Do the cardio prior to your first meal. That way the body has no food in it to use as fuel so it uses stored fat as energy.
I'll try it. My only concern is my hypoglycemia. If my blood sugar is low due to not eating, I get weak and dizzy. Maybe i can carry a couple candies with me just in case.
Do some carnitine before your workout - might help burn some fat - about 2-4 grams. And I do like the diet intake.
And Scarz - I do not believe testosterone and d-bol are what anyone trying to reduce bodyfat and tone up a bit should take. The guy is over 50, doesn't mention adding inches, doesn't mention benching 300-400lbs, squatting 500lbs+.
You want strength ok - mass ok - you have plateaued and need to break through ok -- you are a pro who needs to keep mass on year round ok.
But you say I want to reduce bodyfat and put on a couple of lbs of muscle and, btw I'm 50+ and testosterone and d-bol DO NOT come to my mind first or second.
In past50's case - I acquiesced that a testosterone cycle might be ok with proper hcg therapy and running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the whole time. And I say "acquiesced" because I am not convinced but in this limited fashion it might be "OK".
I'm not familiar with the 2 products that you mentioned (carnitine, scarz).
As for the test cycle, I guess I've made up my mind to go ahead with it. I'll let you know how it works out for me.
Ok, I'm new to this site and new to AAS. I've done a lot research and have been getting advice from someone with experience. So, from all of this I've made the dicision to do a cycle.
First, a little about me. I'm 52, 5'8", 162lbs.
I've been working out 4 days per wk and do cardio 4 days per week (16 miles total). I've been lifting for over five years. My body fat is around 20%. I've always had difficulty with keeping my b/f down. I consider my diet to be good (not perfect). About 2500-2800 cal per day, with a low fat intake.
My goal is not to be a competitive body builder, rather, I am hoping to achieve a lower b/f level, while moderately increasing muscle mass and definition.
Ok, thats me in a nutshell. Now this is what my friend has recommended:
Test e, 1 cc per wk, for 10 wks
Dbol, 20mg ed, for first 2 weeks (kick start)
Winny, 20-30mg beginning in the 4th week until end of cycle.
Nolva, light dosage beginning in 2nd week and higher dosage for a 3 wk PCT.
My questions are;
1) does this look like a decent first cycle to achieve my goals?
2) Is 1cc of test (200-250mg) per wk a sufficient amount to really get any effect at all?
I'd appreciate thoughts and advice. Keep in mind that I'm not trying to look like Jay or Ronnie and I am 52 so my normal test levels are a lot less than the 20 somethings.
Bro if your looking to burn fat and look fucking great thins is what i would do.
Test-prop@100mg/EOD(16 weeks)
Tren-ace@50mg/EOD(14 weeks)
Anavar@60mg/ED(6-8 weeks)
Being 52 you should be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) already.
Burn more cals then you eat, give it some time, now look good![]()
i'm not familiar with the 2 products that you mentioned (carnitine, scarz).
no tren on the first go-round. and 16 weeks of prop might create quite a bit of scar tissue. although I do agree that if you're looking to burn fat and gain lean mass then there's no better option than prop/var. running 100 prop eod/50 var ed for 8 weeks would give more than what uve said you're looking for. Then your next issue would be to deal with the addiction![]()
I'm not familiar with the 2 products that you mentioned (carnitine, scarz).
As for the test cycle, I guess I've made up my mind to go ahead with it. I'll let you know how it works out for me.
Look up carnitine on the web - lots of info on it and legal - when doing aerobic activity it will help convert fat to energy. It's for real.
olympic team (I work with ski and judo and tennis) training this year (here) uses carnitine prior to workout.
"Scarz" I don't think you can take a lot of.Only available on this board.
Yeah, I noted decision with test - like I said, run HcG or you might have some unpleasant surprises.
I don't see a problem with that. Although pinning twice a week is recommended once a week is acceptable. I would say pin 200 every 4th day, just my opinion.
good info stang50.
pump, i hope u've figured out by now i'm not a product![]()