First ever Cycle

Not sure if anyone is still following this thread but I've ordered (with friends advice) Medistar test 400 blend for my first cycle. One pin per week at 400 mg per pin. Supposedly, their blend is painless as compared to others.

A t400 blend that's "painless" ???

What are you guys smoking and can I please have some of it ? It is probably the most painful thing you can inject next to suspension IM.

DUDE - for a first cycle and for once a week you inject Test-e. It comes as 200mg/ml or 250mg/ml (less common). You take one jab of 2ml.

It peaks after 4/5 days and goes to baseline in 14. Stays stable.

don't know if it's against some rules but read this post about some guys injecting t400 ...

Let me give you some solid medical advice if you want to avoid IM pain - get your hands on some injectable Xiline (lidocaine) - 1% concentration OK 2% concentration BETTER

Take 1cc or 2cc of lidocaine put it in a syringe - inject IM -- use topical lidocaine 10% if you are pain sensitive - now wait 5-10minutes. Everything that ends in "caine" (including cocaine) is a vaso-constrictor so your rate of absorption will decrease but total overall absorption stays the same.

Now inject test in same spot - you won't feel anything for up to 4 hours. Downside is two shots - the lidocaine you can use a nr.27 needle which leaves less scarring.

Waiting up to 15minutes after lidocaine injection is rec if you're doing total (lido+ test) 4ml+ --- water based lidocaine will absorb very quickly within max 30mins.

Don't try to put in same syringe. It will "work" but won't emulsify - heavy oils and water don't mix and you might have trouble getting it in right.

You can also use Marcaine 2cc highest concentration and it will provide MUCH longer pain relief (up to 24 hrs - but at the cost of slightly higher toxicity).
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Hey Robbo, thanks for the tips. Since I posted that I was going with the test blend I discussed the pain of the blends issue with my friend and we decided to go with test e instead...its on the way.
As for the pinning, i've convinced myself to do it and I'm going to be brave, lol. I'm planning to start with one pin per week of 400ml per week. If I find that I'm ok with the pinning I'll change to 2 pins per week of 200ml ea.
Test is Test regardless if U run Test-E, C, or Blends! I prefer Testosterone Blends personally.
Hey Robbo, thanks for the tips. Since I posted that I was going with the test blend I discussed the pain of the blends issue with my friend and we decided to go with test e instead...its on the way.
As for the pinning, i've convinced myself to do it and I'm going to be brave, lol. I'm planning to start with one pin per week of 400ml per week. If I find that I'm ok with the pinning I'll change to 2 pins per week of 200ml ea.

robbocopp likes bravery - robbocopp likes sucking it up better !! and when all else fails use lidocaine and don't tell anyone

you don't need two pins with testee ... you peak around 5 days so two pins gives you nothing extra.
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