like you do on your legs. Between leg work and shots I can barely walk right now.
LiftTillIDie said:
hmm this makes me nervous because I want to hit my delt next time. I am thinking the soreness there won't bother me as much because you don't have constant weight on your delts like you do on your legs. Between leg work and shots I can barely walk right now.

Actually, you shouldn't be nervous. It's now about 5 hours after my inject and everything is fine. Not sore at all. It was sore for about 30-40 minutes and that was it, though i'm sure it will be a little sore tomorrow.

Just make sure that you inject deep enough, because towards the last 1/4 of my injection, I guess I was pulled the needle out a bit and I saw some gear leak out. After I massaged it, all was fine and no more came out. I think I overreacted at the time...BTW, I did get another little spasm in the delt I injected in, that lasted about 10 minutes.

I retract my previous statement, I think I will definately inject in my delts again. You shouldn't really have to worry either, i'm sure you got lots of meat!
Day 24, Thursday, Pt. 2

Well I just got back from the gym and had a pretty amazing workout. Once again, I was limited on some shoulder exercises, for instance there was no chance of me doing lateral raises or hitting rear delts directly. Besides that, my tricep and bicep workouts were the best I've ever had, getting a really good pump with good strength.

I guess I'm kinda lucky that it's my shoulder that's injured, because it still gets a lot of work with chest and back, so i'm not really missing out on too much. I still do heavy exercises like military presses and dumbell presses, but I can't do anything that really isolates the shoulders in a funny position or puts a lot of weight on the joints (lateral raises).

Otherwise, I don't have any injections until Monday (Test, HCG) and I'm hoping for a nice number when I weigh in tommorow.

Feeling Update

I feel pretty good. I'm starting to get on my Ex's nerves with how much I wanna bone/ and or other stuff, I mean that literally - she's gettin pissed ("that's all you want from me" blah blah blah). Women.

Strength wise, I'm definately up. And I feel like i'm growing in all the right places. I feel my arms getting bigger, my chest and my legs and back - but not my stomach at all. It's pretty amazing. This is how humans should be built like from the factory, lol.

I have no negative sides as of yet, save a bit of acne on my shoulders and back. This is probably caused by not keeping up with my 3 shower a day rule. In the last week there was a few times where I only showered once. That's coming to a stop though, I'
d like to stay acne free as much as possible.
great journal bro! how many times a day are you tryin to fuck your girl? haha kinda personal just wonder how the extra test is doin you... you should post up some of your workouts, id love to see your strength progress and me something to look forward to on my first many cals a day are you eating?
rookie03 said:
great journal bro! how many times a day are you tryin to fuck your girl? haha kinda personal just wonder how the extra test is doin you... you should post up some of your workouts, id love to see your strength progress and me something to look forward to on my first many cals a day are you eating?

Well, i'm not satisfied after 2 rounds of goin at it, and that's daily plus what I gotta fill in for myself :bj: which is probably enough to put me on the death penalty if I was a mormon.

My Bench is already up 20lbs, and steadily increasing as with all my lifts. I'm trying to get in 4-5k cals a day, and hit that mark probably 9 outta 10 days.